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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    no, all dates will be announced monday, dont know how many it will be=)
  2. X-Marc

    thats what i thought! together but nega but guess things have changed?
  3. X-Marc

    aha so it has leaked haha, this was the UCP band i was talking about hope for more dates (holland!!!) or else cologne is good aswell
  4. X-Marc

    yeah true, but i think if the cd wasnt released on gan-shin but more a label like the one Fact has, they would have more of a chance, since that label is so stigmatised as a jrock-label. if they were on a metal-label they would have more acces to the metal world that europe is. and i personally loved the first album, one of the finest ones i heared last year and indeed i saw the live stuff, wow! thats why i want them to come=p
  5. X-Marc

    wow everyone so positive? i listened to it once and i thought it sucked, nothing special, not a single song that i thought was: yeah! maybe i should listen to it again and discover what a true gem it is ...or not haha
  6. X-Marc

    i emailed the tour organiser when the dates will be announced, this is the reply i got back Hi Marc, They’ll announce next Monday. It’ll be a show in Bruxelles… best kheb me keulen kaartjes al besteld dinsdag=) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- De : Marc Welings [mailto] Envoyé : samedi 19 février 2011 12:07 À : @ragetour.com Objet : maximum the hormone tour hello, i have a question, when will all dates of the maximum the hormone europe tour be revealed? i saw the hellfest one and jame-europe.com announced 2 german dates and trough a tickerfinder i saw they will be in england. but i would love to know more dates, if they come to holland for example. thanks in advance cheers so no dutch date=( i have already ordered tickets voor Cologne tough, but would be cool to see them in holland aswell=)
  7. X-Marc

    finally! so looking forward to it! and debut in america? aah crap hoped they would come to europe first since they signed with gan-shin sales must have sucked then-_-
  8. lynch and my fav gaze song covers, cool!
  9. X-Marc

    prob a new single? well looking forward to it=)
  10. X-Marc

    it better sounds like vanessa's brutality=p
  11. X-Marc

    haha oh sorry, they rule=p
  12. X-Marc

    yeah i saw a couple 2 years ago in brussels at the anime con there with Pure Q&A Sai, Guren and i more sort of moran dj, really akward and you got that Cinema Bizarre who think they created european visual kei or something, really bunch of morans oh and then there's Tokio Hotel.....wich suck the biggest of all
  13. X-Marc

    mine shipped monday? i got a message from cdjapan Dear Marc Welings,Thank you for shopping at CDJapan. We shipped your order today. Order Number: 10103548193 Order Items: ================================ SECD-1202 V.A./Final Summit CDA 1 x 3800 yen 2011/02/16 release ================================ UCCD-275A PERESTROIKA/Heartz [Limited Edition / Type A][Limited Edition / Type A]CDA 1 x 1300 yen 2010/11/03 release ================================ ZZI-9 EAT YOU ALIVE/The Reason [Limited Release][Limited Release]CDA 1 x 1143 yen 2010/12/22 release
  14. i know for a fact they were planning a europe tour in 2007 but they made it so bad for the tour organisers here. i know one of the guys who got nightmare offered. they wanted 2 dates, 1 amsterdam, 1 berlin however they stated in the contract that the manager in europe had to book and pay the venues and they could back out whenever they wanted without paying anything. what kind of bullshit deal is that? so for example a manager can book hotels, veneus, staff, transport, airplane tickets. and 1 week before the gig they are like: nah we dont want to, sorry. thats why they didnt came then since nobody wanted to do business with them a world tour would be fun, but dont make deals like that=S
  15. X-Marc

    the album is pure shit, why take a shit track and record it 4 times with different artists? its like farting 4 different ways, just an easy way for mr. myv to get the fans money
  16. X-Marc

    i personally love Red Desire, its so damn catchy, that song alone makes it worth listening to the album
  17. something important..mm new album/dvd/single crap? revival of sendai kamotsu? they are already major so that cant be it disbandment?=p
  18. X-Marc

    i also found Born-Red Desire that has been released last month to be awsomly catchy! love it furthermore luna sea - rosier and most of the stuff already mentioned=p
  19. X-Marc

    aaargh, dutch date!=p
  20. X-Marc

    according to the german jame, this are 2 confirmed dates for germany 25/06 MAXIMUM THE HORMONE with Tagada Jones MAXIMUM THE HORMONE Cologne - Germany Essigfabrik 24/06 MAXIMUM THE HORMONE with Tagada Jones MAXIMUM THE HORMONE Hamburg - Germany Knust they dont mention the source, nor other dates really hope for a dutch date, otherwise Cologne, for sure!
  21. X-Marc

    really liked them when they were together, would be cool if they would be back together
  22. X-Marc

    dont like a single song they''ve ever released, but its good to see them back together after the accident=)
  23. i used to listen to all kinds of death metal/goregrind/grindcore and one day i was just finished with it, since then i only listen jrock/old school heavy metal and some old trash bands=p i used to love Aborted, Leng Tch'e, Macabre, Jungle Rot, Carcass, Putrid Pile, Waco Jesus, Lividity, Deranged, Agathocles, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, Cunt Grinder, etc. etc. as for of jrock well bands like Rentrer en Soi i just dont listen much anymore, aswell at the moment i dont really care for alice nine., and also Miyavi i just cant stand listening anymore
  24. X-Marc

    wow preview sounds really awsome! i just love Fact haha cant wait to hear the entire song for the pv, those lights are really really annoying=p
  25. X-Marc

    about the band that should come in april, i had spoken with the tourmanager and it wont be april, instead kisaki wants the two bands (nega and the other) to come to europe in september. and it will be a very limited tour then (2-4 gigs) and if its an succes, he wants to come back again with the bands in march 2012 thats what i know now
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