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The Bread Wolf

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Everything posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. The Bread Wolf

    Gonna do my everything to get them both. Gotta say, when I started listening to Kalvary, I never would've believed they'd be one of the fastest growing V-kei bands out there. I'm proud of my boys.
  2. The Bread Wolf

    Well it's 3:45pm in Finland already and no sign of the apocalypse yet. I hope it'll come before I buy a new traveling box for my corgi pup, or else I die $90 poorer. My supervisor told me the apocalypse doesn't come during the work shift. It always comes on your free time. SO EVERYONE GET TO WORK AND WE CAN AVOID THE DESTRUCTION.
  3. The Bread Wolf

    Everyone except Ushiwaka will eventually depart. Just like happened with Tomodachi and Onimura. No, really, this is unfortunate.
  4. The Bread Wolf

    Rame. Wat r u doin. Rame. Stahp.
  5. The Bread Wolf

    I can only recall one actually bad vocalist. There are probably others as well, mostly from really really small bands, but somehow they've not stuck in my mind. Anyways, Mashiro from Paradeis. He's actually just horrible. :'D He couldn't stay on tune even if his life depended on it. Also, his singing is quite emotionless and he sounds like he's incredibly bored and singing just to pass time. To be honest, he sounds like a 3-year-old with no musical talent whatsoever. Or well, he might have musical talent as much as a 3-year-old should have. Other one is probably ex-Arc's, now FUTURISM BOYZ CO-. I mean... I love him. I love him to death, but I can see why most people don't agree with me. :'D Especially earlier Arc stuff was rather hilarious than musically genius. He sang so passionately, yet failed completely to hit the right notes. He was always kinda singing somewhere close the real melody, but there was something off about it. When I first listened to Arc's Rakugaki Kyoukasho I didn't exactly know whether I was supposed to laugh or cry. I almost started hating him. :'D Like, really, give it a go: hnbSqgbjs7c
  6. The Bread Wolf

    Well thank you, too. ^-^
  7. The Bread Wolf

    Happy birthday to the dearest panda puppy in the whole world <3
  8. The Bread Wolf

    Ohh you're really pretty, I love your makeup! Thankies. ^-^
  9. The Bread Wolf

    Agreed. One smoking hot panda indeed. So here's a couple of pics of me. You can think anything you like about them.
  10. The Bread Wolf

    Yes I'd love to be japonese with tiny eyes and a flat nose and bad teeth. No, seriously. Why would I want to be Japanese when all the Japs so dearly idolize western features like pale skin and big eyes?
  11. The Bread Wolf

    All ex-UCP bands will be signed here.
  12. The Bread Wolf

    I don't support the legalization of any drug. To be honest, I think we should ban all the now legal drugs as well. This is because I'm boring. No, seriously. My argument is that people are already misusing the existing legal drugs, meaning mostly alcohol. So why give them more drugs they can misuse? It's like giving more toys to a child that keeps breaking them for fun.
  13. The Bread Wolf

    ^ That's the point. LSD is not addictive at all. So that can't be used as an argument against the legalization of LSD. But it's potential to trigger a psychological disorder can.
  14. The Bread Wolf

    LSD can cause trips so severely bad that it triggers a psychological disorder like schizophrenia. And this isn't the same thing as with weed, because that as well can trigger psychological disorders but only if they're dormant. I think a drug's potentiality to cause psychological issues is a pretty good reason to not legalize it, don't you think? Not all reasons are always related to it's addictiveness.
  15. The Bread Wolf

    Well the new look is kinda... uhh... kinda... I'm thinking about every other oshare/neo visual band here.
  16. The Bread Wolf

    New cosmetic contact lenses. In other words, these: Diameter: 16.2mm That is huge, my friends.
  17. Unlike the godless person above, I'm really looking forward to this as I've looked forward to every ingenius masterpiece they've released. And not only because their new outfits are really traditional and might indicate to a direction of neo japanesque-ish single.
  18. In the one-man live at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2013/01/13, everyone buying more than worth of 5,000yen of stuff will be given a tour document DVD from their previous one-man tour.
  19. The Bread Wolf

    If by "very close friends" you mean dating, because apparently they were XD Yeah, Panda kinda said it. They were dating. Unless you mean you've seen recent pictures of them together like they're really close friends?
  20. The Bread Wolf

    What to you mean by "breaking up with Rui"? They were together and then they broke up and then Egoist disbanded?
  21. The Bread Wolf

    Kinda obvious that Hasune didn't join them after breaking up with Rui. :'D
  22. The Bread Wolf

    Oooow~ Finally! I was wondering where they were!
  23. The Bread Wolf

    Native speakers suck at English too. As a matter of fact, you speak English as a second language better than a lot of people I know who speak it as their only language! I notice that non-native speakers are sometimes better at spelling than native speakers XD Haven't you heard the phrase that people hate about others the features they dislike about themselves? Foreigners are total grammar nazis when it comes to English. Or at least I am. XD Plus, I'd be totally embarrassing to obviously be a foreigner.
  24. The Bread Wolf

    Saw this coming a long time a go so I'm not too shocked. I'll just be afraid for the bands that are not good enough to be signed on any other label. :'D But maybe this will be the end of A, B, C, D, E, F, G and secret X type releases.
  25. The Bread Wolf

    As a customer service worker (as in cashier) I steeled my mentality for jackass customers who think it's my fault that they'll have to bother coming all the way from their home to my store to buy all sorts of necessities (of course, if world was perfect, we'd all have our own personal grocery stores appearing wherever we need them). I manage with them because I know I'm not gonna have to look at that elephant's ass face for more than a few minutes. I can handle a few minutes of rudeness with a smile. But when the rude ones are your own co-workers, with no higher position in the company, that just decided that I'm a fucking useless and dumb bitch because I dunno everything about working at the register AFTER WORKING 1,5 WEEKS and still do mistakes. Those faces I'll have to look at 7 to 8 hours a day. And they're the ones I should ask for help when I mess up or when I don't really know how something works. How encouraging. I'm afraid of going to work tomorrow, since I'm working on the worst rush hours and I'm sure to make a few mistakes.
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