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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. damn, lots of guys get sick there. too bad kinda liked kra
  2. my gf will prob want to go, but i really dont feel like going to myv and only a drummer, acoustic songs suck most of the time from him
  3. X-Marc

    i upped it, its now in the download section=) my own rip of the deluxe version the cd booklet is sooo pretty!!!
  4. X-Marc

    comes as a real shock! so shocked=(
  5. have you still got born - Abnormal head machine CD 25$ if you do please pm me=)
  6. mmm now im interested again=p
  7. doubting if i will buy this, love their lives, hate karma....
  8. X-Marc

    got everything today, thanks a lot!
  9. X-Marc

    doutbing wich to pre-order the one with the dvd (hope it contains footage of the bochum gig) or the one with goods.. guess i'll go with the dvd for now, if the goods are any good i can always get that one later=)
  10. X-Marc

    mm not my fav cd of them, but still want to know whats its gonna sound like=) the original quality is soooo crappy
  11. new dates 2011.4.2 @ Hamburg, GERMANY – Markthalle 2011.4.3 @ Cologne, GERMANY – Live Music Hall 2011.4.4 @ Munich, GERMANY – Muffathalle
  12. yeah! gonna get them both! love them so much since they changed their style. Jibun Rock was Awsome! and their new cd was even better! cant wait
  13. X-Marc

    Anyone went? I found it phenomenal, an amazing performance. Ryuichi's voice was great and the others played perfect. J's bass lines are so awsome and Sugizo really is a wizard on the guitar. The setlist was almost the same as on One Night Dejavu, but they didnt play In My Dreams With Shivers but instead Genesis of Mind. Other songs were Loveless, Dejavu, Ra-S-En, Storm (awsome!), Face to Face (one of the highlights), Rosier, Tonight, Wish, Slave, True Blue, Gravity, Providence (soooooo amazing), Fate, Precious and Back Line Beast (drum solo & bass solo what was really awsome) J got lots of applaus when he did something or appeared on stage and his big smile was great to look at. In general it seemed they were really enjoying themselves and had fun together. I hope they come back soon and play the songs i (Hurt, Sweetest Coma Again, Into the Sun en In My Dreams With Shivers)=p and it was a great venue, the seat system worked perfect, sound was overal good, great for a big band
  14. X-Marc

    today!!! cant waiiit! im soooo excited=D
  15. X-Marc

    really looking forward to it!
  16. X-Marc

    i really want my money back if this takes much longer, it usually never takes this long=S
  17. wow, 3 dates? he must really like france=p
  18. X-Marc

    hey man did you already send my cds? still havent gotten any...
  19. X-Marc

    no way! shocking indeed! really loved them, just nice and calm music. glad to have seen them live. really bad news=(
  20. X-Marc

    aha, i got a pm of him on the vk nl forum, so thought you got one aswell=) lets just hope enough people were positive=)
  21. X-Marc

    XMilou how did you reply to that pm of steff? would you like to see nega here? i really hope he has had enough positive replies to do it=)
  22. X-Marc

    aaah noooo! i love hazuki so much, hope he recovers soon. so is the gig going to be a vocaless version?
  23. really dont care if hem comes or not seen him last time, it was fun, but his music just isnt so fun anymore. his last album was so terrible, not sure if i even would go if he came. besides so many bands come now, myv is the first one i would skip
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