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Everything posted by Wonrei

  1. Wonrei

    Most people think Karma was shitty, but Karma is one of my favorite Mucc albums. This one works like a follow up to it. I did miss some electronics on this one, I was liking what they had been doing with their b-sides and single tracks, but well... we can't get everything we want. Some people will probably dislike some stuff in this album, like the metalcore parts and dubstep drops(all the cool kids hate dubstep and metalcore). So... here it goes: Mr. Liar - It keeps the old Mucc tradition of starting albums with a bang. It is an interesting track but somehow the melody just doesn't hit me the way it should. 7/10 G.G. - Sounds like a 2012 version of FUZZ with Kyuutai's chorus wo-ohs. I like it, the bass drop on the breakdown is pretty fine. Overall dancey and fun. 7,5/10 Arcadia - Arcadia was my favorite single and I still love it. Daishi Dance's piano works very well and we get this electro house tune which has somewhat atmospheric feeling, quite a contrasting thing. It's the sort of thing you'd see the japanese house scene artists doing. 9/10 Nirvana - Nirvana is the kind of track I've seen Mucc do more than one time by now. Though it has its moments, I don't really like it a lot. 6/10 Honey - I found it pretty funny and it has some cool moments, but overall I felt it just entered one of my ears and left by the other. 5/10 Shuuchaku no Kane - This one is REALLY good. Has that 70's japanese folk feeling in it, yet its chorus somewhat shows us mucc's more recent style. 9/10 Pure Black - reminds me of Sid a lot, and it's pretty fun overall. Something they hadn't done before. 8/10 Kyouran kyousou 21st century baby - HAHA now this is what I'm talking about. Flamenco-metal thing with Tatsurou rapping and growling. One of the most random songs of the year 8,5/10 Marry You - Catchy, it's well done and everything. I like it, but probably won't listen to it a lot. 7/10 Yosora no kurepasu - Though I like it, I don't find it as good as Shuuchaku no Kane. On the first listens I thought it was really bland. I just feel it lacks something. 7,5/10 You and I - This one is so damn random! If it wasn't by 21st century baby, it would probably be Mucc's most random song. The chorus reminds me of Mucc's happier songs, but the rest doesn't really follow that. Love it! 9/10 Mother - The single I like the least... it's good, but I thought it just didn't have any big moment or anything. It's like I was waiting the whole song for it to start. 5/10 Shangrila - Great track. A sad ballad, the chorus recalls some of Mucc's older works, yet the melody on the calmer parts is pretty much recent Mucc... 9/10 Overall, yeah, very good album. I believe I like it as much as Karma by now. I'm not exactly certain if I should give at a 8 or a 9... it's great anyways and I shall listen to it a lot. I do hope Mucc moves on from this sound whenever they get the chance, though.
  2. Wonrei

    "7 self cover songs" oh lol His voice always reminded me of old shuuji anyways so I won't see a difference on the cali gari songs he self covers. But let's see
  3. Wonrei

    AWWWWWWWWWWW YEA great preview
  4. Is it really a solo album? From what I've read the project is also called Magdala and it's her + Aureole's vocal/guitar/programming dude Daichi Mori. Anyway, here is a PV. lMswDptPTp0
  5. Wonrei

    that's a lot of time but great, I was thinking about them earlier today.
  6. it really is the same preview that was posted here earlier. Sounds good, the melody is incredibly weird tho
  7. Wonrei

    It's probably from a phone. On japan they are having some kind of thing where you can set rinkaku to play as your answering machine(dunno if I used the right word here)
  8. Wonrei

    Sounds like somewhat different from dum spiro spero actually. Interesting
  9. Wonrei

    The album will probably be out in some hours, but here's two full tracks. http://soundcloud.com/scmucc/mr-liar (Holy shit fucking great song) http://soundcloud.com/scmucc/13-115
  10. Wonrei

    Not only I really dislike this pseudo-agressiveness but also his screaming is beyond terrible
  11. Wonrei

    Cool! I like their stuff
  12. Wonrei

    Yoshiki said something about skin on twitter some 2 months ago, though. And miyavi also mentioned on his twitter he wanted to make it happen. Knowing Yoshiki... no, it's not happening
  13. Wonrei

    RhYD8xFw-dA FULL G.G... radio rip I wasn't expecting the dubstep breakdown.
  14. Wonrei

    I love how, just like last time, they released pretty poppy and not original singles and then they get all experimental when we're talking about the album Fuckin' great song
  15. Wonrei

    I like it too. I don't really have that much to say, it's just some 10 seconds from 4 minutes songs, lol. But I've seen the track lenghts on those online japanese shops and most are 4 minutes long, except for the last one(Shangrila) which is 6:28. Interesting to see it's mostly an upbeat album, Karma had 3 ballads, this one only has Shangrila and maybe track 6.
  16. I love the choir. Helps build up the atmosphere The PV is also cooler than gloria's. Gloria is still a better song New album may be my favorite if they keep this up.
  17. Wonrei

    Dir en grey in a festival with normal people? mite b cool
  18. Wonrei

    If you can post it somewhere, I'd be glad ! Fuck yeah, cali gari
  19. Wonrei

    They sound like a mix of all Luna Sea eras. Re-recording the self titled was a fucking good idea I love you, Luna Sea
  20. Wonrei

    Well, we can hope, considering how it took them almost 20 years to record Your Funeral, My Trial and Easy Make Easy Mark...
  21. Wonrei

    They're playing many new songs! Hope we get a new album soon! I mean, Bug is on hiatus and everything Beast In Me is great, and it sort of sounds they're going darker again... Maybe something like Lazzaro?
  22. Wonrei

    Natsu no Hi, Fuyu no Hi, now Haru no Hi lol cali gari, stop releasing season days
  23. Wonrei

    After an album as amazing as sug life was I still think going all osharey happy happy pop rock was too much for me... I did like two of these singles they released recently though
  24. Yep can't agree. I believe my taste is only kind of stucking now, when I believe I finally found my favorite genre, and even then it's kind of relative as I'm still searching for new genres... by the time I had 18/17 I listened mostly to metal and visual kei, lol.
  25. Man, I loved Pleasure, Ha na Bi(a real battle going on there huh) and the last song! High expectations!
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