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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. I took a look at his site and noticed this THANK YOU SOLD OUT!! ... Now think about that for a moment. The DVD in question was available at 2 stores for ¥3150. And it sold out. More than 2 people bought this thing. Just think about that for a moment, then take a little cry about the current state of visual kei. Oh and this isn't just some guy who managed to trick a few stores into carrying his crap. He will actually be featured on an upcoming VA album produced by SHOXX... the very same SHOXX that has been highlighting the biggest names in VK since the 90s. Maybe we'll need more than just a little cry...
  2. That is going to be the most epic PV of all time. I'm going to be creaming myself constantly until the 30th.
  3. Biopanda

    I voted, but they're in 7th place so I don't think they're gonna win lol
  4. Biopanda

    Sweeet! I've always kind of wondered what they looked like live. For some reason I always thought I saw a live clip a very long time ago but was never able to find it again, so I chalked it up to just a really weird(yet cool) dream XD
  5. I'm skimming through college as a computer science major and payin' the bills as a nurse
  6. Biopanda

    Update time! Ticket information for Secilia Luna's live concert in Singapore is out now. People outside of Singapore who are able to go can also purchase tickets There will also be special goods sold on that day (and might be made available online after the event, not too sure about this yet). So for those who are able to go down to Singapore on Nov 27th, please get tickets and watch them (There will also be an after-live party!) http://tokyo69.atelierneko.net/HAP2011_ticket.html http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tokyo69/103611996400049
  7. Biopanda

    I really wish he'd join a new band as well and stop teasing us with karaoke
  8. Too bad she can't sing all that well Also, that PV is CGI cheese to the max.
  9. Totally buying this as well! POP UNITED is an awesome label
  10. Biopanda

    On November 27th, Secilia Luna will be performing at *Scape Auditorium in Singapore. I'll update later on when more details(such as the ticket price) are announced. For now, you can check out current details here http://tokyo69.atelierneko.net/HAP2011.html http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tokyo69/103611996400049 (Oh, and 'Like' the page on facebook )
  11. Biopanda

    Need to buy this so bad.
  12. Cool :v Pretty excited for 君は鋭く。
  13. Biopanda

    Damnit And they were pretty good too :/ Hopefully their vocalist goes on to a new band since she had a pretty good voice.
  14. Biopanda

    Man... Sasabuchi is a pretty busy guy, huh?
  15. Biopanda

    The old band Lastier has opened up a webpage with a mysterious countdown http://lastier.jp/pc/ which will seemingly lead to some news on October 1st. I'm really hoping for a revival, cus they were an awesome band.
  16. Biopanda

    I think many guys are pretty daft when it comes to picking up stuff like that lol As for girls asking out guys, I would say that most guys would be fine with that. If anything it shows they're confident, which can be a plus as well.
  17. Biopanda

    It says in their FAQ that they'll eventually be implementing a way to use TT without facebook.
  18. Biopanda

    I think it finally shit itself. Probably best to just wait for a while before trying again
  19. ・ADAPTER。 - FLOWERS OF ROMANCE (CASCADE) is going to be amazing <3
  20. Biopanda

    Sounds like a pretty awesome lineup to me. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for them.
  21. Biopanda

    On a related note, you can listen to samples of every song from Dear Dolce's new VA album here. The album contains songs from all 4 of those bands as well.
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