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The Bread Wolf

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Everything posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. The Bread Wolf

    @Biopanda shot a couple of videos of my beasts. Apparently mostly about the howling hyena. But you can see a glimpse of my noodle pup as well. Yes, both are corgis. The other one is just long haired.
  2. The Bread Wolf

    What? Ren without Keeto? This can't be happening. Oh, wait, since Ren announced it in Lotman's live without Keeto it's probably just that. Keeto will be there. Just wait for it.
  3. Why do they look so cute but suck so much. This pain I'm going through for not liking their music.
  4. The Bread Wolf

    One word: IKEA. Bought everything, man, EVERYTHING. Mainly I went there for a shoe rack since my shoes are kinda just a disorganized pile in my hallway. But I ended up buying some plates and bowls as well, and coat hangers, and just everything. Stuff.
  5. The Bread Wolf

    Hey dog ppl! Do you have any ideas on how to get a reluctant dog to fetch? I mean, my dog is a fucking genius. She only a year and a half old and already knows a ton of really useful commands (not circus tricks though), like left, right, stop, lie down, wait etc. And she's so bright that I'd like to compete with her. The only problem is that um... she doesn't know how to fetch. Like, she has the usual "hunting instict" that she'll go after a moving object, but as soon as the object (whether it's a ball or a stick or a plush toy) stops moving, she loses interest. Sometimes she takes the object into her mouth, but leaves it halfway. If I bring out treats she'll forget the object instantly and come for the treat. If anyone has any ideas on how to get her to fetch, I'd be happy. :'D
  6. The Bread Wolf

    You shall be greatly missed, comrade. *takes off the sombrero and sniffles a bit* Kiddin'! No one misses you. See ya on skype!
  7. The Bread Wolf

    I'm sick. Really badly. This thing might lead to my death. I have something called... PUPPY FEVER. MUST... GET... A.... PUPPY... Already found like a million of possible candidates for adoption.
  8. The Bread Wolf

    I just finished reading Junji Ito's Uzumaki. Heck that was one weird horror manga. And the ending was lame. So uhh if everyone knows any good horror mangas out there with horror as it's main genre (and not like fantasy adventure with horror-ish themes), recommend me some. But no Junji Ito anymore. I think I'm done with people being obsessed with spirals and girls regenerating from tiny pieces.
  9. The Bread Wolf

    This band gotta stop being so awesome (and abusing the different writing styles of Japanese, geez, that's not how you katakana).
  10. Biopanda is gay for my inner man, arite fellas.

    1. Biopanda


      Coming out of the closet on MH.

  11. The Bread Wolf

    Holy mother of Kisaki. All ex. UCP artists on these labels. Now.
  12. The Bread Wolf

    Yeah I have. At least twice. The first time was when I was 11 and my tonsils were removed due to me constantly suffering from pharyngitis and during the healing process the surgery wounds in my mouth opened and started bleeding really heavily, resulting in me being at loss of blood. And that caused me to black out on our hallway. :'D The second one was, I think, a year later when I was in a spa hotel with my family. Everyone had gotten up earlier than me and my mum had opened the curtains, but I wanted to sleep more and got up to close them. Apparently I got up too fast and thus, blacked out, hitting my head on the TV set. :'D Gosh, I just constantly injure myself. What do you think is the ultimate question (of which answer is the well known 42)?
  13. The Bread Wolf

    Because this thread was supposed to be a conversation about which one is better if either and why, not just a simple listing of which one do you like better. Quite frankly, I - as the starter of the thread - am not the least interested in how many here prefer the new VK and how many the old VK.
  14. The Bread Wolf

    ^ I don't think that's so unpopular. :'D I think quite many of us love vocalists who have no idea about singing. The difference lies between them who admit it and them who don't. I admit my favorite vocalist has fucking no idea what he's doing, and you can hear it. But he's having fun alright, and that's what affects me. I think it's cute as well. And it makes them unique. Like, half of the VK artists who can sing sound exactly like some other VK artist who can sing. But those who can't sing never fail quite the same way as some other person fails. :'D
  15. The Bread Wolf

    I'm not confused why Mind of the sun dislikes Silent Hill 2. I'm confused of how can he hate Silent Hill 2 and like Homecoming! Seriously, Homecoming is like probably the worst game of the SH series of all time. The graphics are nice, yeah, but the whole gameplay is gay as hell and the story isn't too interesting either, or at least not enough to compensate the awful, boring and insane puzzles and the sucky gameplay. Mind you, I haven't actually played any SH games myself, but I'm an expert when it comes to watching any horror games. :'D From the viewers point Homecoming is the worst and pretty much all LPers I've seen playing it have absolutely HATED the game. Then again, I really liked Shattered Memories, mostly because the different gameplay it had compared to all the other SH games, and it involved a lot more exploring and plot stuff rather than combating. I would like to play it myself some day. Other survival horror games I like are, well, the famous Amnesia. I can't get enough of it. Sure it isn't the first horror game to use non-combat method when it comes to encountering monsters, but it certainly did it the best. The developers of Amnesia have said that combat makes monsters easily seen as something you just need to get rid of to proceed, instead of a plot element. Leaving the combat out of the game gives you the possibility to wonder about their existence in the game and also that creates it's own horror element. That's why I don't like shooter horror games. They aren't scary. You just shoot the stuff and keep going. I'm sure there are other survival horror games I like but Amnesia is the best, I think. Too bad this isn't a general horror game thread, because I'd love to talk about adventure horror games like The Cat Lady and Sherlock Holmes series. :'D I absolutely love those games, especially The Cat Lady, in which everything is about the atmosphere and not the fear of dying in the game since you can't die in it. Or actually, you die in it several times, but it happens whatever you do.
  16. The Bread Wolf

    I strongly believe I'm a magician. I have somehow managed to transform my originally 26-hour working week (with 3 6-hour days and one 8-hour day) into a 45-hour working week (with one 6-hour day, 4 8-hour days and one 7-hour day). Magic, I say (or a lot of effort).
  17. The Bread Wolf

    Thank you~~ ^w^ *blush giggle blush*
  18. When have YOU last told your co-workers that you appreciate their work and they're doing well? I did it today. Sadly, half of them took it as sarcasm. Still proud of myself.

  19. The Bread Wolf

    Wasn't talking about myself.
  20. The Bread Wolf

    I might probably find really embarrassing pictures of myself from like 10 years ago, but to be honest, if I compare myself from 6 years ago to my current self it's not that bad! Honestly! I think this is from when I was 16. So... 7 years ago. The only actual awfulness of it is my photoshopping skills. :'D Being that... ehh... my eyes are not really blue. And I don't think anyone's eyes are THAT blue. And everything else from softblurring to artistic "I'll make everything else gray except for myself so that my awesome red hair color stands out". Ugh. Seriously, I'm more embarrassed how UNNATURAL this pic looks due to photoshop rather than the way I actually look. And this is from my worst weeaboo times. Could be worse, honestly. A year later. A ruffled-fuckin'-lolita-phase. And pink hair. God I loved that hair. When it was just dyed and still vibrant. Make up skills almost unexistent. T's alright though. I still don't think I looked THAT bad. And from there to this (note: 6 years of time between this and the lolita pic): The difference? Minor. I added some contact lenses and uhh... toned down my style a bit? And have a less funky hair color, which is surely to change once I manage to dye my hair dark grey. Too bad I don't have any pictures of my goth phase from when I was 14 and 15. :'D I didn't fail that either, I think! Back then I looked better than I ever have. Probably because I was thinner. So uhhhhh.... what can I say? I have never been embarrassing~ (Someone might say otherwise but fuck him)
  21. The Bread Wolf

    Stupid much? lol.
  22. The Bread Wolf

    Double post! How about I fish for compliments by spamming this thread full of my everyday-makeup photos until everyone says I'm fucking adorable? Sounds like a deal? Good! Because shit's going down, baby! I think I look a lot softer in these pics. And not only because I'm smiling and/or showing tongue. Also, the color of my eyes is pretty awesome. Even if I say so myself. Okay thank you everybody! Yuugi's out~ (until tomorrow)
  23. The Bread Wolf

  24. The Bread Wolf

    A couple of almost au naturel (read as: working day make up) photos. Oh the difference wearing eyeliner makes. I look like a mongoloid without it. ( ´A`)
  25. For a long time I've thought about becoming a YouTube LPer, but the problem is... I have no idea what I'm doing.

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