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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    its obvs "the boura"
  3. Tokage

    It should be Pinku-iro no Seishun, closing track on Gendai Stoic
  4. Tokage

    this is why u keep ur fb as invisible as possible to strangers lmao

  6. Tokage

    i feel the exact opposite, after relistening to p much merry's entire discog in the past weeks i've come to feel like nonsense market may in fact be my least fav of theirs overall. it used to be m.e.r.r.y., but nowadays i've been warming up to it pretty hard. nonsense market has the highest amount of tracks i'd rather just skip than sit through as of now lol
  7. Tokage

    the fact that a band like this is even allowed to exist in the first place only tells you how far visual kei still is from becoming a serious art.
  8. Tokage

    these grandpas are gonna keep rocking until they fucking DIE & i love it
  9. why the fuck is sonic mania so good? 

    1. YuyoDrift


      Why the fuck would it not be good?

    2. Tokage


      @fitear1590I absolutely love everything about Studiopolis  and Press Garden. Both zones are so fucking beautiful. The latter actually reminds me a bit of the old Shinobi games, I'm guessing it must be intentional. Stardust Speedway is great as well. Actually, I've enjoyed just about every zone in the game so far, maybe w/ the sole exception of Lava Reef Zone... Great game though, between games like Shovel Knight, Environmental Station Alpha and Sonic Mania the last couple of years have been VERY good for people into the retro aesthetic


      @YuyoDriftWell, tbh most of the recent Sonic games have been less than stellar, so I'm not surprised people have been cautious about the whole thing pre-release, but the actual end product is just gorgeous. Makes me wish more people would stop following the whole "it's 3d so it must be better!"-meme that a lot of the gaming industry seems to be stuck in. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate 3D or anything, but even the PS1 era already showed how much tight shit one could do with sprites and all on new hardware and yet its still generally overlooked (except by indie devs)

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      its a great game. i bought it for the nintendo switch a while back

    4. Show next comments  174 more
  10. Tokage

    hey guys whats yr fav merry b-side? :^)
  11. the music's actually good, but is this whole Gossip/R-Shitei-tier faux angura stuff the hot new meme these days or something?
  12. Tokage

    honestly, at this point you could probably get kiyoharu to do some shit like that for like $5
  13. Tokage

    let's all take a while to appreciate sea of retards
  14. these motherfuckers HAD to fucking flip the band name and release title on the cover
  15. Tokage

    At what point did they even start this thing of re-recording the single tracks? I feel like they didn't do it on under-world yet, but some of the singles released in the period leading up to Nonsense Market def. sounded somewhat different on the album proper iirc. I cant remember if Beautiful Freaks also had singles that sounded different on the album
  16. Those are some REALLY fucking good looks... Shame about the music tho lol
  17. Tokage

    Tooru didnt die for this, fellas
  18. Tokage

    nearly everything i've seen & read about gya culture here and elsewhere feels utterly horrible and cultish to me so i dont rly blame dudes for not wanting to get dragged into that hell pit t b f
  19. Tokage

    i fucking want that tote bag and that shirt
  20. the pv is fine, but even now it's still my least favorite song off the whole album lmao
  21. Tokage

    wow we didn't have enough bands that sound like this yet, thanks also that band name is on some La'Royque'De Zavy shit lol
  22. Tokage

    Weren't these guys supposed to go to Europe or something? Did it happen already?
  23. Matsu Works : ( i cant believe the friendship..... is over.... (but wait wasn't Takken also in Kibouya tho??)
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