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The Bread Wolf

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Everything posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. The Bread Wolf

    But a lot of the game is the story. I would say that a majority of the game is the story, and only a small part of it is actually moving around and fighting stuff. Sure, there is that, but it's not majorly complex and doesn't change throughout the course of the game. The gameplay itself is very straight-forward. So if you're not interested in the story and do not enjoy it, that's already half of the game ruined for you, as pretty much the whole interest in the game relies on the plot. That's what I meant when I said it basically works as a playable Ghibli movie.
  2. YOU LISTEN TO VISUAL KEI WHEN I LISTEN TO VISUAL KEI, IF YOU LISTEN TO IT ON YOUR OWN YOU'RE DEAD, MATE. Some of these obviously have no effect one way or another, but a good few are major deal breakers. I could like... open up all of those who are a definite no-no. Cheating - somewhat. I mean, I'm a fucking door mat here. I can take it like once without immediately calling it off, but if it happens continuously, even I have to draw my line somewhere. Lack of affection - MAJOR ISSUE. I'm very affectionate and like to be touched and the centre of attention. If my hubby did not contribute to this, I would be sincerely unhappy. Bigotry - Dun wan no cave man. Uses drugs/smokes/uses alcohol - It would pose a decent problem if my partner did any of these, as I don't do any of them. I associate using drugs as being irresponsible, smoking as being unhygienic and using alcohol as being unpredictable, and all of these are deal breakers. Unsupportiveness - I have big dreams and have already once dealt with a person who crushed them and I never wanna experience that again. Also, I'm big for supporting whatever my love wants to do with his/her life. Bad communication - This I consider something that should be worked on if my hubby had it rather than an immediate deal breaker. I mean, no one wants to have bad communication, right? But obviously, if the other one absolutely refused to talk to me about things that bother him/her, I'd have to call it quits. I can't keep things bottled up inside myself, and I've got issues, arite? No common interests - Holy shit did no one else really mention this? THIS IS A MASSIVE DEAL BREAKER. How can two people manage a relationship together if they can't do anything with each other? Sure, I wasn't a huge gamer before and I'm still not, but I know and play some games and that's a big thing between me and my current boy. We don't necessarily play games together, per se, but we play the some of the same games and often talk about them. Like when DA:I DLC Trespasser was released and we were both totally hyped about it and once we had both finished it we spent like hours just hyperventilating and discussing what was gonna happen in the future games. I was so happy. Is boring - ...what is there to say about this? I don't think you're supposed to think your significant other is boring and be totally okay with it. Okay I think the rest are something that I might be able to stand to some extend and just try my best to help my hubby to work through them and get rid of them, but they wouldn't necessarily be instant deal breakers.
  3. The Bread Wolf

    You must know that Ni no Kuni was produced by studio Ghibli and essentially works as a playable Ghibli movie? So obviously if you do not like Ghibli movies, there's absolutely no reason for you to play or like Ni no Kuni, the first or the second one. If the only reason for you or anyone else is to play Ni no Kuni is to just capture and level up some new pokemon-esque monsters, then stick with pokemon, honestly, for the story in that case will give you absolutely nothing. As for the people who adore Ghibli's and Miyazaki's works, like I said, Ni no Kuni works as a playable continuum to their movies. It's worth it and even has a shit ton of replay value. Although you have little to no say to how the story plays out. What I'm saying is, to anyone, if you're considering playing Ni no Kuni for the first time, ask yourself this: Do I like Ghibli movies? If the answer is yes, play it. If the answer is no, don't play it. If the answer is "I like some of them", try it anyways, good chance is you'll love it.
  4. The Bread Wolf

    Sweet motherfucker finally some video game news I can be excited about. The first one was absolutely brilliant. Although it seems like the new chosen one will also have a new fairy partner. Gonna miss me some Drippy. Loved that dude and his funky Welsh accent. The only reason I ever played the game in English. BUT HEY, ALL FAIRIES ARE WELSH, RIGHT? RIGHT?!
  5. I just think they're gonna get a new, less bitchy singer and that's how they're reforming. Unless they can somehow convince Aisu it's worth it to stay in the band. Which I doubt.
  6. I honestly believe this is the reason of the hiatus rather than the result of it.
  7. The Bread Wolf

    Dragon Age is the best way to spend all of your time and forget to eat and eventually die thinking about Fenris.
  8. This is absolutely hilarious news. Aisu-sama decided no band is worth his talent and said ima model nao.
  9. The Bread Wolf

    I've got two goggies, corgies to be specific. My first baby, little 3-year-old girl, insists on sleeping on pillows. She sleeps next to my head on her own pillow, or on my pillow if I don't give her one to have for herself. And I don't know if this is because she needs to sleep next to me or because she likes to be a hot dog, but she really loves sleeping between people, namely me and my boy. She also has a newfound habit of greeting me in the morning with a howl. She also greets food with a howl. I think that's her "I'm so happy I can't contain myself" noise. My other dog, a massive fluffball of a corg, is cuddly as fuck. He wants attention so bad, that if you refuse to pet him while he's in the mood for pets (which is like all the time if he's not unconscious) he'll whine and yell at you and 'dig' your hand and thrust his head under your palm really forcefully. He's also the most jealous dog I've ever met. If he sees you petting another dog, namely my little girl, he'll get incredibly upset and force himself between you and the other dog while yelling at you like an injured hyena. .......and he just rolled off the bed while trying to lie on the other side for a change. While I was writing this.
  10. The Bread Wolf

    What people don't understand is that you have to make an intentional effort to not give a shit about what other people think or say about your favs. That's like motherfucking serious work. Not giving a shit, I mean. Def hurts those mind-abs.
  11. The Bread Wolf

    It just probably means you had it before anyone knew what it was. That makes you immediately a 100% cooler.
  12. If this is not a sign of disbandment, then I don't know what is.
  13. The Bread Wolf

    I hardly even recognize myself anymore after changing my avatar and signature (and soon my username) to be more fitting to my current passion. So like every time I see my own posts, it's either of these two scenarios: 1. I see it on the front page and I'm like "SOMEONE JUST COMMENTED ON A THREAD I JUST REPLIED. MAYBE THEY'RE TALKING TO ME. Oh no wait that's my post." or 2. I see it in a thread and I'm like "OH MY GOD SOMEONE ELSE LIKES DRAGON AGE TOO? WE MUST BECOME FRIENDS IMMEDI-- oh, that's me and my Cole. Okay." Each time it's equally disappointing.
  14. The Bread Wolf

    Won't happen. Next time you'll see them will be their 20th anniversary or something. Equally unlikely would be for Rame to get together with Shun again, even though there's like NO ONE who doesn't miss Shun. But Shun's obviously an uptight little bitch who won't do stuff unless it's Vidoll stuff. But I'll keep hoping.
  15. The Bread Wolf

    Dis. Here. God damn GameGrumps.
  16. The Bread Wolf

    Hey, don't shoot the messenger. People have opinions on this and I think it's important to discuss about them. Maybe someone's views were broadened a little bit.
  17. The Bread Wolf

    Too bad the only thing that made FB stand out from indie/indie-vk scene was Ko-kun's voice. So... after this, they'll be pretty talentless nobodies. Sorry, babes.
  18. The Bread Wolf

    1. What would I be butthurt about? 2. What was uncalled for? I didn't say anyone should stop posting here. I just said that this should be moved to toasted waffles. How's that wrong, babes? Because you want your daily 6-or-more random thoughts to be read by everyone? Also, I understand you wanna post random thoughts every now and then and it's so random or funny or whatever that you want people to know about it, but it doesn't fit any other topic (including bad topics, please, if you must post how amazing some band members/bands are, go to their respective topics. That's not random, that's CLEARLY band talk). BUT, if you start having 3+ random thoughts a day and most of them are about the same stuff, that's not having some random thoughts anymore. That's what I would call SPAMMING, my loves. There's also a button under your posts. This special button reads "Edit". I still don't get why you're not using that instead of posting stuff about same things over and over again. And based on the likes that I got for my post, I'm not the only one slightly annoyed by this. See, I said "slightly". That's what I mean.
  19. The Bread Wolf

    From the pace some people post in this topic I'm starting to think this thread should go to Toasted Waffles with no message increase value. Get a twitter, you twats.
  20. The Bread Wolf

    I keep finding dog hair in my make up items (even those sealed for hygiene reasons) so I've pretty much gotten used to thinking like "oops there's a dog hair getting into my eye, better get that shit off". Dog hair is an universal thing that just gets everywhere. It's in your food, make up, eye, mouth, bed, dishes, food again and most of all; there's more of it on you than on the dog.
  21. That Ren there is judging hard. I can feel the burn. No but seriously, as a sorta UCP and KISAKI fan I don't see anything wrong with this. If a guy is cocky enough to make up fake demotapes and fake concern with fake paper cranes, then sure he can tolerate some digging around. He must've known what was coming for him. And no, if it was anyone else, everyone WOULD'VE cared. Think about like, Kaoru of Dir en grey caught red handed trying to make up fake releases for Dir en grey or sell someone else's songs as their own. Like hell fans would notice and make a big deal about it! So no, Kisaki is not being tormented or exposed here. He's just stupid or cocky enough to repeat his mistakes and think he can get away with it.
  22. The Bread Wolf

    Oh noes.
  23. The Bread Wolf

    Naw, you're hot bro.
  24. The Bread Wolf

    A hundred more to go and you'll be yellow like all us cool people.
  25. The Bread Wolf

    Glad I'm not one of them then. :'D I've been called a bitch too, in a friendly manner. T's cool. And the cunt I'm talking about ain't no girl either.
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