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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    Die Hard=) awsomeness
  2. for real every freaking sound sounded the same, i am know to be very critical when it comes to lives, so i might experiencing that=p and i think that miyavi is just growing up, but i liked the way he looked, and really the long hair, really skinny, too big clothes, really looked like a junkie=p and well many people havent seen his previous concerts or know his old work, wich is just much much better aah well everyone has his own style and stuff, but as i said, me, my gf, and lots people around me were really dissapointed about it and left early, so i guess thats says something aswell....
  3. hope it for his sake, i was also wondering about the people who saw him for the first time and dont know him that well, i mean damn this is a bad experience for them, dont think theyll be back=p
  4. damn, that was the worst concert ive ever been too! so far it was Hagakure, but that was at least fun to look at. he arrived on stage, looked like shit (long hair, no piercings, a bit like a junkie) and looked not happy, he played a song and went off stage angry. apparently the sound wasnt good enough or something, i mean come on man you had time enough to sound check, so dont be a baby and just deal with the sound, spoiled brat that it is. furthermore i found it amazing to see how he can destroy any cool song he has like ossan ossan and are you ready. the whole "i put as much distortion as i can and strange effects over my guitar" idea is just stupid. the whole whats my name album was a disaster imo so i knew not to expect much of it. and the last song before the encore he started to dj or something, with a new device he had he recorded his guitar sound and mixed it, damn it sounded like crap, just noise, really really bad, if really hate dj stuff so damn i was really mad he started to go this way, so i left before the encore, with tons of other dissapointed fans, since it was already pretty crowded outside the venue of fans who went away. and at one point he said like: i almost started hating holland. WTF is that for a thing to say? well sorry mr miyavi but since you have reached the stage in where you think" i am a star and everything what i do is cool" i am starting to hate you. so no i wont be attending miyavi concerts anymore, really a waste of money, unless he comes back with a full band and a GOOD album, not like the 2 crappy ones he realeased lately and if he doesnt become that stupid dj shit he is doing now funny to see how a good artist like him goes from punk to this crap, really too bad what was good about the concert? the drummer, looked like a bad ass samurai who could drum pretty good. it was a small drumkit so his solo wasnt too impressive, but still it was fun to see him drum much better then look at that arrogant prick miyavi-_-
  5. X-Marc

    but i like telling people im Kiwamu=O
  6. hahha pure awsomeness(H) haha and when i was like 10 i bought a Captain Jack cd hahahahaXD
  7. i bought when i was younger Jive Jones - Me, Myself and I, haha really liked the song at the timeXD and one of the first hard rock cds i got was Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and the Hot-Dog Flavored Water omgXD hhaha
  8. X-Marc

    all dates announced # 23th April: Brussels, Belgium - sign session - Manga Cafe Gokami # 24th April: Lausanne, Switzerland - concert + sign session - Polymanga # 25th April: Liège, Belgium - Concert - Péniche InsideOut # 29th April: TBC Lille, France # 30th April: TBC Paris, France # 5th May: Amstelveen, Netherlands - Concert + Sign Session - P60 # 13th May: Marange, France - Concert + Sign Session - Dock 412 # 14th May: Winterthur, Switzerland - Concert + Sign session, JapAniMangaNight
  9. X-Marc

    really like em would be a shame to see them go
  10. X-Marc

    i actually quite like the song More Than Blue
  11. X-Marc

    really like their new look, Miko looks hot(L)
  12. Aikaryu Since1889 Black:List Phantasmagoria √eight and know much more bands id like to see back, but i think these guys the most=)
  13. X-Marc

    Screw - Drastic Slaver
  14. X-Marc

    From their Facebook: This is a unofficial Official announcement. As of March 10th Quaff has officially announced their disbandment after a conflicting three month Hiatus. Many of the members have left twitter and facebook all together or have dropped the Quaff label. All merchandise will still be up for sale to further support band related endevores by the pre existing band members.There is a full fledged project underway and has been for a long time, rising from the ashes of Quaff, this project will definitely be something to look forward to. We recommend keeping a sharp eye and ear on our pages and the original Quaff facebook,to find further news about this project especially within the coming months. We will say this again all pre-existing merchandise will still be sold, aswell as dvds and Wristbands. If you have any Questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. The Quaff facebook and Myspace will be left up for the fans to enjoy the music and continue the Quaff way of life. The future is bright, Quaff or Die ~ Quaff Staff
  15. X-Marc

    Ouroboros - Cross Over
  16. X-Marc

    Lethal Weapon 2 hadnt seen it yet, pretty funny=)
  17. X-Marc

    Versailles - Judical Noir
  18. X-Marc

    sounds really awsome so far!
  19. X-Marc

    That or he wants to get back in Ando and is planning on killing the current drummer
  20. X-Marc

    Star Wars the Clone Wars S03 E20
  21. X-Marc

    lynch. - vernie
  22. X-Marc

    have to do my taxes today, aargh-_-
  23. X-Marc

    played mass effect 1 & 2 (2 of the best games ever imo) star wars knights of the old republic 1 & 2 (best sw games imo) Jade Empire (epic game) and really plan on playing next mass effect and the sw mmorpg i also heared rumors about an jade empire 2, that would be so awsome:|
  24. X-Marc

    Maximum the Hormone - 鬱????人々?????? love it so far=D
  25. X-Marc

    cool line up! para,ando and velbet! nice
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