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Posts posted by Tokage

  1.  暗い日曜日 also sounds pretty good but i have no idea where/when that one was released... As far as I can gather it came out last year? Only found it as a live recording on YT.   I really don't get why Inbi is so well-liked either 😕 The song always felt rather 'eh' to me. 


    Is there any chance anyone could translate the tracklist for that Ao album into romaji? Curious to see which tracks he chose to re-rec but I cant read the original characters  :^)

  2. Jesus christ! I knew they had a lot of limited stuff but I didnt know there was still THAT much stuff out there that's never surfaced lol

    On the one hand it makes me kinda sad knowing it probably never will, but on the other hand.. most of their live dist songs haven't been THAT amazing. The only one I really wish would suddenly magically pop up some day is 0  (and those Ao covers that i didnt even know about)

  3. I've been back at home for like 3 days and already feel like I've slipped back into the pit of depression & stress. LOVE it.


    At least there's the fact i'll have the opening of my first 'proper' long-term exhibition next week to look forward to.. it ain't much but it's still something

  4. starting with the Christmas-related horror:


    Dead End - Couple of familiar faces in this film about a trip for a christmas family visit gone wrong. It remains engaging and interesting throughout thanks to the snappy dialogue and it even provides some laughs here and there. Very decent film! The "mystery" has been done before but I still liked the film's take on it. The way everything gradually develops and the characters realize they are absolutely fucked is very well done. Low on gore but it's high in atmosphere. Would definitely recommend it to people who are tired of the 'killer santa / killer krampus' take on christmas horror and are looking for something different.

  5. I remember reading at some point that the lyrics for all of their songs were supposed to form some sort of story, was that just something western fans headcanoned up or did they just drop that whole thing somewhere down the road?

  6. Good shit:


    Last night I dreamt I was back in my hometown, wandering the streets at night by myself. I think I either managed to lock myself out of the house or lost my keys.. While wandering around I stumbled upon a couple of mildly strange things: First I stumbled upon this absolutely massive, extremely rickety looking slide someone'd apparently just decided to put up in the middle of a side street. It was as tall as a two-story building and  looked incredibly unsafe so I made as wide a circle as possible around it.

    I also vaguely remember seeing some kinda big leafless tree that seemed to either have security cameras embedded in it or had 'em growing from its branches butit was just kind of.. there.

    Next thing I remember I was at the complete opposite side of town, somewhere on the main street, having somehow gotten my hands on a bike in the meantime. I noticed that for some reason there were a whole bunch of small hooded figures wandering around a bit further ahead of me and I kinda just noped out of there and decided to go back into my own street.


    At this point things started to get really weird. As I got closer to my parents' place, some extremely disheveled looking, long-haired fat guy with meat hooks where his arms should be (up to the elbows) came at me outta nowhere and started attacking me. For some reason he was able to conjure up a mass of knives, nails, saw blades and general sharp objects out of the ground that would start homing in on people without stopping (like some weird shit outta JJBA).  At this point in the dream the sun had started to come up and people were already going about their business. From there on out the whole thing p much turned into me trying to somehow get away from that shit, assisted by some other people I happened to run into. I woke up before was any 'proper' conclusion unfortunately


    Another recent dream involved some weird retro-futuristic style health spa that had some ridiculous tennis court surrounded by a moat, a kid begging his mom to let him go into the piranha tank and people sitting in trees chucking walnuts at the heads of random passersby. Also a LOT of struggling with locker doors

  7. Night School: This is another one of those movies that fits in the 'very obviously giallo-inspired' category that also includes Dressed To Kill, The Eyes of Laura Mars, White of the Eye etc. It has the usual giallo staples: tits and ass, sleazy characters, extremely obvious red herrings and a series of outlandish killings committed by a figure in leather gloves. There's a handful of pretty cool and atmospheric sequences here (like the aquarium sequence and the one where the girl's being followed home from the diner for example) and the killer's black leather biker uniform is a simple but very effective choice. Overall I was pleasantly surprised, expected a lot less going in but it turned out to be quite entertaining. If you're a gore hound you might end up disappointed as most of the violence occurs off-screen, but otherwise this one's not bad at all. 

  8. I stumbled onto some old MERRY tereko from like 2002 or so the other day and it has a track on it that I absolutely cannot identify - it's either an extremely early version of one of their songs that got reworked hard, a cover or some track they never ended up releasing. Doesn't help that it's simply titled 'NEW SONG' either lol

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