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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Sounds.. rather generic compared to their usual stuff. I'm a pretty huge fan of Sharaku's stuff in general, but I feel kinda disappointed with this one so far, hope the full thing will be better. I'm not quite sure what it is exactly about the sample that irks me, I feel like it's got to do with the electronic effects in the background sounding kinda like basically every other electro-influenced VK act in the past couple of years compared to the occasionally more chiptune-ish sound Metronome sometimes had.
  2. Tokage

    theres a distinct lack of vk bands doing PROPER synthpop these days & it upsets me
  3. Y'know, for a band thats been around as long as they have, i'm actually kinda surprised that they don't seem to have all that many music videos in general
  4. Tokage

    Közi needs to get his shit together, pack this band up and reform XA-VAT cuz that was objectively the last time he peaked
  5. Tokage

    better than Alice Glass tbqh but Dalle in general is still rubbish , this attempt at doing VK Witch House or whatever just isn't working lol
  6. I really, really, REALLY like Tokusatsu (the band)'s guitar tone.....

  7. I cant believe after all these years of playing it they STILL haven't bothered to officially record that new version of Mazohyst, i keep expecting it to be the new b-side and it just keeps on being skipped over
  8. I'm gonna be honest here right from the start, this thread was prompted by the announcement that Dir en grey were gonna include yet ANOTHER re-recording as a b-side on their upcoming single. It kinda got me thinking about how there seem to be so many jrock bands (or, more specifically even, VK-aligned bands) that do this whole self-cover/re-recording old material thing a lot. There's the obvious example of Dir en grey, who've pretty much been doing it since somewhere around the time the Dozing Green single came out, you've got MUCC, who have pretty much straight-up remade like 4 of their older albums and a handful of other tracks, cali gari who've remade a good portion of their older material by now... Kinniku Shojo Tai have also been releasing quite a fair number of remakes of older material since their revival. Those are just the biggest examples I can think of at the moment, but there are other cases of bands revisiting/reworking older material as well (i.e. Plastic Tree releasing that remake of their 1st full-length as a bonus alongside one of their albums). The thing is, try as I might, but I just can't really come up with many Western / non-VK examples of similar behavior. What causes it? Is it a case of dissatisfaction with the older material? Lack of creativity? Bands wanting to show off their new lineup? I just can't figure it out. What do you guys think about this process?
  9. Tokage

    do not disrespect tooru-sama like this . . .
  10. okay, NOW you have my attention...
  11. this is one of the dumbest vk band names i've seen in recent years lol
  12. Tokage

    Recently watched The Dungeonmaster as well, and even though I'm normally all for the goofy rubber monster costumes and that kinda stuff, I just somehow couldn't get into this particular one at all. The only segments I really liked were the ice cave segment and the one with the stop-motion animated giant. Just couldn't get into the rest.. Other recent viewings: The 'Burbs: Definitely far, far more on the 'comedy' side of things, but.. I had a really, really good time with this one. Consistently funny, great cast, great atmosphere. Everything just oozes '80s, and even though the film is definitely quite 'American' in spirit, there were a lot of quirks about the suburban neighborhood and its denizens that were very familiar for me as well. Worth checking out for sure, but based on what I've seen so far, pretty much all of Joe Dante's '80s output is worth watching. The Frighteners: This one's also definitely more rooted in comedy than anything else, but I'd argue it's at least somewhat more on the 'horror' side of things than the previous one. I really miss that period when Peter Jackson WASN'T just making huge blockbusters like The Hobbit, LotR, King Kong and all that, cuz he was pretty great at this kinda stuff. The one thing that puts me off about this one is that, quite frankly, the CGI has aged HORRIBLY. I'm talking like PS1-level graphics here that are kind of jarring to see, but the movie just does so many other things right that I'm willing to forgive the questionable CGI. Combs gives off really strong 'Johnny Depp in his prime' vibes in this one. Split Second (1992): A sort of cyberpunk action-horror. I really love the overall setting, and most of the scenery in flooded/nearly-flooded London looks absolutely fucking amazing, but I just don't know about the story. That's what usually gets me with this kind of late '80s/early '90s cyberpunk stuff - it's often like 75% AMAZING aesthetics, and the other 25% is (mostly shoddy) storytelling . There's exceptions of course, but this isn't one of them. Normally I don't really care if plots have loose ends or whatever, but in this particular case it feels like the creature just kind of comes out of nowhere, and the fact that it's inhuman is never really explained or justified within the universe of the film other than 'lol maybe its the devil'.. Still, Rutger Hauer's badass as usual, most of the supporting cast is solid, there's gore, big guns and cute girls, so it's certainly worth a watch. The Love Witch: Can't really talk about this movie without mentioning the fact the director absolutely nailed it in terms of capturing that '60s/'70s occult horror aesthetic. The entire film looks absolutely great, the use of colors, the soundtrack, it's all there. Lead actress is absolutely gorgeous as well. Despite all the eyecandy, I still couldn't help but feel that the film somewhat overstays its welcome - the plot itself isn't too intriguing, and after the first 45 minutes it feels like everything begins to kind of meander... Spooky Encounters: Kinda hard-pressed to call this a proper 'horror' as well, despite the inclusion of those good old hopping vampires and heaps of black magic, but this is simply great. Feels like it never really lets off even for a second, and the ridiculous (but immaculately done) action sequences just keep coming one after another. Highly recommended... and makes me feel like I should definitely delve deeper into this martial arts genre.
  13. Tokage

    im absolutely here for everything about that sample
  14. Tokage

    the vocalist should definitely do more harsh vocals forever
  15. Tokage

  16. feels like even tho they've been together for 10 years, they've only been releasing actual music for like... 3 or something. still hyped tho, their stuff's usually good
  17. Tokage

    everything released before dum spiro spero is pretty much unlistenable
  18. Tokage

    Ah fuck, it was Forbidden World, not Forbidden Planet, my bad. Forgot to mention the soundtrack was pretty damn sweet as well.
  19. Tokage

    What WAS up with that sudden late '80s/early '90s streak of deep sea horror flicks though? Was there some other vaguely related blockbuster that came out at the same time and everybody just decided to hop on the bandwagon? Also, I recently watched Forbidden Planet: This one pretty much wears its (rather obvious) Alien influences on its sleeve, to the point where the actual monster even looks like a bootleg Xenomorph. Still, it's definitely an entertaining film - lots of surprisingly good gore effects, cool set design.. The plot itself is definitely by the numbers, but it's a fun ride. It's really quite short, though. Felt like it was over before it even began.
  20. I don't know why, but based on the preview ten to ten somehow gives me some weird nagoya kei-esque vibes?? Like it sounds like something aie could've done or something. Anyway, generally speaking these samples don't even sound half bad. I'm genuinely surprised. EneMe's caught my attention the most, digging the screamo vibes. Who's WhoFo and Serial Number of Turbo aren't really doing much for me based on their samples, but the rest sounds... nice, actually. Might have to end up checking this out after all...
  21. Tokage

    what if it's named "ha ha we re disbanding after this 1 LOL"
  22. imagine a modern dir en grey single without shitty b-sides.................. it's easy if you try.........
  23. Tokage

    Is Taki the guy who usually does the screamed backing vocals in 9mm? If so, maybe he'll be a new (temporary) vocalist?
  24. finally the dir en grey thread will have something to discuss again
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