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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    They're still around http://83.xmbs.jp/TODESTINATION/ . They actually released a single or two last year, I believe?
  2. I can't wait~ Those girls are awesome!
  3. Biopanda

    Round trip ticket from Helsinki to Vaasa
  4. Biopanda

    Does this mean Panic can come back now? :'D
  5. Biopanda

    It said zeallink, like an edison and puresound, the last of which will ship overseas
  6. Biopanda

    Sweet I can't wait~
  7. Alright, do you need my paypal address for an invoice ? I live in austria (europe). I get charged extra for using an invoice First-class shipping to Austria should be about $4 for the DVD, so you can send $14 to [email protected](as a gift please ) and PM me your address then I'll be able to ship it off today
  8. Given that all of those are very rare(especially the AC BLANDISH which I've seen sell for over 10000 yen) and live distributed, I was thinking $20 each. Let me know if this works for you
  9. Biopanda

    Setlists for a concert that hasn't happened yet? XD
  10. The V.A. was pretty rare and hard to get(it was live distributed). I could probably do both cds for $25+ shipping. How does $40 sound? Two of them were pretty hard to get. As far as that DVD goes, it is just offshot footage. This is what they're wearing in it. As far as a price if you're still interested, probably $10+shipping since that's about what I paid for it.
  11. Biopanda

    It certainly looks interesting, though even after watching that, I'm not at all sure what to expect. Oh yeah! And US tour dates were finally announced! ...and of course they skip over my state completely :'D The closest show is over a 7 hour drive away, but damned if I won't be driving it anyways. I've missed them every other time they've been in the states as they have an impeccable ability to have concerts when I've got other plans(once was right in the middle of a convention that I was working at, then the next time was the night before I had a huge final exam in the morning).
  12. I've created a separate list with the other 170 demotapes and cds. You can view that list here.
  13. Sorry for the slow reply, the cheapest shipping to the Netherlands would be about $9 for one cd and 2 tapes. Also, I was looking through my V.A. albums and I found one that has Calmando Qual on it. The V.A. album is called 電気モノローグⅡ and also features MAGIERSEXALICE, Psycho dream, Antikythera, Sweet symmetry(Antikythera x Viodish select), Viodish select and struggleA. Which things by Malice Mizer and Dir en grey?
  14. Biopanda

    Sweet! Glad to see that Reyji is in a new band
  15. Biopanda

    This is the best. Blastin' chips like I just don't care.
  16. Kind of reminds me of レクレンズ. I've learned to stop fearing and embrace the autotune :'D
  17. Vier la drain DVD I seriously am going to fangasm! Sure, I can hold those for you Deadly Sanctuary and Vice†risk were sold already, but the rest are still available. I don't know a whole lot about that DVD, but it seems to be a documentary of their 4th anniversary tour. I'm pretty excited, though still waiting to hear back from puresound about it (and a few other things).
  18. Biopanda

    HI DOGGIE. On a relevant note though, they should just review the whole neo-vk scene - they will find enough" illuminati stuff" here to stumble upon and rant about... Why stop there? Just skip the middleman and review Malice Mizer's Illuminati XD
  19. Well, I already sold the Due le quartz and miyavi VHS tapes, but the other two are still available. As far as prices go... $15 each? I think shipping within the US should be about $5 or so, but I can give you a more accurate quote later. It most certainly is :v
  20. Shipping to where? If it's inside the US then that's probably fine, but that might cost like $10 of that $20 to Europe XD Unless you mean 20+shipping, which would be totally fine I got it <3 I'll get that packaged up and send you the rip in just a bit!
  21. Yeah, I meant the tape! I did a lot of switching out items before I posted and missed that edit. $20+shippin' sounds good. All four in a big padded envelope shipped to Florida should be about $4.50/$5, yeah? $3 for first-class or $5 for priority. You can take your pick and send the money to [email protected](as a gift to avoid fees, please ) and I'll get it in the mail ASAP. The response(both here and on LJ) was a lot greater than I anticipated, so I'm a bit backlogged with ripping demotapes and VHS that people bought. That said, I think everything should be shipped out by Monday, if not sooner.
  22. I assume you mean the Mercuro demotape? If so then how about 20+shipping for the lot? $15+shipping?
  23. Does $15 each sound reasonable? As for shipping, we're probably looking at around $8 for parcel post or $9 for priority.
  24. Butbutbut.... the Marmot CD is listed twice! Did he buy both or is that just a glitch and you only had one copy? I've been wondering that anyway, since several items are listed twice or more... But anyway, I can actuall buy that CD from CD Japan, but I thought I might get it a bit cheaper here. XD As for Metal Fish.... not what I expected, but really not bad. Can you hold it for a few days, just so that I find the time to look at the list more closely to see if there's anything I want. Yeah, sorry about that... I guess somehow two of the Marmot CDs got listed twice. Usually that's not a mistake as for some of the cassettes I do have multiple copies. I can hold Metal Fish for you as well(and for reference, it's a 7-track minialbum). As for anything else, just let me know if you want any more samples since it doesn't take me long at all to make them usually.
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