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Status Updates posted by Tokage

  1. badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom

    1. Ito


      A snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!

  2. best vk songs about being mpreg

  3. Boiiii dat new Gallo album is tight

  4. breaking news: the gazette's ruki being replaced by jerry seinfeld

    1. CAT5


      [reita playing seinfeld theme on bass]

    2. finnthesubhuman


      So, what's the deal with vibrato?

    3. Tokage


      Silly George Disco

  5. can someone please make a large, stickied 'classic VK releases in HQ' thread in the DL section that would be gr8

  6. can you remember how many BREADS you've eaten in your life?!?!?!?!

    1. Yasupon
    2. Tokage


      wow that's barely any breads

  7. cant believe that in the year 2015 internet data limits still exist

    1. Tetora


      Canadian regulatory officials just raised the cost of internet services, so now everyone pays more for the same speed (slower on average than some borderline 3rd world countries), with ridiculously low data limits. People pay 40 dollars for 50 gig limits at 10mb speeds. Mobile plans are also ridiculous, some are 75 dollars for talk and text during daytime, and 5gigs of data.

    2. Lestat


      Here you just pay a standard monthly fee for unlimited internet, telephone and television. Why is this so hard to regulate in the US and Canada?

    3. Show next comments  9 more
  8. cant wait for the good shit to drop on the 20th, DEZERT, Schwein... awww yiah

    1. Jigsaw9


      u mean schaft, bro ;<

  9. Captain Novolin is the greatest game OF ALL TIME

  10. catch me jerking off to pictures of the gazette's new album being thrown into campfires

    1. Jigsaw9


      /provides his tears of joy shed during the album listen as lubricant

    2. Slsr


      haha, seconding this

    3. CAT5


      [fapping intensifies]

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  11. click HERE for the best FREE PATIO HEATERS

  12. click HERE to learn how to get 5000 pageviews in 1 day!!! (really works!!!!)

  13. congratulations to me, for officially turning 5

  14. dam.... taht' s deep.......................... bro

  15. DAMN it feels good 2 b a LIZARD

    1. Biopanda


      Upcoming single title from Kameleo.

  16. Demon Kogure is such a baller

  17. Diamond is Not Crash anime adaptation when pls

  18. Diamond is Not Crash anime adaptation when pls

  19. do not eat ass on christmas

    1. WhirlingBlack


      I enjoyed 100% real ham here in Sweden. Don't believe the rumours, we aren't all vegans.

    2. emmny


      y'all can be vegan but eat ass its cool PETA said its fine

    3. Tokage


      gluten-free, fairtrade ass only

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. DO NOT release me from the ARCHE cube until Nonsense Market is released.....

  21. dO YUO even PISS??????

  22. does korea even have an indie music scene

    1. Wonrei


      does korea have a djent scene

    2. CAT5


      Korea doesn't even have porn - djent would be pushing it. lmao j/k. I dunno .>.

    3. allisapp
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