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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    haha epic errorXD ordered mine already tough hahaha
  2. X-Marc

    got a message from Steff, who is an organiser Hi There is only ONE date in Spain Nothing more... trust me... bad news=(
  3. X-Marc

    but they did announce a side project right? hope it will be something like their sound
  4. X-Marc

    what?!?! where did that come from? i thought they were doing so well? first sel'm, now this, damn 2011 starts really bad=(
  5. noooooo! i love his voice=( so there is something severe i guess, since he wasnt at some lives really hate to see him go=(
  6. X-Marc

    wow, sounds pretty serious, they can take a hiatus, no one would mind. they really shouldnt disband=(
  7. X-Marc

    7800 yen? wow thats a lot, not sure yet if im gonna buy this one dont really like the setlist
  8. X-Marc

    One OK Rock - Riot!! i am so sick and to hear this song and yell it along really makes me feel much betterXD
  9. X-Marc

    started my 2nd listening yesterday, liked it much better then like Rumwolf, Senkou, King&Queen and the Gemini trilogy, dont like them seperate, you must really hear them after one another so far 8/10 pretty solid release
  10. X-Marc

    at the moment we have a Shi Tzu dog called Owen, who is 5 a rabbit called Otje who is 11 and i got a Chameleon called Koko who is about 8 months (http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 1947_n.jpg) we also have lots of fish but they are my stepfathers/brothers i also have had 3 rats, love those animals=D
  11. X-Marc

    The Hunted House Project Korean movie in the style of blair witch/paranormal activity about some students who go to a house wich is haunted with a camera team and when they stay the night strange things happen i am terrified of the paranormal activity movies (blair witch not so much) so i was hestitating to watch this one, but my gf loves these movies, so we watched it but i wasnt scared once, it looked like they wanted to put in too much and the scary moments were totally out of synch, they came when expected, or they didnt make sense so not really a must see movie in my opinion
  12. X-Marc

    Gackt - Lost Angels (Requiem et Réminiscence II ~Saisei to Kaikou~)
  13. X-Marc

    i've seen Ensiferum Finntroll Moonsorrow all several times aswell as Wintersun (not really folk as stated above) but stuff like Elvenking (not really folk, but has some elements) and In Extremo (same as elvenking) just really party music most of the time=) Finntroll still had the big fat singer when i saw them, i also saw their first gig with the current singer at Wacken, but man dont like him at all, also stopped listening to them since then Ensiferum however i still listen a lot, always fun Moonsorrow, dont know stopped listening somewhereXD
  14. X-Marc

    what for a crappy tour is that?!?! really nothing more in the are of holland/belgium/germany?
  15. X-Marc

    30? damn now thats hard to get your hands on XD lets hope someone is able to upload it. really looking forward to hear their stuff!
  16. X-Marc

    aaah crap, hoped they kept their word and would come in the spring to europe aah well X broke their word like 4 times now, so i give up
  17. X-Marc

    yes! great news! cant wait to hear some stuff from them
  18. X-Marc

    im actually kinda curious what members it will have
  19. aah would have loved to have seen that! especially X, were they all performing? but like at hide memorial 2008? hope this will come on dvd someday.... and now back to restart deluhi peeps=p im craving for more deluhi
  20. X-Marc

    aww, well some have internet sites (like closet-child/guruguru etc.)
  21. X-Marc

    @ missa-chan you can still try closet-child and other webshops if you want the limited editions or the dvds i fortunately got everything they released so far, also really want the limited edition
  22. X-Marc

    here are all the dates (only paris wasnt revealed yet) too bad not a dutch gig, but i already expected it. ordered my cologne ticket already long ago and maybe i will also attend brussels Vendredi 17 juin 2011 CLISSON - Festival Hellfest (62 euros + frais) 1 JOUR / (139 euros) PASS 3 JOURS billets en vente: http://www.hellfest.fr Samedi 18 juin 2011 PARIS - Le Bataclan (28 euros + frais) en location / (35 euros) SUR PLACE http://www.enrageprod.com/boutique/ Lundi 20 juin 2011 LONDON - Islington Academy (tarif 25 £) billets bientôt en vente Mercredi 22 juin 2011 BRUXELLES - VK Concert (26 euros + frais) en location / (29 euros) SUR PLACE billets bientôt en vente Vendredi 24 juin 2011 HAMBURG - Knust (22 euros + frais) en location / (28 euros) SUR PLACE http://www.me-shop.net Samedi 25 juin 2011 KÖLN - Essigfabrik (22 euros + frais) en location / (28 euros) SUR PLACE http://www.eventim.de
  23. X-Marc

    yeah! great news! but damn a fanclub only dvd? i will start scouting auction sites again by then-_- gotta have it haha
  24. X-Marc

    wow! powerful session!
  25. X-Marc

    YEAH! great news=D a coupling tour with Fact would be awsome haha=p saw them in holland once, but they only had a 30 minute slot then, would like to see them to for a full gig. but crossfaith tour! yeah!=D
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