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Everything posted by Wonrei

  1. Wonrei

    Is Matenrou Opera trolling us? I mean, the only new track is the bonus one and it seem it's gloria's demo matenrou pls Edit: Oh, that's the rental edition. That means the album will only have 4 new songs though, as it has 12 and 8 are single songs...
  2. Wonrei

    Messages from each member... PABLO Beloved K This is the second time I write you.It was a white road like this letter, and could not see what’s ahead of us. We have to search for the next little step each by each. We lived like a family under the name of PTP.We learned and taught each other. We learned many thing from many places.We hated each other some times and fought many times, but if someone was crying, we hugged that person and stand for each other.When we are happy, we drunk a lot, you know? I AM SAD, MAN. You sang for me something that does not make sense a lot when I played improve at a rehearsal and live. There were times that goes well, and some times don’t, but I recall that I was so relieved and felt warm when a great song comes out from us like my pray has reached you. There were so many people around you after the gig every time. You were listening to every single word that many people tell you. I sometimes felt that you are far away, but I was so pleased and proud of you to play my guitar with your words. I could grow a lot because of your strange power of the lyrics that you write, strong mind, and your kind eyes. Thank you, from my heart. But again, this is so crazy that I could only tell you my feelings this way. I am looking back the times that “I cannot even remember”, there were soooo many things that I can hold in my arms. There will be two different roads for you an me from now on.I will go on with my journey, and K will travel K’s. I will play my guitar the fullest at the place I belong., so if you hear a sound of my guitar, sing along, OK? I will do my best to let you hear my guitar. Well, this is it, eh? SAYONARA, the best vocalist, K. ==================== T$UYO$HI K. You were a member of the band, and a special friend for me. Do you remember the time we had a trip to LA for the first time?We lived in a motel, and buy some beer. Our heart were beating hard just to do that, eh?I wanted to be in a band with K so bad, I planned a trip with you first. I guest it was a success! We recorded outside Japan, we played at SUMMER SONIC, and we played with so many cool bands. So many PTP BABIES came to see us do the gigs.We have granted various dreams. Come to think of it, I think I took so many pictures with you, K.. I think I have pictures of us together the most in my entire life photo collections . I wanted to make more sounds together, andSee many scenery.I wanted to have some BBQ with your family.It was one of your dreams to have a family... When I was deeply depressed,It was K who helped me out.I was really glad. Thank you. You had a tendency to do things at your own pace, And people around you were always worried,But hey, you are like that till the end… “FOUR as ONE” you always say that.I loved the spirit of that. Well, but you know, I have no intention to go up there yet!Wait up for me there drinking, OK? I guess there will be many difficult times, but I will try to do my best totell you with laughter. Well, thank you. See ya. ============ ZAX I cannot believe that you are not here anymore.But it’s the truth, eh?I am filled with sadness. Wait for me there singing your beautiful song and drink tasty beer.I was so happy that I can play drums behind you. Our SUPER VOCALIST, KLove ya.
  3. Wonrei

    Yeah, I agree. He has 3 projects at the same time. Kiyoharu is the only one I know who has been doing as much. Dead End's new album should be great if they follow what they did with Dream Demon Analyzer. Maybe some more atmospheric songs like those last two from the album would be great I wonder what his new solo songs sound too, it's been so long since Kage no Kyouen
  4. Wonrei

    Wow his english is pretty impressive. Living more than 10 years on the west and having an english speaking wife really helped him. And a new album is quite fast, huh? I'm also expecting he might release new solo stuff this year.
  5. Wonrei

    New Morrie solo live "Nostalgia of the Infinite" confirmed for March 4. Musicians: guitar- Yutaka Aoki bass - FIRE keyboard - Takeyuki Hatano sax & chorus - yukarie drums - Hiroshi Sasabuchi violin - Heather Paauwe
  6. I just hope he doesn't return to the visual kei scene. Please. That's not good for anyone.
  7. Wonrei

    People do this kind of stuff everytime. It's just marketing. Countdowns make people excited, whatever the "surprise" is... it doesn't need to be anything THAT special. Luna Sea also did one thousand countdowns for releases, tours, and also countdowns announcing conferences that would announce shows/releases(that's almost a countdown announcing a countdown) on these past two years.
  8. Wonrei

    Well I quite it. The song seems to follow Gunjou's line, so people who didn't like it will probably not like it too.
  9. Well, just realizing Tabula Rasa means Blank Slate... the new mini is called "The Unraveling" and there's all this talk about evolution and depth... I did like all the songs on Rinkaku, but I won't really find it bad if this is the six ugly change all over again
  10. Wonrei

    Now this took quite a lot of time. Quite funny how if you asked me some years ago it would be just vk and metal, and now as I've been finding about japan's old stuff, I'm just in love with their pop music, specially 80s and early 90s. By the way, the second-tier classics and other favorites mix up quite a lot. I was just trying to get everything my brain remembered me of. (The top 4 is exactly that way, though. 2 of them are singles just because they were never actually released on actual not-greatest hits albums)
  11. is it change time again? I mean, I was expecting anything but an ep
  12. Wonrei

    FINALLY I really wanted to get that one, but the only thing we got was those really short previews Shit was really good.
  13. Wonrei

    As a brazilian I kinda like how they got interest in it, but... from all authors, this guy? Damn it. Well, I love Acidman and am really looking forward to this album
  14. btw if anyone has hopes they are going on a no-screaming direction, just forget it... there was this interview where Kyo already mentioned even if Rinkaku has no screams at all, the Kiri to Mayu re-recording barely resembles the original and is basically 100% screaming. I don't think it's going to be slow though, the lenght is too short for their slow tracks...
  15. Wonrei

    Nightmare - assaulting your ass since 2000.
  16. Wonrei

    Probably my favorite on the old-school visual kei scene. This guy sings and screams like no one does. Hope you get well Kyouka!
  17. Wonrei

    Just realized they have 2 albums and 2 best ofs lol
  18. Wonrei

    Well, I personally think Aliene is one million times better than Nega, so even the smallest chances are still chances. And they have reformed for one day many, many times, so I wouldn't say the chances are that small.
  19. Wonrei

    You mean one of them. The talented one from NEGA, RAY. The rest of them are peasants. Yeah, I know it's just Ray. "They" there is Kyoka, Mast and Ray
  20. Wonrei

    Now they should just reform Aliene Mariage and we can have the good stuff
  21. Wonrei

    Not only is that one man date really far, but the title is also pretty suspicious "The Last cry"
  22. Wonrei

    Yeah, it seems it's a new single. Probably an album following too. Big expectations!
  23. Wonrei

    Very interesting. Pretty different from DSS, too.
  24. Wonrei

    Great! Long time since I last heard anything new from them.
  25. Wonrei

    q6qDUnxQRkU DVD snippet. I don't even believe I'm seeing Phantom Nation and Embryo Burning live after so much time!
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