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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    yeah the only bands i really know that have performed there are miyavi and maximum the hormone (if that tour didnt get cancelled)
  2. X-Marc

    yeah so probb the new album is sure to be released in the EU and lets hope for an tour aswell
  3. X-Marc

    i posted this on the ganshin facebook ( the europe label of them) hey gan-shin are you going to release merry's new album? and why not bring them back to europe again, we havent had the re-chance of when Gara hurt his back. really wanna hear crysis moment and yakou live!! and i got this reply: Gan Shin Please be a little patient, we are working on something how awsome would it be to have an europe tour!?!?!
  4. cooljapanstore for foreigners, aaw that store sucks, you can only pay with your creditcard, ah well, if its any good i will look it up on auction sites=p
  5. X-Marc

    yeah not looking too bright for these guys, kinda liked their first single, so this is kind of a bummer hope he gets well soon
  6. so no pre-ordering from cdjapan or something?
  7. same here, i thought he was the reason for their disbandment since they were in that car accident and he got hurt pretty bad
  8. awsome, hope its in the vein of der koning, love that epicness in songs
  9. cool! would love to see some of that
  10. X-Marc

    mmmkay, seems like a move to get into a scene where more money is involved or something?
  11. For real? aww that sucks, ah well gonna buy it the 21st then=)
  12. X-Marc

    already regret pre-ordering it-_- at first when i heared The[1st] Degree Genocide Holic, i loved this band, but after Royal Order everyone became really dissapointed. The last mini was bit better, but now hearing this..dont think im ever gonna pre-order stuff by them again
  13. X-Marc

    will be there if they come to holland, was a good performance last time, but not something worth travelling to another country
  14. X-Marc

    a message by the band for the EU tour is here: http://www.ragetour.com/index.php?lang=fr its rather funnyXD
  15. really cant make anything of this, need the full song to judge=) hate the cover=p
  16. X-Marc

    yep they did, not a very good song imo
  17. X-Marc

    true, but sometimes the singles have awsome b-sides, cool dvds, or other stuff that the cds dont have, thats why of the bands i like i always do buy the singles=) dissapointed by this tracklist however, not sure yet if im gonna buy it
  18. haha so cool! too bad its only a single, would have hoped for an album really hope i can get my hands on this, really love this band. just as BloodGaZe, it was one of the first bands i encountered. With Boimahe, really loved them ever since
  19. X-Marc

    looks badass! too bad its their last look=(
  20. X-Marc

    Mulan OST - He's a Man
  21. might go when they play in my back garden haha nah, first wanne hear some new stuff since so far they havent impressed me, only cool album (imo) is Awake, with As One. just dont like their soft tune, find it boring to say the least. but who knows they might suprise me=)
  22. X-Marc

    hope it contains lots of new songs, since they released so many singles, hope they dont just pack those on 1 cd=)
  23. X-Marc

    it sounds really awsome!! nega is back! hahah
  24. X-Marc

    http://fools-mate.shop-pro.jp/?pid=31932634 http://www.like-an-edison.com/product/7616 i pre-ordered from the 1st for because of the extras=)
  25. X-Marc

    i just pre-ordered the one from fools mate=)
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