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The Bread Wolf

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Everything posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. The Bread Wolf

    I don't think moshpits are stupid, but let's say they ain't for me. I've reluctantly attended one back in 2007 (?) when D'espairsRay played in Finland, in Tuska metal festival. Back then I was such a hardcore fan. I went with my ex who told me we should already get in the audience of the band that was playing before Despa, so that we could assure ourselves good spots in the front row once the "true metalheads" left. And well, a moshipit broke out. I've always been kinda scared of huge masses of people, and having huge masses of people jump around me and bump into me was super distressing. Glad my ex noticed it and also glad she knew some guys behind us and we were only in the second row at that point. So basically she asked the bigger metalheads to protect me from the moshpitting people and also guided me to take a hold of the fence in front of the first row so that I wouldn't collapse from the stress and the people bumping into me. She also held me against her pretty tight and a few times she had to yell the guys in the moshpit to be a bit more careful, when they didn't notice I was severely afraid. Maybe it was my fault, but around the halfway of Despa's gig I was pretty glad to be in the first row and not scared of my life anymore. So if you're comfortable with being tossed around and toss around other people, go ahead and join in the moshpit. You'll make great friends. Nothing bonds people better than having a little skin-on-skin contact. But if you're scared of people, like me, don't go there. No. Stay away from them. You'll have a panic attack at worst case and then you'll be one of the sorry ones being kept away from the gig by the medics.
  2. The Bread Wolf

    Inspired by all the neglected single "nice guys" out there, I decided to make a topic for this very controversial phenomena that surrounds the modern dating culture, mainly in west but probably in eastern countries too. So whatddya think about this so called Friendzone? Does it only involve guys, or can girls be friendzoned too? And if so, WHY DO GUYS MAKE SUCH A HUGE DEAL ABOUT IT? Have you ever been friendzoned? Have you friendzoned anyone? Please, share your thoughts. How and why did this happen.
  3. The Bread Wolf

    Def going with Kiryu with this one. I tried listening to Royz for a while, but even if Subaru's vocals kinda hit my soft spot for high-pitched vocals, their general style failed to impress me. Overall they're but decent. Not bad but not miraculously oh-my-god-I'm-gonna-jizz-my-pants good either. Mediocre, at most. Whereas Kiryu definitely divides people to those who hate them (mostly because of Mahiro's voice) and those who absolutely adore them to death. I'm part of the latter. @Mi'ihen pointed out that Mahiro always sounds like he's in pain or dying. For some, like your's truly, that's the appeal of his voice. Since Kiryu isn't supposed to be an upbeat pop-rock band, but rather horror-esque, Mahiro's dying animal sounds fit in perfectly. I'd probably hate him if I heard him in a band that tries to do happy music (Maidora doesn't count), but since the whole point of Kiryu is kinda to be weird and scary and off-putting, I think Mahiro was the best choice for them. But this is just my opinion.
  4. The Bread Wolf

    Well I only explained why I don't prefer Pewdiepie. You can like him, that's fine. I just don't.
  5. This is just another case where "conventional" people can blame video games for violence and murders. And that's how you get games like Slenderman banned, because two fucking nitwits decided to "summon" the slenderman by killing another child. (That doesn't even make any sense. Have these kids even played slenderman?) I sure hope slendieguy is happy with his puppies now.
  6. The Bread Wolf

    That is besides the point, good sir. I just said I never screamed. I muffled my manly groans into a pillow.
  7. The Bread Wolf

    I think it was one of his Amnesia custom stories? I mean, Amnesia is scary but... not that scary, honestly. I've had my heart racing and a pillow pressed against my face, and I've been whimpering like a little bitch while playing it and I quit in the middle, but I have never ever screamed like a girl in a bad slasher horror film. That's overacting.
  8. The Bread Wolf

    But you gotta admit his reactions to even the simplest horror games are overacted. No one screams like that just from a jumpscare. That makes me dislike him. True that some people like to see "funny" reactions to horror games, but my personal preference is just the natural interaction between the game and the player instead of just the entertainment. That's why I probably love Carnage so much, because he often, and I believe intentionally, mocks Pewdiepie for overacting. He gets through a jumpscare and might say a single 'Fuck' somewhere if even that and then continue with: "Oh, was I supposed to scream there? Wait, wait, let me do it again." and then comes an underacted scream. I think that's hilarious.
  9. The Bread Wolf

    I'm not a nerd.
  10. The Bread Wolf

    Okay I have no idea whether a thread of this kind already exists, but if it does, a moderator can feel free to delete my topic. Though, I think I did search through at least this section of the forum and didn't find anything of sorts. It might be somewhere else but um... okay, just delete this if it's already somewhere out there, and please point me to that topic. Thank you. So, to few the two-letter combination "LP" is already familiar, to those who it isn't, I'll explain it: The letters LP come from the words Let's play, or Long play, meaning a recorded playthrough of a game. There are usually the players commentary involved, but not always. LPers, again, are, of course, Let's players or Long players - the people who play and record these games for an audience to watch. Hail the era of youtube, when you don't have any gaming shows on TV anymore and actually have to go to youtube to find one. Probably the most well known LPer and a youtube icon is Pewdiepie. Go check that out if you need to. So like, this is a topic where you can share your ideas about the whole phenomenon of LPing, share your favorite LPers and ask for similar kind of people on youtube you might enjoy, in case you've watched everything your favourite LPer has done and can't wait for another week to watch more. Easy there, gal, stay in your panties. Until now I've followed quite strictly only 3 LPers: Mangaminx - I started out with her. Can't even remember how and when, but I still keep following her videos. She has nice game choices. Too bad I don't enjoy co-op games that much, so recently she hasn't offered me as much as before. Carnage - aka Mark. A bit less known LPer on this list, with only a couple of thousand subscribers. But he's hilarious! If you love an honest player who doesn't overreact to games and has a quirky, dark sense of humour, you'll love him. Apparently he also sounds like Stephen Merchant, so he's got that going for him. Also his jokes can be pretty sexist. And racist. And overall very offending to everyone. Laeppavika - A Finnish gaming group. Every nerd in Finland knows about them. They're pretty iconic here, I'd say. My recent finding is Cryaotic. I usually enjoy only British LPers (dunno why. The accent appeals to me, I guess), but this guy has an awesome voice. It's like fucking pissing honey on a bowl of melted dark chocolate. Divine. All these have in common the fact that when I have found them, they've at least partially concentrated on horror games. I really can't bother watching much other games... unless it's Laeppavika or Carnage, since then I'll be watching the LP because of the commentary, not because of the game. Most LPers just don't have what it takes to comment everything interestingly enough that the game doesn't matter anymore. I just love horror games, arite? So, everyone's welcome to discuss about LPing and LPers here. Except Pewdiepie fans. Ahhahaa just kidding, even Pewdiepie fans are welcome. It's not your fault that you have an awful taste and your LPer is a disgrace to the whole gaming community! NO! I mean..! I like pudding. See ya.
  11. The Bread Wolf

    I gotta say I don't believe in astrology the slightest. Mostly because everything it has ever told about my sign hasn't really applied to me. Except creativity. I'm a libra. And yes, very creative. But my ex who was a scorpio was also very creative so... Then a lot of horoscopes and stuff tells that libras are supposed to be either balanced or seeking for balance. Fuck that. I act on impulse and can be difficult to deal with due to having a particularly strong nature. So yeah, nothing has been able to prove that having been born on a certain day would somehow affect my nature or future. At least the way it's "supposed to".
  12. The Bread Wolf

    So sparkle. Much pretty. Wow. They made Hikaru look like a girl.
  13. The Bread Wolf

    @Gaz, okay, let me ask you something. Does being nice mean pretending to you? I mean, heck, that's my natural reaction to everyone I ever meet but oh well, whatever floats your boat. If you like to hate everyone you see on the street then go for it. Next, I'm gonna quote Ghandi: "Eye for an eye will leave everyone blind." So no, I didn't tell you to become friends with the person who bullies you. THAT would definitely be pretending. But also, revenge is not the option either. "I hate you because you hate me" is comparable to children playing on the playground and for no reason one child comes up and hits another one in the head with a shovel. Would you instruct the victim to hit back? I wouldn't. That'll just end up in both having their head open and one finger missing. Even the stupidest child will stop hitting after he notices that nothing happens. And eventually get really frustrated about nothing happening. And probably get grounded for hitting another child. In the end - yes., the victim was hit with a shovel, but he was the one who won the fight. Uhh... what? So... when someone bullies you and you still keep acting nice to them, they'll feel shit about themselves because they actually think you like them and FOR SOME REASON THEY'RE CONCERNED? No, they don't give a shit whether you like them or not. You can pretend you're a fucking unicorn for what they care. But, if you make yourself appear stronger, independent and self-confident, like "No matter what you say to me or think of me, I'm not gonna care, but just keep smiling to you when we meet, as if you were a nice-looking house plant." That's a fucking emotional pwnage right there. Why would anyone bother bullying something, that isn't moved by the bullying in any way? That's like bullying a mountain. My point is to say: Being nice to your enemies is not pretending. It's like you never heard what they said about you. Their words are not even that important.
  14. The Bread Wolf

    ^ In addition to your defence mechanisms in bullying situations I'd advice people to be nice to everyone. That'll both eventually get you new friends and annoy the shit out of your bullies. Yes, it's true bullying isn't restricted only in school, but also in the streets, hobbies, home, and work. For me the latter has been quite the hard part, and I've even had my shift manager bully me by humiliating me in front of other workers and clients. I've also had a couple of my co-workers pinpoint how wrong I do stuff without bothering to tell me how to do things differently. And one of my co-workers just plainly said "What the fuck do you care about me? You're just a co-worker." But eventually I've learned, that being nice and acting normal even around the people who bully you is the best defence you can have. That annoys them so much, like their words never meant a shit to you. And everyone else around you will see how much of an upper person you are, not getting involved or trashy about the whole situation, and treating even your enemies equally. But that's the hardest defence as well. When you've had your whole life someone always bullying you and putting you down, it's really, really, really hard to suddenly be nice to everyone. But trust me, it pays off. It might not seem like it at first, but it pays off in the end. You'll see that pretending you don't give a hoot about bullies will result in you actually not give a hoot about bullies. And other optimistic, nice people, that you wanted to surround yourself with to begin with, will suddenly, just like that, be drawn towards you. So don't be scared to be overly happy, optimistic and smiling. If for no other reason, then at least to annoy your bullies.
  15. The Bread Wolf

    ^ Aww thanks, that's so sweet~
  16. The Bread Wolf

    Moar picshuns of me face.
  17. The Bread Wolf

    That was years ago! And on a paid channel! (Google told me that there are actually several short videos about women inserting melons up where it certainly doesn't belong)
  18. The Bread Wolf

    I've seen porn about a larger lady inserting a honeydew melon up her vagina, and whereas I do not associate that with Asians, I think that's actually the case here.
  19. The Bread Wolf

    Man, what do you do behind your closed bedroom door that makes your butt hurt so much?
  20. The Bread Wolf

    Decided to get myself photographed with my newest corgi pup (now I've got three of them!)
  21. The Bread Wolf

    ^ You might suffer from a lack of a vitamin. My cuticles are always extremely dry and they crack and tear off and bleed and what not. Doctors say it's because of a lack of certain vitamin B that can only be gained through shots. So... maybe you're suffering from a lack of a vitamin as well? Maybe not the same vitamin but some sort of vitamin.
  22. Things my significant other does that makes me go aww are the times when HE STOPS MENTIONING THE TIME WHEN I ACCIDENTALLY SPOKE FINNISH WHILE ASLEEP. Thank you. No but real, I love it that we have sort of a competition going on that he tries to come up with the most pun-y, lame and corny pick up lines to embarrass me, yet he never succeeds. Like yesterday, after playing Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, he said "You put the 'cute' in prosecute." Oh god that's so awful that it made me giggle.
  23. The Bread Wolf

    ^ And doesn't even like restaurant food in comparison to your pizza. OT, sorry.
  24. The Bread Wolf

    Nice seeing another Kiryu fan on the forum. Welcome! Even though I constantly have a battle inside my mind between Kiryu and Kameleo, about position of the most favorite band. Do you ever feel like that? Anyways, enjoy your stay!
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