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Everything posted by Wonrei

  1. Wonrei

    Well Headache was too bland for me, that was the only problem. I actually quite like the punk/alt rock Kuroyume. They've made some pretty good songs and I'd say that's just more of their thing - they just grew out of the extremity of their vk days. Let's see what we get for Kuro to Kage, for now we can only guess...
  2. Wonrei

    I'll try going to the Sao Paulo one if I find people from my town wanting to go too...
  3. Wonrei

    Haha oh lol'd I knew if they ever bring this one back again it would be in acoustic form
  4. Wonrei

    Well those names they gave to their last CD and tour... it kinda went obvious.
  5. Holy shit so progressive Next album is going to be their best ever if they keep this shit up Excited for the remakes too, specially the new Macabre, as it possibly is the most different of them
  6. That song sounds unexpectedly symphonic and poppy. Hell, what the fuck, I like it. Toshiya's bass is extra loud this time, too
  7. Wonrei

    Damn, I've missed you D'erlanger Beast In Me is great so I can't wait
  8. Wonrei

    Holy shit please be true This guy's voice is pretty distinct and I miss it
  9. Wonrei

    Many of the songs who use Canon have it as a sort of variation in the melody, it's generally not straightly ripped off, Blurry Eyes I think has it on the bassline, it's the same chord progression I believe(haven't listened to it in a lot of time, so I may be wrong, sorry) I'll post more if I remember them, I have a list with non japanese songs based on it that I kept adding and it's really huge already... there's also many 90s vk pop/rock songs with it, I remember at least one Craze/Body song having it... it's on the same away as Rocket Dive or Green Day's basket case, probably on a different key, but I'm pretty sure the notes are there... But yeah, the canon is almost a staple for pop music melodies so it kind of floods everywhere. Also, there are some melodies which aren't classical but almost all oldschool vk bands have at least one track with those... the one that Aliene Mariage used on Suicide, for example, I'm pretty sure I've heard 1000 aggressive oldschool songs with that melody
  10. Wonrei

    This is like my favorite song ever, so I've spent quite a lot of time finding songs that use its melody in it. hide - Rocket Dive Lmc - Boys and Girls Moran - Fender Raphael was really influenced by it on lots of songs The Cherry Cokes - Forward Again L'arc en ciel - Blurry Eyes Like, almost every japanese pop rock song from the 90s Not counting obvious ones like Jun Togawa's Mushi no Onna and Michiro Endo's Canon. And I'm sure I forgot lots of songs I have already heard that have the Canon on it... those are just the ones that first came to my mind I'd also mention Erik Satie's Gymnopedie no 1, but I'm not really remembering the names of the tracks I listened to that were influenced by it
  11. Wonrei

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice song titles Dog Days cover is going to be great too!
  13. Wonrei

    This. For anyone curious: He did live on the states for some 10 years and his wife is american, so he probably had a lot of time to develop his english...
  14. Wonrei

    Japanese autumn starts on august 8 and ends on november 6. I don't know the reason why it is different from the rest of the world though, lol.

  16. Wonrei

    Celebrate is probably a best of... respect a tribute album? in b4 gazette Excited for Kuro to Kage. So the 96 to cage thing is a play with Kuro to Kage huh
  17. To be honest I kinda liked most of them.... not feeling most heavy songs though, like Shakin' Love... Lol those dog barking backing vocals
  18. hey guys what do you think about the new dir en grey song ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Dm92uHXr-gs

    1. Tokage


      they really took 'the final' into a new direction

    2. Nightmares4ever
    3. Ito


      I -almost- clicked that. lol

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  19. Wonrei

    Symphonic power like gloria... I like it
  20. Wonrei

    Man, I didn't even know Ken still released stuff!! This sounds great, a bit like Soft Ballet's poppier stuff
  21. Wonrei

    My bet is Leda has got an actual band now
  22. 2013.02.06 Tracklist 1. DJ x DJ 2. シエロ・ドライブ 10050 3. レイモンド K ハッセル 4. 馬、馬、馬、 5. 鈴木アルビニくん 6. 北緯821閃光、沈む。 7. ストロベリーシンセサイザー 8. ENKAと55拍子 9. Freedom FOREVER. DVD 1. ボンゴとタブラ、駆け抜けるリズム。 2. 「町蔵・町子・破壊」 3. ラザニア 4. 黒猫のコーラ 5. 02490850230・・・ PV for シエロ・ドライブ 10050 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-eUh4cM_Og
  23. Wonrei

    Haha GDS... I wonder if they played that because when they first played on studio coast that's what their intro was
  24. Wonrei

    http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19860224 Fukurou on radio
  25. Wonrei

    Sakamoto? Oh God. He's like my favorite musician ever. My body is ready, Acidman, bring the goods.
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