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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. 20 hours ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    Agreed, excellent movie! For me it's right there next to Carnival of Souls in the "great but less-spoken-of creepy oldie horror" category.

    I remember enjoying that one as well! Coincidentally that one also kinda gave me some David Lynch vibes when I first watched it. I guess it's cuz it also kinda has the weird dream vibe going for it.. Need me more like that

  2. Which one's the exception? Based on what I've seen so far 'Night of the Seagulls' looks quite great so please tell me it's not that one lol


    Watched Messiah of Evil this Halloween. GREAT movie! Loved it even more than I expected I would. Very nightmarish vibe to the whole thing - I feel like Lynch must've  been influenced by the film w/ some of his works cuz the film kinda has the same energy his works do at times. The supermarket & cinema scenes are both absolutely KILLER. I don't often find myself getting creeped out by movies anymore lately but both of them worked cuz they felt so similar to the shit I sometimes dream about. Really recommending this to anyone who hasn't seen it yet!

  3. Digging Up the Marrow was really fun. Definitely noticed the strong Clive Barker influence in the plot as well but it wasn't so excessively borrowed that it took anything from the film itself. Overlooked one for sure!


    Recently watched Tombs of the Blind Dead and hot damn - if all Spanish horror is this rad I might need to start digging deeper into that shit fast as well. This was great! Awesome atmosphere and a lovely setting. The titular Blind Dead looked great as well.. pity they didn't appear as often as I'd hoped, but when they do pop up you know shit's gonna get good. The only downside was that the rip I watched had a kinda fucked audio track, with the audio switching between the English dub and the Spanish version every couple of minutes at random, but that isn't really a fault of the movie itself. Are the sequels worth watching?

  4. i just wanna go on record & say that Akuro no Oka is kinda boring


    also i still don't get why people seem to hate Midwife so much.. i think it's one of my favorites on Arche (though i'll admit the ''Kyo squeaking like a hamster at warp speed'' bits feel kinda recycled from DREAMBOX) . As far as Arche tracks go I find Soshaku much more uninteresting

  5. Tried giving 300.000.000 by Blake Butler another chance cuz I dropped it partway through the first time around. I'm almost done with it this time but I've REALLY had to force myself through it at points. Sometimes there's some genuinely interesting and grotesque imagery sprinkled throughout and some of the ideas are certainly quite cool... but at the same time a significant chunk of the novel's text just reads like edgy schizo-tier word salad and it gets to a point where you just kinda feel your eyes glazing over when you spend more than a handful of pages on that kinda stuff... also the author really noticeably overuses certain words & metaphors - you can pretty much create a drinking game based on the number of times the author uses the words 'cream' or 'creamy' in some variety for instance.

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