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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    liked Lotus, hated Obscure, man the whole chorus has been screwed up, didnt really like it at all, Obscure was one of my favs songs and now they've raped it forever=( lotus however is just a nice song, nothing special, wont be in my head for the next weeks like Hageshi did
  2. X-Marc

    i just got newsmail from cdjapan, it says the mini comes with a bonus dvd with a the live performance, not a seperate live dvd. or is this another performance?
  3. X-Marc

    mine is gonna be shipped on 2/2 because i added the new born mini with it im kinda suprised the single has appeared online yet=p
  4. X-Marc

    damn=S why does it keep being postponed? just release the damn thing already=p i pre-ordered it at cdjapan together with some other cds of eat you alive and perestroika and some more, just want the damn stuff=p
  5. X-Marc

    really looking forward to this, loved all of his previous bands
  6. X-Marc

    damn, the vid has already been removed-_-
  7. X-Marc

    haha yeah i read it back and saw the mistakeXD but there was something wrong with his drum pedals, so after each songs the staff came running up to the drum kit to adjust it or something. and i for one, hate karma even moreXD
  8. X-Marc

    just got back from Bochum, got mixed feelings. really loved falling down and the old stuff, hated the new stuff. you could really feel the audience falling asleep with the new stuff while the old stuff got the crowd going. the band was really enthousiastic but that wasnt enough to get the crowd going. So for the next time, more old stuff, skip karma (except falling down wich is a great song=p) Tatsurou's voice was great as ever, satoichi was awsome, yukke didnt seemed amused all of the time and Miya had lots of trouble with his drums, but he seemed to enjoy everything=)
  9. strange indeed that theres no aggy but the bands sounds awsome! cool to see Cell is still alive=p
  10. X-Marc

    wow amazing setlist! hope they play something similair in holland!
  11. X-Marc

    Blot, Enmity and Athena?! wow thats a much better setlist!!
  12. X-Marc

    mm okay...=p
  13. X-Marc

    @crowwarrior, was the setlist the same as the one posted here?
  14. X-Marc

    mm sounds like a crap setlist to me, well ill see saturday what they do in bochum, they usually changed some things in setlists, so well see=) EDIT: hey can someon tell what merch they have and how much it is? especially shirts/zippers/hoodies?
  15. X-Marc

    omg want the dvd so bad! since i was there cd, not sure yet=p
  16. X-Marc

    damn, thats a lot from the new album! mm well, beter start listening to that album once againXD last few times it just couldnt get my attention
  17. X-Marc

    saw the destiny pv and didnt liked it at all, so standard, nothing special i liked everything till Now, but Color and Inochi no Ki were not releases i liked and im afraid they now went a way even i cant support them in. i love this band really much, but man, stop releasing crap im also expecting the worse for their live in bochum, loved them last times, they were one of the best live bands ive seen, but with this music....houston we have a problem
  18. cool, would love the dvd. hmm should start looking on auction sites by then
  19. X-Marc

    yeah that was to be expected well have never really liked them so i wont cry about it=) and lol @ gan-shin for signing another band that disbanded before they even could do anything with themXD
  20. X-Marc

    ooh nice! have you got some sort of setlist(A) hope they played Detox!
  21. X-Marc

    mm okay too bad
  22. X-Marc

    cool! cant wait to hear it=)
  23. X-Marc

    loved their early stuff, hated their later stuff so well too bad but wont cry about itXD
  24. X-Marc

    unbelievable how much vocalist get ill, well hope he gets better soon havent realy listened to them since they went major tough
  25. X-Marc

    jup, already pre-ordered it, cant wait!!
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