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Everything posted by Wonrei

  1. these guys rock so much hope they deliver
  2. Wonrei

    the 0:41 part on the preview for voltage kicks some major ass
  3. Wonrei

    Ryo has been listening to Djent and dubstep. You guys should know he chooses everything this band does
  4. Wonrei

    go to a miyavi concert and get a free slap
  5. Wonrei

    http://the-novembers.bandcamp.com/ you can listen to one track on their bandcamp and track 1 was written with the downy guy
  6. Wonrei

    To be honest sometimes I think he isn't really into the "music" thing. I remember his haiiro no ginka thing where he would just talk about his fruits and manga and candy... sometimes it sounds like he lives in another world inside his head
  7. Wonrei

    ^ One of the only bands that I could see getting some suing action would be grieva But no one cares about the 10 yen they got selling their cover albums and no one wants to sue poor vk bandmen that probably live under tokyo bridges Sadie are bad because they are bad. It's not even a matter of how many songs they copy, they just suck. The first three songs on the new album do sound awfully like their compositors spent 3 months closed in a room with only Dum Spiro Spero to listen to, but I wouldn't call it straight rip-offing. It's the modern deg process of playing I guess, it's also noticeable on 12012's the swan About the thread: Don't really have many unpopular opinions, maybe just that I listen to current Mucc more than old mucc. Or how I don't really care about Gauze or Macabre Dir en grey and think there are lots of better old visual kei bands.
  8. Wonrei

    Finally, so long since Mixture!
  9. aie + gara someone pls record this shit
  10. Diary sounds EXACTLY like jealous do these guys even try I mean, gazette at least puts some female vocals over their luna sea covers
  11. Wonrei

    I do understand what they do.... to be honest if I were their age I'd probably stick to playing some safe pop rock too haha!
  12. Wonrei

    sads is ok compared to covering 0.8byou guys. HOW COME
  13. Wonrei

    They've already said that kind of stuff on tours before and that probably just means songs they've been playing on jp tour and will play here too. Dir en grey are probably really oblivious of how their western fanbase knows their japanese setlsts
  14. Wonrei

    billy corgan on the new gazette PV!!!
  15. lol gazette pls

    1. Rize
    2. sai


      INSIDE BEAST really is electro house rock lol (though oddly I like it in some way)

    3. Wonrei


      Inside beast and coda were ok. the rest was urghhhh blahrghh

  16. Wonrei

    Inside Beast confirmed for electro house metal
  17. Kiyoharu's Dead End cover was probably the closest to goth rock Kiyoharu we'll get for the rest of his life
  18. Wonrei

    Probably nothing I'd like this series more if the story wasn't made of bullshitty"2deep4u" stuff that barely makes any sense. Everyone's xehanort
  19. Wonrei

    they already did that on the dum spiro spero limited edition. with takumi's piano and his singing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fsP3LWn-10 So I hope this one is a new version
  20. Wonrei

    The music video is obviously directed by the same guy who directed Plastic Tree - Piano Black and Straightener - From Noon Till Dawn, haha
  21. Song titles and the re-recording make it sound like they're going punk again? I know they aren't going to release feminism 2 so a punk album would be pretty fine
  22. Wonrei

    So they did something similar to the Daisuke album, huh? Kyono, masato and hazuki, fuck yeaaa
  23. Wonrei

    Great live, nice to hear about the best album And antlion pit is one of the best girugamesh songs I've ever heard, not exaggerating. Some of the best Satoshi screams ever
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