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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. hmm if this comes available in stores i might buy it, otherwise not not too thrilled about the setlist, missing some songs i really liked
  2. X-Marc

    aaargh hate live-only really wanne have this
  3. X-Marc

    Lix. will be in Holland (Amstelveen) May 5th in the P60 so there will be prob a europe tour? not sure got this from the venue at a dutch jrock forum
  4. wait what? toon factory aswell? i did actually like some stuff of them=S stop disbanding guys!
  5. X-Marc

    say what?!?! one band i never thought that would be disbanding seeing them live totally ruined them for me (Yuki's voice was just horrible) so i didnt listened to them anymore, but still, UnsraW? early 2011 is a bad thing for many bands!
  6. X-Marc

    yup this has everything to do with the organiser, if you want to be pissed, be pissed at them i will go to cologne if they are there, holland would be better ofc, but cologone is 2,5 hours travel, totaly worth it for nega. i go more to germany for gigs then hollandXD
  7. X-Marc

    aha, i already thought, maybe they would take the chariots members with them to perform in spain aswell=P but then it is really strange indeed they have a live the next day
  8. X-Marc

    @ pixyfalse01, yeah i got it from the organisor, it sucks=(
  9. X-Marc

    Update: Hi We plan to do one Concert in Paris one in Germany ( Berlin or Cologne) and one in Scandinavia. If we do Berlin instead of Cologne - then we will do Utrecht or Amsterdam too. Wait and see..
  10. X-Marc

    no the promoter is german, but he most of the time organises in germany/finland/holland so i guess maybe 1 in each country, or maybe 2 in germany and 1 finland but that's just my guess
  11. X-Marc

    i never understood under code site, cant find anything about the europe live of chariots we'll i'll just wait and see=p
  12. X-Marc

    thats what i was asking too, maybe they only want to perform during weekends or something? cause else many people wont make it for school/work? just guessing
  13. X-Marc

    new info: Hi About dates: 14 - 21 of September
  14. X-Marc

    Chariots?!?! wait what i missed=p if thats true, i hope for more then 1 date=p
  15. X-Marc

    from a dutch jrock forum Hi Folks I am glad to let you know some News. The Undercode Management has just given the ok: NEGA will come on Tour in September 2011. We will do 3 dates in the EU. More to come soon. yours Steff personally i really hope a dutch date
  16. X-Marc

    omg didnt know it was that serious=O
  17. X-Marc

    i just got a message from a dutch venue that they might have a gig there, so maybe an europe tour is next?
  18. X-Marc

    The Big Bang Theory Heroes (cancelled) Walking Dead was kinda fun According to Jim (cancelled) and my favorite Two and a Half Men wich i found out got cancelled yesterday=( NOOOOOOOOO
  19. X-Marc

    love the capcom vs marvel 3 video haha but both songs sounds awsome, like attack me if you dare more now, but the other one is just too short the album is getting better and better =D cant wait for the full!!
  20. X-Marc

    btw the dvd is only a 5 minute pv? that sucks, hoped it would contain some live stuff or something
  21. X-Marc

    i knew this song would be awsome! love it!! cant wait for the full mini!!
  22. ex-aikaryu?!?! thats good news!!
  23. X-Marc

    good news! loved their previous one
  24. X-Marc

    cool! sounds good indeed, cant wait for the album!
  25. mm don't recognize any name, thats new to me=p cant wait to hear how they sound
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