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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

    1. Elazmus


      bless those motherfuckers headbanging in front... what the fuck, kids?

    2. Atreides


      Holy shit that voice lol ....



  1. @cvltic @lichtlune eyy turkey bday crew

    1. lichtlune


      Ohh yee :D

    2. cvltic


      squad up

  2. We are pregaming with a concert from Visual Kei Summit, the  auction starts in 45 minutes! http://www.rarezhut.net/stream

    1. Kaleidoscope


      Heey, do you get a notification if you submitted a ghost bid or will it just be noted down?

    2. Biopanda


      We'll contact you after the auctions to let you know what happened with your ghost bids.

  3. bsbet↖ウ『→ KR847.ZZ.AM←』ウ↙bsbet

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      this could totally be a new vk bandname 

  4. I just remember this existed and I wish I didn't:


    1. nekkichi


      the blessed golden age when (REAL!!) western visual kei was at its prime 🔥🔥🔥

    2. returnal


      wait until the "XX Shuunen KINEN will resume activities" thread in a few months, who's laughing now?


    fucked up

    1. reminiscing2004


      help i just woke up. i wasnt ready for those onion years

    2. reminiscing2004
  6. Item list for this month's $1 auction is live! https://goo.gl/46eeAV

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      LOL @ "signed by.... someone"

    2. Biopanda


      I can't figure them out for the life of me :(

  7. What the fuck, was BABOO trolling us and are actually j-indie?


    1. BrenGun


      all vkei are j-indie als long they don't go major 😂


      but that song you thibk they are a normal j-indie band and not a vkei act.

    2. shiroihana


      j-indie doesn't exist

      nothing exists

      none of us are real

  8. https://goo.gl/TByu47 Item list for this month's RH auction is up!!

    1. xriko


      omg I would love the 音飴缶 V.A only for those ~If~+Dia+ tracks

    2. Biopanda


      It should be showing up this Sunday, so feel free to show up and bid ;3

  9. Ch-ch-check it out!

  10. e he he E HE HE EH
    1. Raburr7


      Dear lord let this be made ironically - random comment

  11. this
    1. hyura


      D; Why is that kind of stuff always from Berlin?

  12. I'm not the most mature person in the world, but sometimes I gotta smh at people who make me look like a mature adult in comparison XD

    1. Tetora


      Checking in.

  13. Really glad I decided to give GOTCHAROCKA another try. Their 撃愛 single is pretty awesome!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Hydrag is a guilty pleasure of mine :(

  14. FINALLY! Just heard back from the insurance company that pays for my job and my original hours are finally getting reinstated. It'll be nice to get paid again after like 2 months of nothing :'D

    1. paradoxal


      congrats bro <3

  15. Who was I holding Cordyceps sinesis for again? I forgot :( Hit me up, brah

  16. Time to get into the spirit of things!

    1. nattliga_toner


      Essential xmas listening! I have the CD lying around somewhere.

  17. Beautiful.
    1. Gaz


      is that also robkun's account?

  18. http://aucview.aucfan.com/yahoo/g95531824/ I will forever want this. Also lol more Kisaki conspiracy?
    1. Slsr


      LOOOOOL, the best forever

  19. Thanks again everyone for coming to today's RarezHut livestream! You're all beautiful and I love all of your cute li'l faces <3 Hope to see most of you back tomorrow for the "mini" stream~

    1. rekzer


      i can't make it tomorrow cuz of work :< but im happy with my purchases today :3 <3

  20. Thanks again to all you lovely people who showed up for this weekend's RarezHut stream <3

  21. Once again, I can't express how thankful I am for everyone who showed up at today's RarezHut stream <3 We ended up being 1 item away from selling 100 things today(an i crai). Hope to see y'all tomorrow when we (hopefully) finish up this crate!

    1. paradoxal


      and i think i bought like 50% of that stuff :( :( :( :(

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