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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    I nearly forgot that I took this picture XD Some h.naoto clothes arrived in the mail a while back so uh...
  2. Biopanda

    Sent your invite, Arithy They've got a really wide range of activities you can log on there. As of right now, all of the exercises I do are ones I can do right here at home. If you wanted to, you could even log walking to and from Starbucks XD
  3. Biopanda

    Hey ya'll Is anyone else here a member of Fitocracy? For those that don't know, Fitocracy is a fitness tracking site created by a bunch of nerds. Given its nerd heritage, it was created in some sort of weird RPG/MMO way. No battles or anything crazy like that(yet!), but you gain experience points based on what exercises you log and there are achievements and quests to work towards. There are also groups that you can join for fun or for competition(groups can make custom challenges for their members). Right now the site is still in beta, so you need an invite to get in. I've got a bunch though, so if anyone wants an invite just let me know If you're already a member, hit me up... my name on there is biopanda as well. Oh, I created a VK fan group too, so we can all work together to get sexy Uruha thighs or whatever XD
  4. Biopanda

    KOЯO is part of Bang-Doll now? Sweet! She's awesome!
  5. I feel like I'm seeing double. Those two PVs are like... exactly the same XD Not very well played, Jackman ;/
  6. Biopanda

    Total bummers, man :
  7. Biopanda

    Now that he's back, is Romantic Vampire going to make a limited revival?
  8. Biopanda

  9. Biopanda

  10. Biopanda

    I've never understood the whole taking down PVs thing. I mean come on now... PV even stands for Promotional Video. How is it acting as a promotion if the only people seeing it are the people who are already buying your shit? XD
  11. Biopanda

    Enjoy it
  12. Biopanda

    Hey Sumire! Glad you finally found your way here ;3 There are some Paradeis fans to be found here as well to even out the haters a bit too XD
  13. ex.ガールグゥミー vocalist? Color me interested
  14. Biopanda

    Glad to hear this! Dummy Daisy was a great band, but it's still nice to see them under the old name again.
  15. I didn't even know she was in a new band Glad to see they made it so widely available though, I just bought my copy through Amazon
  16. 6 songs?? Holy butts I need to get my hands on that cd!
  17. I'm glad to hear he finally decided to play one last live. I gotta get ahold of that album as well...
  18. Sorry for the late reply. I thought the album was excellent and well worth more than the 1500 yen that I paid for it. I didn't seem to find any problem with them though. You could clearly see where their influences are, but I thought they took those influences and made their own sort of thing with them. I'll definitely be buying this DVD if its available somewhere that's easy enough to order from overseas.
  19. You can buy their first album from bandcamp for 1500 yen(and they even offer FLAC for those that care). I just bought my copy
  20. There needs to be more GUNIW TOOLS-ish bands. The preview for this is just awesome.
  21. Biopanda

    Phew~ glad some people finally pulled through!
  22. Biopanda

    21 tickets left to be sold and there's only 44 hours left! You guys better get on this, because I really want this to happen!
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