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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Just as a quick guess, it should be $4-5 or so for shipping to Spain. Ok, it's right the final price Sounds good I just double-checked the quote and shipping will be $4, so whenever you want, just $14 to [email protected] (as a gift, please ) and include your address in the comments.
  2. VHS tapes are kinda heavy, so it'd cost about $15 for First-Class. As for the 2nd part... I can include HQ personal rips of each VHS. Just let me know whether you want a watchable DVD-r or just want me to send an .avi file. Japan :v Rob a bank Just as a quick guess, it should be $4-5 or so for shipping to Spain. Sorry... you're a bit slow Fitear just bought the Marmot cd. As for Metal Fish, . Just name a price and they're yours As for CQ, sorry... I don't have anything by them Unless you're interested in buying some bootlegs, that is XD
  3. That's the kind of business talk I like... a real go-getter! I should hire you does 20eu each + shipping sound reasonable to you? If you find something you'd like and wouldn't mind waiting until next month, then yeah... I could just toss them in my suitcase or somethin'. Hmm... well that was a live distributed release. How does $10+shipping sound?
  4. Bummer Hopefully this doesn't slow down the band any.
  5. However much you'd want to offer, pretty much. I'll take just about anything XD
  6. Awww, It's okay though. I'll be optimistic lol There were still stuff on the list I'm contemplating on, cause I don't want to spend a lot T.T cause I kinda need money for this vacation. Just get ready to spend like crazy when you get back then lol I've got another Vier la drain DVD coming in as well with your name written all over it :v
  7. I'm sure I'll still have like 99% of this stuff for sale after next month anyways XD If you want me to put holds on anything, just let me know Oh gawd I hope some people aren't interested in the same things as I am though XD What I would like you to hold, that I know you have would be those 4 Lupo Label DVDs, Vier la drain CD, monot。。。。。n。, テディ, THE★MELODY, すた☆ラビ,V.A CYBERism vol.24, MELODY Ichikawa Club Gio VHS <3 (Kinda stalked some off your list from last.fm ) V.A CYBERism vol.24 I want it because of LERISE has a live on that DVD, do you know if it's a full song or just like a partial live thing. Either than that I am anticipating more of what is to come! Well... um... I actually just sold all of my Lupo Label stuff in a big lot XD Also, I removed that CYBERism DVD... not sure how it got on the list since I sold it years ago. Oh and um... that MELODY tape is just a cassette with songs from their other cds, nothing too exciting, sadly Maybe there'll be some more stuff coming up that you'll be interested in though(by that I mean there will be)?
  8. Aww man! If anyone does, I'll literally load it all up in a truck and drive it to you. ...Even if that means driving over the ocean to Kazakhstan
  9. Add another 0 to that 犬神サーカス団 VHS and you're on track to what it's worth. That was their first live VHS, was only available in EXTREMELY limited quantities and was also recently signed by the band. As for the HOMOz and Dentaku CDs... probably about $15 each?
  10. I'm sure I'll still have like 99% of this stuff for sale after next month anyways XD If you want me to put holds on anything, just let me know
  11. Hi folks! Over the past few months, I've been working on opening an online store for the VK music that I've collected over the past 10 years, but it's taking a rather long time to finish. In a month's time, I'll be taking a vacation to Finland and was hoping to make some extra money beforehand. In addition, I'll probably be moving out of the country some time next year and it's going to be a pain to move all this stuff XD Since I don't have the store up yet(and won't for a few months... I'm planning on making listenable/watchable samples for every item), I've decided to put up the spreadsheet I've been using to organize everything. If you find anything you're interested in on the spreadsheet, just shoot me a message or comment here... I'm terrible with prices, so just make an offer. Also, if you have any questions about certain items or would like samples or pictures, I can try and accommodate you as best as possible. In addition, I can provide high quality rips(I'm an avid enthusiast for this sort of stuff, so I don't skimp on the quality of my hardware) of any VHS or demotape purchased. As for shipping, everything will be coming from New Mexico, USA and I accept paypal for payments. Without further adieu, here is the list. You can click the tabs at the bottom to switch between pages. Oh and I've still got another ~170 demotapes and a couple cds to add to the list, but I'm rather burned out from cataloging all those. I'll make another post whenever the list is updated Edit: I've added annotations to the list(you'll see a small orange arrow on the top corner). For these, I've added romanized band names and band lists to all V.A. items. Edit 2: I've created a separate list with the other 170 demotapes and cds. You can view that list here.
  12. Nice list! Really want that ゲノ VHS, but it's way out of my price range at the moment XD By the way, what do you have by glitz cafe and LANDSCAPE?
  13. Biopanda

    They just need to announce some earlier dates like say... sometime in May in Finland when I'll be there :'D
  14. Hi all! Just wanted to let you know that I'm selling some of my most prized 犬神サーカス団(Inugami Circus Dan) items in preparation for an upcoming vacation. *SIGNED* 夜が終っちまう前に VHS This is an incredibly rare item. It is their first live VHS originally released in 1998 in very limited quantities. I had the fortune to go see them live at AKON and brought it to be signed(Jouji was rather excited to see it and we talked about it for a bit while I stumbled through my Japanese nervously lol). If wanted, I can provide a HQ VHS rip to the buyer that I made as well. *SIGNED* 夜が終っちまう前に DVD Rare fanclub-only DVD. Contains footage from their 夜が終っちまう前に live VHS from 1998. I was lucky enough to get this signed personally at AKON. *SIGNED* 覘キ絡繰狂犬芝居 DVD Rare fanclub-only DVD. Contains footage from their 覘キ絡繰狂犬芝居 VHS, the second live video they released in 1998. As with the other items, I got this signed personally at AKON. *SIGNED* 夜行列車で行く全国地獄めぐり 終点・愛憎満ちた道玄坂編 DVD Rare fanclub-only DVD. Contains un-cut footage of their 2008.12.05 oneman at SHIBUYA O-WEST. Also got this signed personally at AKON. I'm not really sure how much these are worth, so feel free to make any offers via comment or PM. I accept paypal and I'm willing to ship internationally. Thanks for looking!
  15. Biopanda

    I wish they'd come to Ameri-- ahahaha who am I kidding... bands never come here :'D
  16. Biopanda

    Oh okay cool :v
  17. Biopanda

    I've always wondered... is this just not a thing in the US? I've ordered tons of $1000+ packages and never had to pay extra on any of them.
  18. Biopanda

    Sweeeeeeeeeet! I wonder if EDGE OF THE WORLD and ギラ熱 are going to be rerecorded or if they're going to use the ダミーデイジー versions. Either way, it'll be nice to finally hear EDGE OF THE WORLD.
  19. I sorta wonder if they're forcing all these bands to disband. I think it's a bit too much of a coincidence otherwise.
  20. Biopanda

    Sweeeeeeeeeet! And so soon as well!
  21. Dumb or not, trust me... your lady friend will appreciate it when you're getting all cozy together in bed. Complements, Biopanda: The Love Doctor
  22. Since planetarium is a PCM session band, that wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Musashi.
  23. Huh? Mashiro isn't part of this band at all XD Anyways, I'm really glad to see that MAR is still making music. I was a bit worried since CODE7203-KineSicS seems to have gone on hiatus. I guess he's just really been busy running Planet Child Music. I love Mar! Great news but i thought Mashiro did play guitar in their 亜音速サブソニック and プレイ singles all the websites seem to credit him as the guitarist also this Planetarium pic lol. SPOT MASHIRO. I guess it's possible... I just didn't see him in that PV unless he really toned things down.
  24. Huh? Mashiro isn't part of this band at all XD Anyways, I'm really glad to see that MAR is still making music. I was a bit worried since CODE7203-KineSicS seems to have gone on hiatus. I guess he's just really been busy running Planet Child Music.
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