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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Hell yeah, their previous album was actually really goddamn good
  2. Tokage

    Recently finished Kurt Vonnegut's Timequake. It's okay, it's funny in the usual Vonnegut way. It's the final book he ever wrote in his life and it sort of shows as there's a sort of prevailing theme of time and death throughout. Currently also reading Jeff Vandermeer's City of Saints and Madmen, the first part of his Ambergris trilogy. I'd already read the second and third parts, which were great (though nothing alike in terms of structure / style). Amazing worldbuilding at work here. Highly rec the entire trilogy for those of you who are into New Weird / Sci-Fi type stuff in the vein of China Mieville and such.
  3. Tokage

    20th Century Boys Akumetsu Junji Ito's stuff Gantz (like Gaz, minus the final arc. FUCK that shit) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Suehiro Maruo's stuff Kamen Rider Spirits Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei The Drifting Classroom Some of Shintaro Kago's things are great as well, some of it is a bit too extreme for my tastes
  4. godDAMN, how does Strawberry Song Orchestra manage to be so consistently great? I guess releasing something only once every few years or so does that to you..

    1. Jigsaw9


      Pro-berry Swag Orchestra

    2. Tokage


      That sounds like some fucked-up yogurt brand moms eat to help them poop better

    3. Jigsaw9
  5. Cant wait for the new album. Wonder if they'll release anything in this temporary band format as well. Would actually be interesting...
  6. Hey, me and a friend were thinking it would be cool to make a music video for Közi's song Honey Vanity. We thought it would be cool to make it a collab MV, with footage of our own alongside footage created by others. If anyone would be interested, post here or PM me for more details.

  7. Ryuichi Sakamoto has cancer?!?!?! Oooooo nooooooo

  8. Tokage

    Both bands are 10/10 musical gold with lots of great innovative music, high sense of musical integrity, dedicated members and even their own share of highly educated, well-spoken and mentally stable fans who are all amazing and unique and should not ever be fucked under any circumstances This thread has destroyed my family, save me
  9. Tokage

    I really only keep up with the Retsupurae boys (slowbeef, Diabetus, Chip etc.) and their various projects. In the Retsupurae format they riff on bad Kickstarter pitches, bad LPs (though not so much anymore, as their fanbase is as retarded as any other and started harassing people), odd/weird flash games and odd/weird/obscure videogames. On their own they LP many different games. Aside from those guys I mainly only follow Raocow, who mostly plays Mario or Megaman-related games. I'd say Diabetus is my favorite out of all of those I keep up with, just 'cause he's so goddamn chill. His Mario Galaxy 2 LP is pretty damn great. I personally can't stand LPers in the style of Pewdiepie or the Game Grumps or any of their billion imitators, it comes off as too insincere/too "marketed" somehow. Also they're usually obnoxiously loud as hell, which is more cringe-inducing than anything
  10. Tokage

    Pretty much everything outside of the scenes with the band playing is reminiscent of Terayama in some way. The photograph thing too. Its great, as usual with these boys
  11. Tokage

    Nintendo in charge of being original once again with that Yoshi shit.... tfw we will never get another great Metroid game (((((( Also lmao people should just give up on hoping for The Last Guardian, pretty sure the studio in charge of that has fossilized by now or something. I still dont understand why Ubisoft insists on churning out dumb Ass Creed games annually when they could spend way less dosh and deliver quality products by producing more Rayman. Wish they would show more of Beyond Good & Evil 2 as well, but its prob gonna end up being Ubisofts personal The Last Guardian or whatever
  12. Tokage

    Ooooooooooh i'm READY for THIS
  13. Tokage

    ohhhh yeaaaah that sounds great, im excited
  14. Tokage

    Coq D'or Mama? at least i recall it had a sax, maybe i'm mistaken
  15. It's raining McCain........................

  16. Tokage

    It's sad that Gara's voice has been getting noticeably weaker in recent live recordings when compared to everything from the under-world era and before..
  17. I feel like music should first and foremost be about the art. Exploring your own creativity and giving a voice to it and all that. Being able to make a profit off your music should just be some form of happy coincidence, it shouldn't be the main driving point... Of course, the majority of musicians probably does not share these same ideals. It's sad. I know it's probably more difficult for some to combine a daytime job with a musical career than for others, but it's not impossible. Also lel if you wanted to make a profit then maybe you should do something to make yourself stand out instead of being generic deathcore/metalcore band #845038450
  18. b-side to mucc's new single is actually giving me vague old-school mucc vibes. huh...

  19. Tokage

    Hope it'll be like '13kai-long' where everything sort of fits the atmosphere and works well even though it's a big album and not 'memento mori-long' where there's no real consistency and it ends up dragging on at some point even tho everything is qualitatively aight
  20. Tokage

    lmao this is karma for him pretending to be disabled so much
  21. Tokage

    Idol otaku are FUCKED UP
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