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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    I'm going to second in shilling Deep Red, Inferno, Tenebre, Phenomena and Opera at least. I haven't seen The Cat o' Nine Tails, Two Evil Eyes, Trauma or The Stendhal Syndrome yet, but they're on my watch list. Despite their status as genre classics, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage and Four Flies on Grey Velvet didn't do as much for me as those other ones.. Between those two I definitely liked the latter more, though. Recent watches: Body Bags, horror anthology featuring 2 shorts directed by John Carpenter and 1 by Tobe Hooper. I personally feel like the first two segments (the Carpenter ones) were the best. The first is just a tense thrill ride set overnight at a gas station, and the second one is a hilarious story about a vain man's fear of going bald. The final segment felt just a tad TOO predictable, and even despite some of the nice gore effects and a solid performance by Mark Hamill it's my least favorite of the three. The frame bit featuring John Carpenter himself as the horror host is gold, by the way Berberian Sound Studio, I see this listed as a horror film in several locations, but to me it just feels like 'British nerd gets bullied by Foreigners: The Movie'. David Lynch's influence is palpable here, as well as the creator's love for the italo-horror scene. Great soundtrack and some VERY great visuals, but I found the movie to be lacking in terms of an actual story.
  2. Tokage

    i cant believe they actually have the balls to act like andro metamorphose Is an original song lmao the only thing i'm interested in is MUCC doing 3月5日。tbh i'd rather listen to the originals for all others
  3. Tokage

    i'm glad we finally graduated to early '00-kei tribute acts
  4. Tokage

    Did anyone else receive the version of the album where the saxophone solo in track 4 is just abruptly cut off halfway through and the song suddenly cuts to Yoshiki listing off all the countries he's been banned from in alphabetical order? Really took me out of the flow of the album
  5. Tokage

    i enjoyed this more than i thought i would based on the band picture
  6. Tokage

    Damn, I recall I quite enjoyed that one mini-album w/ Gozeyo on it.
  7. angura kei is still alive baby!!!!!!!
  8. Tokage

    everybody @ yoshiki on twitter to teach him a lesson
  9. Tokage

    they sold out their one man a month in advance? inb4 half the livehouse is just full of cardboard cutouts of random bangya & other vk musicians
  10. Tokage

    tbf this literally sounds exactly the same to me as deviloof and all those other bands
  11. Those cover art collages made me realize once again how shit their art direction is for the most part lmao
  12. 'what the fuck'


  13. With VK, there's usually at least a 75% chance that once a band drops a best of album they're going to call it quits soon after, it wouldn't be the first time it's happened
  14. Tokage

    I'm honestly surprised to see Dezert popping up on so many of these tribute albums. Are they really doing that well? Do they just have connections?
  15. i can't tell - is their vocalist female or not?
  16. Tokage

    come through synthpop chanteuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Tokage

    Wait a second, since when do their PVs come with built-in english subs? Is this a development that started w/ this new album?
  18. Tokage

    Xtro: Initially, I thought this was just going to be yet another sci-fi horror made to cash in on the popularity of Alien, but things soon turned out to be much, MUCH weirder. Scenes of man-sized toy soldiers blasting the fuck out of nosy old ladies, an evil midget clown pouring... juice? into a toppled-over fridge, a woman giving birth to a full-grown adult man, another woman turned into a literal egg-laying factory... All this along with a synth-based soundtrack that gives the impression the director was just utterly tripping balls the whole time. The practical effects are, quite frankly, AMAZING for the movie's budget. This was a trip from start to finish. Apparently the surreal atmosphere WASN'T actually intentional at all, and the director supposedly hates the movie.. I'm inclined to disagree, this is gold. The Hidden: Officer Dale Cooper & his by the books cop buddy chase down a body snatching alien parasite. The unofficial prequel to Twin Peaks David Lynch DOESN'T want you to know about. Not entirely a horror movie, as it's basically more of a buddy cop film w/ sci-fi and horror elements sprinkled throughout, but whatever. Movie's a wild ride, I loved it. The action starts right off the bat and never really lets up for too long. Class of 1999: Even though IMDB says it's from 1990, this pretty much feels like the most '80s movie EVER. It has everything; punks, a ridiculous evil scientist who looks like J. Jonah Jameson with a mullet, killer robot teachers, gang wars and more cheese than the entire Netherlands combined. Awesome practical effects, awesome atmosphere... This embodies just about everything I enjoy about b-movies Creepshow 2: I quite enjoyed the first Creepshow, but I wasn't feeling the second part as much. At points it feels like the movie doesn't quite know WHAT audience it's going for exactly. The frame story (w/ it's frankly horrible animation) feels like it was made for 8 year olds, but then later you have women getting molested in their sleep, people smoking weed, sleeping w/ prostitutes etc.. The transitions are kind of off-putting, and every time it went back to the frame story I was hoping it would just be over soon. The raft segment and the hitchhiker segment were actually pretty good, but I thought the frame story and the one w/ the wooden native american sculpture were kind of lame. Supposedly, more segments were planned but they didn't have the budget. Unfortunate, cuz I feel like one or two more segments on the level of the latter 2 could have raised the movie to the level of the first part. I Am Not A Serial Killer: While watching this one, I constantly felt like this movie could have been a Stephen King story or something. Afterwards found out that this is apparently based on a five-part series of YA novels. Despite that, I was actually surprised at the fact that the movie DIDN'T seem to follow the generic young adult template all that much; there are the obligatory high school segments with bullies, potential love interests, etc., but the movie subverts the traditional 'unpopular guy & his nerdy friend totally own their bullies & the main guy gets the girl'-narrative. I was very positively surprised by this one, as I went in with no expectations whatsoever. I also have to add that Christopher Lloyd does a very good job at portraying the villain both as a sympathetic character & an actual threatening villain. Night of the Demons: Based on the ratings, it seems that a bunch of people seem to consider this a classic of some sort. I'm disappointed to say that I'm not one of them. I doon't know what it is, but I somehow wasn't really feeling it at all. I love myself some shitty meme acting, but somehow it felt a bit TOO obnoxious here at times. Felt like watching a shitty high school comedy mixed with an Evil Dead ripoff. ... At least there's plenty of cute chicks. House: Once again, the practical effects in this one are just plain AMAZING. In contrast to the previous film, this one actually does strike a nice balance between horror and comedy in my opinion. Will be looking into the sequel as well, most likely.
  19. Tokage

    I can't believe they actually got Mick Jagger to recite the entire Sakuracon 2009 commercial on the bonus track
  20. Tokage

    so what is the point of those collabs again other than presenting an opportunity to squeeze out more gya dollaryens & fishing dried-up bandoman corpses out of the sea? none of the ones released so far really add anything other than that ''oh hey, it's that guy'' novelty that fades after like a minute or so
  21. even if they're not actively dropped by the label, if a label were to pull some manipulative shit like this, a band would be absolutely foolish to remained signed to that label like nothing's wrong tbh cuz if they pull this shit once they'll surely pull it again
  22. llll-Ligro- were actually pretty damn good..

    1. Aferni


      Try their vocalist's session band, Jigenshiki: uadjet. As of now they only have two releases/ One of which is posed here and another one which Zeus reviewed.

    2. Tokage


      oh, that's the same guy? i didn't even know, i'll have to check it out in that case

    3. Zeus


      @Tokage it's literally the same band, just a different name and different members. pls check them out

  23. im imagining some gruff bald yakuza dude w/ sunglasses & a baseball bat fending off grandmas now
  24. fuck terekoya & their shit tier band lineup holy hell
  25. Tokage

    bad list because it has no epic breakdowns or deathcore vocals!!!!! in all seriousness: I actually hope Zigzag will last the longest out of all of these, their concept appeals to me the most. I'm still sort of on the fence about Shellmy, sometimes I really do like what I hear by them, at other points it really does remind me too much of R-Shitei and I'd rather not think about them too much unless I'm forced to at gunpoint
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