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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    Roast of Joan Rivers love roasts=)
  2. X-Marc

    well Asagi understands english i think, at least he understood what i was telling him, not really sure about the others. with Ruiza and Hiroki i was only yelling X and hide=p the other i just thanked and shaked their hands=)
  3. X-Marc

    really 2nd that! love to see a new pv with the new song and i really hope there will be a last live dvd their lives are so awsome *too bad i wont ever see that-_-*
  4. X-Marc

  5. X-Marc

    omg they were so awsome! Asagi is so awsome to see live, in his Koning der Dunkelheit costume! really awsome setlist, they kicked off with 7th Rose and koning der dunkelheit before the encore. other songs were Night Ship D, Desert Warrior and so much more. awsome drum solo aswell! really really worth your money. Asagi's voice is just awsome live! the signing session was very rushed, the manger was all the time: hurry up hurry up! they were really strict only 1 item per person and no pictures. shaking their hand was almost too much=S so i only got my 7th rose booklet signed and not my Corvinus cd of Asagi=( it was fun tough, the drummer was no.1 to sign and he saw me and my x shirt, so immediately he crossed his arms: X! so i did the same and show my X tatoos and he was like: wooooh! and he gave Ruiza an elbow like: look what this guy has! and Ruize was also like: hideee! so that was fun. and i told Asagi i liked his solo work and he smiled and said: thats so cool! hahaha really awsome experience really think everyone should see this band too bad not even half of the venue was full in holland-_-
  6. X-Marc

    im going to the concert in 45 minutes, cant wait for the signing session! im gonna bring 7th Rose booklett and the poster from Asagi-Corvinus to get signed=)
  7. X-Marc

    aah love to see them in europe=(
  8. X-Marc

    mm really curious for the new song, got all of their stuff so far, so will probb buy this still hate to see them go
  9. X-Marc

    CDS: Born - Demons [Limited Edition, w/DVD] Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi - Shikkoku no Hikari [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] Dir en grey - Different Sense [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] Eat You Alive - Dark In The Night [Limited Release] Exist Trace - True [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] Gackt - Attack Of The "Yellow Fried Chickenz" In Europe 2010 *First press* the GazettE - VORTEX [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] heidi. - Kaso Para:noir - Paradox Versailles - Holy Grail [w/ DVD, Limited Edition]*First Press* DVD Luna Sea - LUNA SEA 20th ANNIVERSARY WORLD TOUR REBOOT -to the New Moon- 24th December, 2010 at TOKYO DOME Books: david thorne internet is a playground (hilarious!!!) Star Wars: fate of the jedi:allies Star Wars: invasion 2 TPB Bull Zeichen 88 shirt
  10. X-Marc

    having a day off, playing some games, listening to music etc. busy week coming up so im trying to do today nothing XD
  11. X-Marc

    South Park S15 E02 Funnybot didnt really like it, like 2 funny jokes in the whole episode. episode 1 started off so great, too bad this one wasnt nearly as good
  12. X-Marc

    watched Insidious last night, started off good, but the last 30 minutes just made it a stereotype movie, nothing special or scary anymore. they should have left the demon more mysterious and less visible. so just another boring movie what starts off good but ends like every other horror movie
  13. X-Marc

    i just dont really believe it, its so convenient for the us, to suddenly have found him, killed him and ditched his body. and now theyre like: oh no dont show the evidence! sound like conspiracy all the way=p i dont believe he was the mastermind behind 9/11, but it was the american government and now with elections coming up, lots of us citizens not supporting the current government, they needed something to make them believe they are doing a good job and of course this was perfect for it. they can have shot a random arab guy who looked like him and claim it was osama (thats really what i believe) it was so strange they suddenly just killed a guy they have been hunting for 10 years. it just sounds too easy. they have known his location probably for such a long time, but not acted. so if hes dead, good, but it took way too long, or like i said, there is a good chance he is not dead at all... and about the DNA, how convenient they happen to have dna of Osama in the us. yeah they got it from his sister who was operated in america, what do you believe that yourself? everything is just too convenient
  14. X-Marc

    Maverick - One
  15. X-Marc

    Star Wars Crosscurrent cant wait to start the Faith of the Jedi series loved the New Jedi Order and everything after it-)
  16. X-Marc

    Thor AWSOME MOVIE! if you love marvel youve gotta see it! cant wait for the avengers movie
  17. X-Marc

    from steff's facebook: Update Nega EU Tour 2011 17.9.2011 Germany Cologne at Werkstatt 20.9.2001 Netherlands Utrecht at Tivoli de Helling 16.9 or 18.9 maybe Paris ...We also work on one extra special Date. 3 Concerts maximum one special event extra 1 special date, wonder what it will be...
  18. X-Marc

    i read the people who bought tickets for xodiack wont get the money back and the concert is cancelled kiwamu ftw-_-
  19. X-Marc

    dont think so, he was talking about germany and dutch dates and now maybe france
  20. X-Marc

    mm that sucks
  21. X-Marc

    haha i knew this somewhere last year when steff told me they were coming to europe still good to see them back tough since i like them way more than perestroika
  22. X-Marc

    aah well its confirmed by the tour manager (steff) so everything is legit. dont know when under code themselves will announce it
  23. X-Marc

    @nyasagi, most of the times yes, they will be available on ticketmaster.nl and that site sells tickets to foreigners
  24. X-Marc

    nope he hasnt, maybe he wants to confirm the french data first? so far they havent been added to the line-up of the Dutch venue. hope the tickets go on sale fast, really wanne see them
  25. X-Marc

    http://www.xjapanmusic.com/ yoshiki has posted a movie about the european tour, its really funnyXD
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