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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    D okay, Megamasso why? why dont they sign bands people will actually buy cds from=S they sign so many bands who disband, go on hiatus or sell no records in europa, listen to the fans
  2. X-Marc

    too bad lycaon hasnt got a new song=(
  3. X-Marc

    as long as it doesnt sound like their last release, i prefer the old dark dali=)
  4. X-Marc

    mm the 3rd one does it really contains 5 new songs? or only remixes? anyway gonna buy the dvd and the mini, really love them saw them live last year, they are so awsome! really cool for the fans aswell. the singer saw i knew the lines and pushed the mic into my face all the time so i could yell along, really awsome!
  5. X-Marc

    hahaha epic emoticon=p
  6. X-Marc

    omg what a jackass-_-
  7. X-Marc

    he also already made sure Steff of Astan (european tour manager) doesnt want to work with him anymore. He sold him a tour for the Fool, and steff was getting everything ready and suddenly Kiwamu gave it to some one else, while all the venues were booked and stuff nice way to work with people right=S
  8. X-Marc

    too bad, kinda liked them=p
  9. X-Marc

    i hate everything so far this guy has made, so really i could care less maybe if he gets a chair thrown in his face he looks better=) freaking idiot
  10. X-Marc

    cool! if they dont have a dutch date, i will go to the köln one=)
  11. X-Marc

    wow, wasnt expecting this, but good for them! really deserve it, awsome live band
  12. X-Marc

    i have no idea when the april band is gonna be revealed, i guess maybe after the mucc or oz shows? so we have something new to look forward to? im keeping entire april and august free=p dont wanne miss those bands
  13. X-Marc

    i have heared it from a german manager, but not sure if i am allowed to spoil who its gonna be, so i keep my lips tight=) but i for one am really excited=)
  14. X-Marc

    what sebbivism said, i got contact with a tour manager and well lets say not only nega of ucp label is coming to europe, i dont want to spoil suprises=) but nega will likely come in august and another band around april=)
  15. X-Marc

    i heared nega is doing a summer europe tour, so they will resume activities perestroika doesnt have to disband tough=P
  16. X-Marc

    cool! excited for this want new nega stuff tough
  17. X-Marc

    cool! might buy the dvd but is it me or is Hana not on Gemini?
  18. X-Marc

    Merry dvds, no matter wich one, they all rock=p Gara is so amazing live X-Japan - Last Live => one of the best lives ever Gackt - Diabolos=>one of the best shows ever Dir en grey - Uroboros at budokan, just love the brutality there Maximum the Hormone - Deco vs Deco=>they are at their best live The GazettE - Repeated Countless Errors=>love ruki's voice (the screams etc.) Deluhi - Live:Blitzkrieg=>Sujks drumming and Leda on guitar, damn so awsome! probb forgott a lot, i love live dvds cant wait for the one ok rock one=D and the new despa!!
  19. X-Marc

    mucc-karma nuff said=)
  20. X-Marc

    some predictions for the line-up Luna Sea and/or X Sads and/or Kuroyume probably most of the PSC line up as always and i think An Cafe might performe, remember they told they were doing a summer festival when they split up, what better one then v-rock=)
  21. X-Marc

    wow didnt know they were still active
  22. nice picture! made so much clear for me! thanks a lot!
  23. X-Marc

    great news!!! really looking forward to it! hope more songs like walking in the rain=p
  24. X-Marc

    mm would be could if they came close, wouldnt go to germany for them lets hope for more dates
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