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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. This. Wax your legs, Cat, then roll around in bed under the covers. Trust me, you won't regret it. Unlike you, I doubt that I'll be showing off my legs in a gothic loli dress any time this millennium But you should! Trust me, chicks totally dig it. They like a guy who can be a little adventurous and wear a gothic loli dress to show off their smooth legs. Maybe with that you can finally win over Champ's heart!
  2. This. Wax your legs, Cat, then roll around in bed under the covers. Trust me, you won't regret it.
  3. Biopanda

    Really? Two unknowns? Those 3 bands play together quite often, actually.
  4. Biopanda

    Stop liking bands... you're cursing them Just... whatever you do don't start liking A!
  5. Biopanda

    Total bummers, dude
  6. Biopanda

    DISH live dvd? Sign me up <3
  7. Biopanda

    Troll account spotted.
  8. Sweeeeeeet! I was hoping they became a formal band, so my wish came true
  9. Biopanda

    I wanted to come, but a bunch of Japanese girls came over today ;(
  10. Biopanda

    As far as I know, the "0yen promotion" isn't going on anymore? Here's some example charges from something I bought though ① Final winning price ¥9,345 ② Used Point(s) 0 ③ System usage fee ( ① - ② × 5% ) ¥467 Charge1 Total ( ① - ② + ③ ) ¥9,812 Domestic delivery charge ¥630 ( Will be quoted later at the charge 2 payment ) Bank transfer fee ¥168 ( Will be quoted later at the charge 2 payment ) So there's still the 5% fee there(the 5% fee is on credit card/paypal payments). I think if you mail them a check/money order as deposit, they give you that amount in points which don't get the 5% fee, but that seems like a bit of a hassle. The domestic delivery and bank fees all get added into the "charge 2" payment which you pay when everything is ready to ship to you. There's a 5% on that as well(again, unless you use points), but it is still the cheapest option by far. As for shops do you mean physical shops? I've only ever used them for auctions and webshops, but I do believe they can go to physical stores to buy things as well if you request it.
  11. Biopanda

    田澤孝介 covering SEIKIMA-Ⅱ? I need to hear that!
  12. I just looked at their website and it is literally the best thing. Also that PV is amazing and they look like bad PLC cosplayers. Being an old PLC fan, that is just amazing to me
  13. Only 76 yen? Aww man I bought it from listen.jp a while back for 200 yen... what a ripoff XD
  14. Biopanda

    I've been using FromJapan for a while now and absolutely love them. Their Yahoo Auctions bidding is instant and they're usually very fast with bidding on mbok. Their commission prices are also some of the best I've seen. They've got a flat 5% commission on everything. I really wish I knew about them earlier... so much money wasted with Mukunoki's flat 20% commission :'<
  15. Awesome news! Can't wait to hear the new cd(and hopefully see more ~awesome~ PVs XD)
  16. Biopanda

    Waiting eagerly.
  17. Biopanda

    So if a Swedish person sings in Japanese, then they're a weeaboo, but if they sing in English then it's totally normal? Where's the logic in that?
  18. Is MAG back or is this just a one-day revival? Seeing that name again was quite a blast from the past XD
  19. This band is just unstoppable :v
  20. Biopanda

    Awesome news and holy crap that's an amazing setlist, wish I could hear it
  21. Biopanda

    my room is a mess Maybe if I actually get it clean one day I'll take pictures :'D
  22. Biopanda

    I hope so as well, but wasn't Rooky Fiddler (or whatever he was called) the main composer? I can't speak for their later songs, but I just checked my copy of Black Album and all of the songs are credited with words & music done by Rookie Fiddler(though a few do mention that Nimo and Mucho helped with the English lyrics).
  23. Biopanda

    This band needs to be more original with their names. Though I did kinda like the FULL ERECT name they used for their session after the first time they disbanded/went on hiatus lol
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