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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    The gayest pirates.
  2. Biopanda

    Guys standing around == cool promo pics??
  3. Biopanda

  4. Biopanda

    Biopanda Mixtape 2~Angel's Breath~ Tracklist: 01 Intro 02 SUZZY&CAROLINE - Winter love song 03 16,Piano - Silence 04 桜-SaKuRa- - 僕の故郷に降る雪 05 L'luvia - SLEEPING PRINCESS~眠れる森の君~ 06 MELODY - 魔法のメロディー 07 Neo Sonic Arts - レインボーバス 08 GREAT CONFUSION - カーニバル 09 Dear Loving - Because 10 Angelique - morning glory 11 VIRTUE - Lupinuss 12 Outro Download There is a bit of a vague theme going on here(and no, the theme isn't "Hey look at all these bands that broke up ages ago", but that does apply for most of the bands here :v). I'll probably work on another one eventually that's a complete 180 from this XD
  5. Biopanda

    I'm not very good at reviewing music, so I'll just keep this short and simple. I had already heard a few of these bands before, but there were still a few pleasant surprises in there. These were the bands I liked: バックドロップシンデレラ ストロベリーソングオーケストラ 女王蜂 愛狂います。 己龍 And as for OORUTAICHI... I'm pretty on the fence, but it was really interesting to say the least. Even for the bands I didn't particularly "like", they were all pretty solid but just not my cup of tea.
  6. oh god need this so hard
  7. Biopanda

    Totally excite for both.
  8. Biopanda

    Moikka suomalaiset As an American who might be moving to your glorious frostbitten country, I have but one important question. What's the deal with Donald Duck?
  9. Amazing lineup, can't wait <3
  10. Biopanda

    Is that vocalist really from the 90's band LADY? Certainly is a surprise to see him after 10 years with no bands at all XD
  11. Biopanda

    m is in a new band? Consider me sold <3
  12. Biopanda

    Hey Val :v
  13. Biopanda

    I suppose they are just going off what other's say about them, though I doubt when others say "huge dick" they're referring to the thing in their pants :v
  14. Biopanda

    I can, most likely? It'll take a bit of figuring out, but I think that'd totally be worth it. I think it might be harder for you to run away in that situation as well.
  15. Biopanda

    You've already told about our adventures playing the game together(or well... me playing while you hid behind a pillow or ran across the room), so I don't really need to mention anything else there. I'm really looking forward to playing the sequel with you in a few months though and maybe even giving Justine another chance as well. I was a huge fan of the ambiance in the game which by itself was scary, though I think it would have been even scarier if they included more water parts since those absolutely terrify me due to my phobias :'(
  16. That's one way to put it, yeah. For some reason I kinda like the synths they use in that song. They're very um... offensive... but certainly unique.
  17. Biopanda

    Just going to quickly say that I thought this album was definitely the best I've heard all year and absolutely blew me away. Rookie continues to amaze me more and more and is definitely my favorite member of the band, though they're all really talented. As an asides, the "bonus track" is the song that they play as they leave the stage after all of their lives so it is really only a fitting end cap to a stunning album.
  18. Biopanda

    See ya later! Good luck on your trip :v
  19. Been watching this band for a while now... HERO is such an awesome vocalist so it's nice to finally see him do something other than sessions!
  20. Biopanda

    Welcome to the party! ...the party of awkward single people, that is :'D :/ Who's awkward? Most certainly not me!
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