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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

  2. Biopanda

    Squeeing in advance in hopes that AKIHIDE's solo work is anything at all like NEVERLAND.
  3. I think that's interpreting it pretty oddly. "not for sale at overseas markets" just means that we can't walk down to the cd store and get it lol
  4. Biopanda

    Sad to hear, but it doesn't really surprise me When I saw them live, they were playing last and literally everyone(it was a packed concert of over 100 or so) except for about 15 people(mostly foreigners) left the venue.
  5. Biopanda

  6. Biopanda

    Well, if you want to talk numbers then that's fine. Kameleo has been around for a little over a year now. In that time, they've released 6 cds, had a very successful oneman tour(I believe they sold out 2 of the 4 lives), oversold their anniversary live at Shinjuku Blaze(the venue held 800 people and it was PACKED...trust me, I was there XD), they've sold out 4 of the 5 venues for their upcoming oneman tour and will be having a oneman in a few months at a venue that holds 1,300 people. If that isn't success then I don't know what is. Sure they might not be the most popular band overseas yet(if you use last.fm as a metric), but that's barely a qualifier for a band that's only been around for a relatively short time. As for their lyrics and their ability to move people emotionally, I can't quite say as I don't understand Japanese. I've heard that their songs, while they might sound sweet on the outside, actually have rather deep lyrics. I can say that they certainly care quite a bit about the mood that their songs give off though. When I saw them live they had actors come out on stage to play out a prologue to one of their songs and set the emotional stage, so to say. (Is this enough talking about Kameleo though? This thread "is liking VK a phase" not "is Kameleo totally awesome" ;x)
  7. Biopanda

  8. お洒落泥棒 Revival? They need to come back for good!
  9. Biopanda

    Awesome news! They were a great band, so I hope they stick around for a while this time
  10. Biopanda

    Wit and creativity such that the world has never experienced before. How long did this linguistic opus take for you compose?
  11. Biopanda

    Aww man I hope they continue on though! They are a pretty solid oldschool-kote-sounding band :/
  12. So fuckin' stoked! I hope this single will be sold at other stores, cus I never got a chance to buy their first one
  13. WOW. That was.... unexpected
  14. Biopanda

    Feelin' great. Got back on my low carb diet after being off since mid-December(no way I was low carbing it in Japan). Down 5 lbs(2.27 kg) in 2 days. Bacon is a wonderful thing.
  15. Biopanda

    Hina and SHUN in the same band? Oh god this needs to be a formal thing!
  16. Biopanda

    Was hoping for a bit more than just 4 new songs, but hopefully the other ones will be remade at least.
  17. Biopanda

    Can't wait <3
  18. Biopanda

  19. Biopanda

    Goodbye, white boy. You had a good run.
  20. Biopanda

    Disappointing I rather liked them.
  21. Butts. Butts are always on my mind.

    1. CAT5


      mine too....WAIT WUT

    2. Yasupon


      Really Panda? I thought you weren't into butts.

    3. CAT5


      He has to be tho...think about it.

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