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Everything posted by Wonrei

  1. Wonrei

    If I remember well, Takumi plays piano in Dir en grey's unplugged tracks on DSS... Edit: Well, it seems he also did tour with Dir en grey doing their manipulation and does programming for their albums. And Mika has worked with some Dir en grey videos(single dvds and stuff like that) as he has an audio visual company called Unravel Films. takumi's blog http://ameblo.jp/takumixofficial/
  2. Wonrei

    He is??????? OH GOD my body isn't ready yet
  3. Wonrei

    I wonder if that The Final piano ver is the unplugged from Unraveling. Guess we'll only know when it gets released...
  4. Wonrei

    I'm interested in kassai to gekijou no gloria... wonder how they worked the whole gloria theme throughout the album!
  5. Wonrei

    As long as this is not met00l and is more like Lareine stuff I'm totally in.
  6. Wonrei

    So the ballad isn't technically a ballad huh
  7. Wonrei

    Yeah. Also the only time they did completely change the song was in Tsumi to Batsu. Kiri to Mayu for example is a lot more similar to the original than most people say.
  8. Wonrei

    Children was also re-recorded on Six Ugly.
  9. Yeah. Actually this whole mini album reminds me of what they did on Six Ugly. It just screams "change" for me. Re-recording old songs in a new sound would make sense if that's what they intend to do.
  10. I don't think it makes sense to make an unplugged version of an instrumental song. Edit: DIR EN GREY who continues to storm not only Japan but the world, will be releasing a Mini Album 'THE UNRAVELING' with 7 songs including a new song "Unraveling" in April 3, 2013, just 4 months after their new single "RINKAKU" From their FB. I wonder if Unraveling will be on their next album?
  11. 7 remakes. My body is ready. Reminds me of what they did in six ugly
  12. is dis the nu facebok guise

  13. Both samples are quite cool. Second one reminded me of some studs song
  14. Damn, those are some pretty famous guests
  15. ^That's probably the cause of his vertebrae problems
  16. Wonrei

    by the way, I believe this is some really early version of the track, the riff is kinda there r2SAEFqt_H8
  17. Wonrei

    Digital single, it seems. He did it with Strong and Day 1 too, if I remember well. It's kind common with western releases, it seems japan is finally adopting this kind of stuff.
  18. Wonrei

    Sounds like a better Day 1 for me. I like it
  19. Wonrei

    kg7iXsKmlS8 I like it a lot By the way the PV is really great looking for a japanese band, maybe Dir en grey should learn with them
  20. Wonrei

    I'd love to listen to As If In a Dream and Dune twice on the same night
  21. Wonrei

    It seems it's the same from last year. Just check the preview on his soundcloud. I love it as I did last year.
  22. Wonrei

    This isn't really worse than the early 2000s/late 90s days. Back then, when hide died, X Japan, Luna Sea and Kuroyume disbanded, VK went from being mainstream on japan's music to just become an underground thing. It's still like that, somehow, and I doubt it'll change. It'll always be there, changing forms... I personally don't enjoy most recent VK, so I don't even try new bands anymore, I'll just stick with other genres as I know I'll enjoy something better somewhere else.
  23. Wonrei

    Not really a fan of his Acid Black Cherry work, but he does have a great taste. Most of his covers are by artists I really like.
  24. Wonrei

    "You have started with DEAD END again and also run Creature Creature and had a solo show last March. How would you describe the differences between these three projects and how do you think they resemble each other? MORRIE: In DEAD END the main composer is You. In Creature Creature the main composer is me. In my solo, the bud begins in my world too. The music is the starting point, it exists before the image and before the concept. We go from there." http://akataiyou-no-nihon.com/index.php ... 2-eng.html As he is composing on both I believe he is going to keep the genre difference, otherwise it would be just stupid to revive his solo project. His old releases were really good, I love that dreamy sound.
  25. Wonrei

    01. Justice(Before Justice Mix) 02. Helios 03. マグノリア / Magnolia 04. Adult Children 05. 落とし穴の底はこんな世界 / Otoshi Ana no Soko ha Konna Sekai 06. Sleeping Beauty 07. Diorama Wonderland 08. Album "Justice " Digest Track Justice for rental was like this. So I guess there will actually be some 10 new songs.
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