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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    That's a relief!
  2. Biopanda

    As long as F-BOYZ and Suzaku go on, then I guess I'm okay with this?
  3. Biopanda

    1. Not really... we weren't expecting any changes, but if people did end up liking UMBERBROWN as a result then that's great. 2. The pics we used were of the actual band called ZeluvA.
  4. Biopanda

    Why? Is there anybody who aren't interested in a band, cuz' they aren't look n' sound like a vk band ? This is like the console war era (between PS2-Xbox-GameCube).. i mean... c'mon, just enjoy your stuffs~ Just something I've been wondering... what are these previous demos you're talking about anyways? XD All of their demos are just MIDI instrumentals with no vocals.
  5. Biopanda

    Ooh... someone turn down the heat, it's gettin' FIERCE in here!
  6. Biopanda

    I picked Lareine because they were ~*~fabulous~*~
  7. Biopanda

    I think you could ask either Cat or Zess how many downloads or thanks they get for their non-vk uploads and use that as statistics.
  8. Biopanda

    Except if we hadn't pretended that it was a VK band, then you and 99% of the other people who downloaded it would have completely skipped over the thread.
  9. Biopanda

    <3 Thanks for the write-up Zessy. I'd consider this experiment to be a complete success, though you've mostly got Cat to thank for it, I just helped find an obscure VK band as a cover.
  10. Biopanda

    So after a 6+ month absence, I'm going to start using my tumblr again My tumblr is the same as before http://biopanda.tumblr.com/
  11. Biopanda

    DELUHI D'espairsRay -OZ- Lynch. UnsraW Deathgaze Dir en grey llll-ligro- Orphaned Land A Black Gene For The Next Scene
  12. Biopanda

    I think Rummy officially has the coolest/creepiest promo pic XD
  13. Biopanda

    Of course I don't agree with you :v They want to make the music that they want to make. More likely than not, they'll probably continue to play the songs that they've already been playing and continue along the same style. It's not like they decided to turn into a bossa nova band or something. Just enjoy music for what it is, since despite popular believe, make up doesn't actually have any effect on musical abilities. More likely than not, if you actually went and listened to some non-VK bands without the knowledge that they weren't VK, you'd probably like them.
  14. Biopanda

    I'm mostly into sweeter stuff myself. Thus I don't really like beer, strong drinks and I'm not that big on most wine as well. Basically I would recommend fruity low-alcoholic wines. The first ever alcohol I drank was french Cidre Doux, a sweet sparkling apple wine with about 3% alcohol. I think I was about 13 or 14 when I drank it on a holiday to Normandy with my parents and I really liked it. If a 13-year old can like it, I'm sure so can you! You can also try the stuff I linked, Umeshu (japanese plum wine) and mead, both are pretty sweet. When looking for mead, take something with low alcohol level, of about 5%. Since the sugar gets processsed into alcohol, a high percentage of alcohol means less sugar = more bitterness and less sweetness. Seconding the suggestion for Umeshu. I've only had it twice, but I could barely even tell it was alcoholic since it just tasted like plum juice
  15. Biopanda

    I would suggest you find some lambics. They're beer brewed with fruit and while they can sometimes be a bit on the tart side, I wouldn't say that they were bitter. I didn't get into beer at all until I started drinking Belgian ales, but YMMV. If I had to recommend one, I would go with Duvel's Maredsous 8. Witbiers and hefeweizens are great as well. Oh and do yourself a favor and drink it out of a glass and not the bottle.
  16. Biopanda

    Gotta find some way to get my hands on these D: Oh and Yuzuki posted a super tiny picture on his blog of their new look, so just uh... really zoom in on it XD
  17. Biopanda

    I could honestly care less whether they're visual or not. As long as they keep making awesome music then I'll keep supporting them. Man some people here are superficial if they think something like that is even important.
  18. Biopanda

    Oh those fucks <3
  19. Biopanda

    Kiitos <3 Yritän kovasti Olen niin innoissani, koska ostin tänään lentoliput Suomeen. Hyvästi rahat~
  20. Biopanda

    Airplane tickets for my trip in December. Finland, prepare your body... I'm cummin for u.
  21. Biopanda

    Dude.... I think you're crazy.
  22. Biopanda

    I've been there for a long time now(obviously) as xvirus. If anyone from here wants at my giant collection of goodies, just send me a message on there and I'll add you to my list
  23. Biopanda

    Yeah, their vocalist is female.
  24. Biopanda

    They've got a few songs on their youtube channel that you can check out
  25. Biopanda

    ...ugh... 2 new songs and 2 SEs. At least it sounds like the other songs are going to be redone, so I guess it's better than nothing.
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