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The Bread Wolf

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Everything posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. The Bread Wolf

    Kiitos <3 Yritän kovasti Olen niin innoissani, koska ostin tänään lentoliput Suomeen. Hyvästi rahat~ X3 Dying in 3...2...1... No en kirjottanu suomeks sori.
  2. The Bread Wolf

    ^ Älä viitti, raukka yrittää~
  3. The Bread Wolf

    Your gf is obsessed. Tell her you're not 14-year-olds anymore and adults need adult space.
  4. The Bread Wolf

    Huomatkaa, immeiset, että pyrin olemaan töissä esim. kaikki pyhäpäivät, koska a) parempi liksa ja vältyn viettämästä mitään pippaloita perheeni kanssa. Ja joo, Nuku tulee mukaan jos saatte jotenkin ihmeen kaupalla suostuteltua Pandan mukaanne. :'D Tosin voin kokemuksesta sanoa, että se tulee ensisijaisesti kysymään multa, että haluanko MÄ lähteä. Eli se menee enemmänkin niin päin, että jos minä päätän haluta tulla, niin Panda lähtee mun mukaan.
  5. The Bread Wolf

    I found stevia sweetened milk chocolate at the local supermarket. It's got less carbs and more protein than 70% dark chocolate and IT STILL TASKES LIKE MILK CHOCOLATE. I won't have to restrain from chocolate ever again <3
  6. The Bread Wolf

    ^ Good luck, have fun, use a condom.
  7. The Bread Wolf

    How sad. I wonder if they disband now since the guys have been together in the same band since like... 2004.
  8. The Bread Wolf

    This. I dunno what happened with them but they just seemed to loose interest in doing this stuff, either Dali or music itself. Well, I hope Ren and Keeto still continue making music together. They've seemed inseparable since I don't know when. Just wish, wish for any deity out there that Dali won't become like Phantasmagoria, doing revival lives 123546564 times after disbandment. Let them rest in peace.
  9. The Bread Wolf

    It's good they're still going on after the departure of two members. Though I hope someone teaches them better mixing skills.
  10. The Bread Wolf

    Voin tulla mukaan, jos miitti ei vaadi alkoholisoitumiseen osallistumista (eikä pahasti alkoholisoituneiden vahtimista).
  11. The Bread Wolf

    iRZ2Sh5-XuM Please tell me why.
  12. The Bread Wolf

    Huvin vuoksi. Elämällä on ihan yhtä paljon merkitystä kuin kaikella muullakin, mitä satumme elämässämme tekemään. :'D Onko alkoholinjuonnilla suurempi merkitys? Ei, teemme sitä huvin vuoksi. Onko mäkkiruuan syömisellä suurempi merkitys? Ei, teemme sitä, koska se on kivaa. Tai jotkut tekee.
  13. The Bread Wolf

    There were a lot of guys saying that the first thing people notice about them is their huge dick. And my first thought was: "Are all these guys walking around on streets without pants?"
  14. The Bread Wolf

    A japanese girl sums up some famous movies in English. More on this channel: japanarchist
  15. The Bread Wolf

    Because they can. These decisions have been made by people who can afford buying every musical release they want, thus they can not view the matter objectively. Though also some people are just pretty much assholes and they don't even try to buy releases they could afford because "they can download it free online".
  16. The Bread Wolf

    Panda, since you're a techical genius, can you also connect your laptop to my TV (or more like, the widescreen TV we have upstairs) and the surrond sound system like Heroin did? I WANNA TRY THAT OUT. Especially since we have like... um... 5 subwoofers, with two at the back, two at the sides and one in the middle, so think about servant sounds coming from behind your back~
  17. The Bread Wolf

    I've watched the show until the season 2 ep. 3 so I'm quite a lot behind all of you. :'D And I definitely agree with most of you guys and my opinion of the second season and the characters' actions in it is: If someone causes trouble by shooting vainly, running off for fun, screaming, not being able to defend oneself or other way, that one should be immediately sacrificed. A kid running to a forrest? Don't go searching for it. Leave it there. A woman screaming for her life and shooting the ass off of one zombie, alerting a dozen of others, don't save, let her be killed. You'll have more time to run while the screaming bitch keeps zombies busy. Works every time. That's why my favorite characters this far have been Glenn and Daryl. Glenn is a wuss, but wussies survive because they remain stealthy, quiet and mostly hiding, and they don't even know how to operate a gun enough to shoot anything, thus no zombie alert. And Daryl with his cross bow is just brilliant. Nothing more to say.
  18. The Bread Wolf

    Said to be the scariest game of all time. I have watched LPs of Amnesia countless times already and they still manage to give me chills. Yet, I watched Biopanda playing it while he was here and after the beginning - which resulted me running off the room squealing and holding a pillow - it wasn't that scary at all. :'D Maybe because Panda was way too good at it and managed to avoid nearly all monsters before they could even come near him and because I had watched so many LPs that I already knew what he was supposed to do, so I gave him instructions. The latter might have resulted the former (that's why he tried to forbid me to watch LPs of the new Amnesia game coming out in fall, so that we could play it together a bit later and this time be really scared since neither of us would have the slightest idea of what to do or where to run). Though watching him play Justine ended up being an impossible task for me, because I indeed had no idea what to do or where to go. XD I haven't watched even one succesfull LP of it. I tried playing Amnesia once, but I quit after a while. Whereas my commentary on the game was hilarious (according to those who were watching), I got too scared of the game because I couldn't handle the control keys too well. Meaning that I opened doors of all kinds to my face and ran to walls since I didn't have any sense of distance in the game. When there was a door on either side of me I'd turn too soon and hit the wall next to it. So I concluded that if one of the servants came after me, I'd die instantly because I'd either open a closet door to my face, resulting it to slam shut again, or I'd run to a wall and get killed in mere seconds. How many of you have played Amnesia? Would you like to? Did you find it scary or not? How about Justine? Have you watched LPs of either one?
  19. The Bread Wolf

    Most certainly not me! You find the right answer in the eyes of the kitty in my signature.
  20. The Bread Wolf

    That's one way to put it, yeah. For some reason I kinda like the synths they use in that song. They're very um... offensive... but certainly unique. And I thought I was the only one who actually kinda liked the PV. :'D It's "special".
  21. The Bread Wolf

    Well at least it's different. :'D
  22. The Bread Wolf

    Welcome to the party! ...the party of awkward single people, that is :'D :/ Who's awkward?
  23. The Bread Wolf

    After 5 years of relationship I join your jolly fellowship of singleness. Yay.
  24. The Bread Wolf

    You're so quick to sell me to the zoo, huh Well, I guess not every zoo has a biopanda, now do they? *cough*
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