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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    Welcome to the party! ...the party of awkward single people, that is :'D
  2. Biopanda

    Hidden page on their website. Not sure if I should make it public though, since it has some info that they might not want getting out.
  3. Biopanda

    GOTCHAROCKA will be releasing their 1st single "Hydrag" on 2012.08.29 and also 真悟(Shingo, ex-Sugar) has joined them on bass.
  4. I'm selling my copy of their CRAZY FUCK cassette tape if you're interested. If you are, then just name a price(I can provide photos and an HQ rip as well).
  5. Quick update from Finland: Thanks for the feedback, everyone! As for people wanting to make purchases, I'll be back for a week or so on the 6th of June.
  6. Biopanda

    The most amazing? Dub en Grey - アクロの丘
  7. Biopanda

    lol well I did make it for the local uni's queer-straight alliance bake sale. I'm sure it'd sell like hotcakes at pride though
  8. Biopanda

    It was a sweet bread, so it didn't just taste like regular bread. I was thinking of making each color a different fruit flavor somehow, but that'd be too much effort XD As for how I did it, I made bread dough and split it into 4 balls, kneading food coloring into each after that I sorta... layered them in a bread pan and baked it.
  9. Biopanda

    So that was the real point of this thread, huh? Old picture, but I'd make some gay bread for you again <3
  10. Biopanda

    Umm... I made sukiyaki for the first time last night! I didn't make it look fancy like in any of the pictures though. cooking things separately in different parts of the pan is for chumps. Real men just toss everything in there and have at it. As far as actually making it, it was quite simple. For the most part it was just cutting up the following: [*:2dp2ct7y]beef top round steak [*:2dp2ct7y]shirataki noodles [*:2dp2ct7y]enoki mushrooms [*:2dp2ct7y]shimeji mushrooms [*:2dp2ct7y]leek [*:2dp2ct7y]napa cabbage [*:2dp2ct7y]agedashi tofu [*:2dp2ct7y]shungiku then letting them simmer covered in a sauce made from: [*:2dp2ct7y]tamari soy sauce [*:2dp2ct7y]rice wine [*:2dp2ct7y]splenda(gotta keep it low-carb lol) [*:2dp2ct7y]water more-or-less until the cabbage has cooked down and softened. Then I just cracked a few eggs on top, covered the pan and removed it from the stove letting the residual heat cook the eggs a bit(but still leaving them somewhat runny). I had actually meant to put some other stuff in there but forgot to, but it was amazing anyways!
  11. Your stuff was sent out a while ago so hopefully it should arrive soon
  12. Biopanda

    If I remember correctly, ジミニークリケット is on an indefinite hiatus.
  13. Biopanda

    Awesome <3
  14. Great to hear that it arrived just fine
  15. Biopanda

    Aww damnit D: Only one new release then and it's impossible to find :/
  16. Ya know... I was actually just saying like a day or two ago that this band needs to release an album. I guess they heard lol
  17. Biopanda

    You're so quick to sell me to the zoo, huh Well, I guess not every zoo has a biopanda, now do they?
  18. Biopanda

    "Something to nibble on" and "delayed flight" get a whole new meaning when you factor in that I'll be making a transfer in Amsterdam XD Stepping out for a space brownie, anyone?
  19. Biopanda

    fight the man
  20. Biopanda

    I'll see what I can do, but i'm no ninja panda ;x
  21. Biopanda

    Not that I've been too active here lately anyways, but as of a week from now I'll be heading off to Finland for a 3-week vacation. Don't miss me too much~ kiss kiss, Biopanda
  22. Well Japan is part of the world too :'D
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