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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Most(all?) of those look like already-released songs. Pretty weak V.A. for such a line-up, sadly :/
  2. Biopanda

    Is that the valley for weird sexual urges or is that some other one?
  3. Biopanda

    I'M A JAPANESE SCHOOLGIRL. Also: a wild doaseternity6 appears! Also also: those machines are totally not meant for tall people! Ignore the awkward leaning, cus my head would have been totally out of frame otherwise lol
  4. Biopanda

    I know! Their one-year anniversary oneman live at 新宿BLAZE sold out well before the concert and that venue holds 800 people(I think Hikaru might have actually mentioned them overselling for the concert). 赤坂BLITZ holds about 1300 people, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're able to sell that out as well. I also love the fact that they actually made their release worth it to get both types by having two different b-sides and two different DVDs rather than bonus song on one type and DVD on the other route that so many bands go with.
  5. your dad is awesome [2]
  6. Biopanda

    HOOOOLY CRAP. ...they actually have a readable schedule now XD
  7. Biopanda

    サンドウィッチLOVE(Sandwich LOVE), レンナイ中毒(Renai Chuudoku) and ハナゲの王様(Hanage no Ousama).
  8. カメレオ announced today at their 1-year anniversary live that they will be releasing their new single, サンドウィッチLOVE, on 2013.03.06. The tracklist is as follows Type-A - ¥1,575 1. サンドウィッチLOVE 2. レンナイ中毒 1. サンドウィッチLOVE Music clip 2. サンドウィッチLOVE Music clipメイキング映像 Type-B - ¥1,575 1. サンドウィッチLOVE 2. ハナゲの王様 1. 2013.1.13 新宿BLAZE カメレオ1周年記念ワンマンライブライブドキュメント Also announced today was カメレオ's first full album, なう!, which will be released on 2013.05.08 in two types. More details will be available later. Finally, カメレオ will be holding a oneman live at 赤坂BLITZ on 2013.06.30.
  9. Biopanda

    SET-LIST at 2013/01/07: 01.嘘とデタラメなTemptation 02.Shiny black 03.Paradox EN1 01.Paradox 02.嘘とデタラメなTemptation I was pretty disappointed when they played those two songs over again... really weak :/
  10. *do you have any cd ? where did you buy it and where can buy the new cd ? They have a live-limited single that you can buy at their concerts. Way overpriced though... 1000 yen for one song
  11. Totally looking forward to this, their first single was awesome!
  12. Biopanda

    That can't be pleasant to watch? It wasn't :<
  13. Biopanda

    They're leaving? I guess that would explain why it seemed that nobody in the band gave a shit when I saw them live a few days ago.
  14. Biopanda

    Not the last concert I went to, but the last BIG one. A's special oneman live for ELEMENTA ALCHEMICA. It was one of the most amazing things I've experienced all year @_@
  15. Biopanda

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay~ But why can't they start a bit earlier :'D
  16. Biopanda

    Seems he did pretty much completely disappear. Usually people like that come back for one-day revivals, but not him As for pictures, only if they're officially uploaded. Taking pictures at concerts is a huuuuuge no-no here, so I'm certainly not going to go about doing that XD
  17. Biopanda

    Well that certainly is shit
  18. Biopanda

    I was a bit disappointed when they played モモイロイチゴ again for the encore, given that they have plenty of other songs, but it was still great to see them together again. Also, it might as well have just been a そろばん revival instead of Primrose (I know they were the same band) since they introduced themselves as そろばん and kept referencing to that name throughout the live.
  19. Biopanda

    Oh cool~ SORA is awesome <3
  20. Biopanda

    Beautiful :'D
  21. Biopanda

    Poor guy I hope he gets better soon!
  22. Gettin' the hell out of this at tomorrow's live <3
  23. Holy shit those tracklists *drool*
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