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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    ahahaha the ultimate visual kei magazine, who wouldnt want to be in there! i bet Gackt and Yoshiki are sooooo jealous
  2. X-Marc

    X in holland is sold out=)
  3. X-Marc

    awsome! gonna be there=)
  4. indeed, in the 2009 tour in europe the obscure was already a bit different but still awsome, the re-recording itself was blasphemy=p and as Des said Uroboros was an amazing album so i have high hopes for the new album
  5. X-Marc

    dunno, liked this one far less then the previous one. first one is much more aggressive (what i like more) plus the recording doesnt sound as sharp or aggressive as the first record. hate what they did with stars faded in slowmotion, loved the pv version but the cd version just isnt as aggressive as it was supposed to be like the omen cover kinda hahaXD and the dream, the space is cool, really atmospheric. the record does grow on you i noticed, but it just istn as good as no.1. so i had high hopes and was bit dissapointed, so 7.5/10 next time faster songs, less slow stuff and more double bass, for gods sake let the cimbals etc. be heared again and dont make it sound like this recording.
  6. X-Marc

    liked last 3 songs, didnt really like first 3 so 5/10
  7. dunno about re-recordings, they totally destroyed/raped Obscure and Zan, well never been a fan of that song. so Rasetsukoku, a song i really like, i would hate to see it get destroyed like Obscure Hydra-666- was really good imo
  8. X-Marc

    really like the Kyo and Tatsurou tracks, really dont like the Gara track, much too soft. havent really listened to the others properly. so far its off to be a pretty good album. Dont really understand all the guest musicians with the Tatsurou tracks since they are only used for the shouting?
  9. X-Marc

    for real? aww guess Jun-Ji will cease activities with Gackt then=( love jun-ji so much, wanne see him continue with Gackt and i really hopes he continues with Bull Zeichen 88!! dont really like siam shade tough=p
  10. haha somehow im glad i didnt see it hahahaXD
  11. i dont see anything on the video page=p
  12. sounds cool, would have loved to see some more Rin live=p
  13. X-Marc

    hhaha im pretty sure Yoshiki has a huge bank account where he can live off for the rest of his live=p he probb does this cause he really wants to and not only for the money
  14. X-Marc

    wow so fast after their album? they are on a roll=o
  15. cool! looking forward to it1
  16. X-Marc

    cool, looking forward to it! preview sounds really promising!
  17. thought it would be an album tough, anyway can wait to hear it=D
  18. X-Marc

    J - Reckless he should do a world tour with his own music=p
  19. X-Marc

    for real? how cool=o
  20. X-Marc

    just had a hard day work and now at home relaxing=) about to take a shower=p
  21. X-Marc

    Crossfaith - Promise diggin the album more with each listen
  22. X-Marc

    Hobo with a Shotgun hilarious! really awsome movie
  23. X-Marc

    just got Army of Two: the 40th Day now waiting for my lil brother to come home so we can play-_-
  24. already expected them to disband, liked the first stuff tough
  25. X-Marc

    cool! looking forward to it, didnt really like the new singles tough
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