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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    *fans self off*
  2. Biopanda

    Stanning for Himeno already. Can't say no to a cute keyboardist :x
  3. e he he E HE HE EH
    1. Raburr7


      Dear lord let this be made ironically - random comment

  4. mind = blown
    1. Raburr7
    2. Tokage


      off da railz

    3. paradoxal


      This is my personal favorite <3
  5. Biopanda

    I think the drummer was the only one absent when they did their last revival in 2012, so I assume it'll be the same here. Anyways, nice to see them reviving again even if I won't be able to see them this time
  6. Biopanda

    Oh my god I need this! That was the song they played live last year that I really loved ;w;
  7. Also in the description of that video: Schwarz Stein Oversea LIVE plans are afoot!! *drooling*
  8. Made some low-carb negerbollar today :v

  9. Biopanda

  10. I don't wish to hide any negative feedback(I'm not a mod anyways). I responded to your claim via paypal, but I'll send you a PM and we can try and clear things up there.
  11. Biopanda

    I personally prefer old VK. I really liked the mid 90's when so many was kind of fruity to the appearance. The music obviously, just like any genre, has trends and I'm not that into the type of music most modern VK bands do... They all have this very polished look, and so does the music.
  12. Biopanda

    Scarlet seems to be another doujin VK band(they're selling their cds at comiket)? There were a few that popped up in the past that were total oldschool worship(biggest one that comes to mind is Gravel). I'm totally digging the sound though and deff will be keeping an eye on them if any of their stuff ever leaks out(unlikely, I guess :<)
  13. Biopanda

    Stanning the chubby guitarist.
  14. ^ must not spend money... must not spend money... why do they make this so hard XD
  15. Can't wait for this~ I hope it's sold in stores!
  16. Biopanda

    You are my new favorite member.
  17. Biopanda

    Death Rabbits revival AND a session with Shun from VIDOLL? I'm so jelly to anyone who can go :<
  18. First valentine's day in a long time that I'm not single \o/ Pretty bummed that I can't spend it with my girlfriend though :(

  19. Pretty excited for this! Been wanting to hear more from adamas beyond the few free songs they put online.
  20. Biopanda

    More VK bands should use this reasoning for just about any type of news.
  21. No change in the email, I've just been super busy with school and life. I'll be getting your package ready tonight and emailing you the shipping quote
  22. Biopanda

    Source for what? The V.A. tracks? You can listen to samples and buy both of the, but they were on this V.A. with the song 再会の詩 and this one with the song 千年夜. As for their activities, you can on the vocalist's blog that she lists herself as ex-HAZE and from THE PIASS' OHP that they do like a billion lives a month.
  23. Biopanda

    They released two V.A. songs and then disbanded. I think their vocalist is in an anime cover band now and the rest of them are just hanging out in THE PIASS and only doing lives.
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