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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    @Manic that's one hella scary chest, bro. Eat some bacon, stat
  2. Biopanda

    Aww bummer I rather liked their first single and was really hoping to hear more from them. Oh well
  3. Biopanda

    So... are we going to have to wait another few years then?
  4. Biopanda

    People like to have their things in neat little boxes, even though some bands only fit in there sometimes or you end up making things complex by either mashing together a bunch of tags or creating a new genre just to describe one band(post-punk-avant-garde-blacksploitation-porno-groove music).
  5. Biopanda

    Literally the only one. All the other residents of Finland are mooses and reindeer(also Santa, but he doesn't count).
  6. Biopanda

    Shaking and crying.
  7. this.
    1. Slsr


      I like this better tbqh
    2. Biopanda


      all of his songs are beautiful little butterflies.

  8. Biopanda

    Desert of choice? The barren wasteland known as New Mexico for me
  9. Biopanda

    Pretty much this, yeah. We're a dying breed
  10. Biopanda

    I'm pretty sure a few of their cds have been posted here :x
  11. I'll take the bait and debate with you. I posit that there are, in fact, no shitty dog artists. Prove me wrong, punk.
  12. Biopanda

    Since this topic was revived... hmm... probably a few thousand dollars a year :'D
  13. I'm going to start a VK band where I'm the main otamatone player

    This needs to happen.
    1. digi


      brb crying

    2. Jigsaw9


      !!! :'DDD ...I'll join in on theremin. ;<

    3. Umi_Niwa


      lol suits you.

  14. Biopanda

    Sweet I hope the production quality is higher on this than their previous releases tho :x
  15. Biopanda

    Whelp, that certainly was some oldschool kotekote masturbastion. +1. Did they record it onto a cassette and then rip that for the CD or something? Seems like they went the distance to not only sound oldschool but capture the crap fidelity that oldschool releases had lol
  16. Nice to see another new PV from them... but seriously, what are they doing? The quality of their PVs is rather nice, but it feels like they've really cheaped out on this one. Not that any of their PVs were much more than "band playing in a room" but at least the previous ones had some sort of location and theme. The whole "live style" PV just seems like a really cheap move.
  17. Biopanda

    So according to that new look.... they're officially turning into Hana Shounen Baddies? I'm okay with this.
  18. Biopanda

    In the middle of a desert(within the USA).
  19. PVs from this band finally? Awesome! These guys are awesome and I can't wait to see where they go from here
  20. Biopanda

    How often do you buy from yourself?
  21. Don't have much to say about that compilation other than I'm pretty sure nothing will ever change that notion XD As long as you have the bands doing things like this He used makeup to give himself a chin-cameltoe. I'm not sure whether to applaud how much balls he has to actually do that or applaud the fact that he's so seemingly unaware of what a trainwreck he looks like(the other members aren't much better, though they do lack chinginas).
  22. Biopanda

    Get out of our girl's club :<
  23. Biopanda

    I tag things as VK because there's no ID3 field for "scene" and sometimes you just want to listen to some trannies, ya know?
  24. Oh... I've never even heard of those sorts of things XD I guess they just don't exist in the US.
  25. In Japan, maybe. Most of those bands may have had like 1 international fan back when they were around XD It's really hard to have events about "neo visual kei" since those bands are still around? Technically every single event featuring those bands would be an event "about" them lol
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