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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. I've got a bunch of Loz'a≠Veria items, so I'll try and add those to the list of items for the next update 1. I can certainly try and do this, but expect a lot of blank spaces since some of that info is just impossible to find 2. I'll be removing the pages for sold items along with the band pages if they're empty to help keep things nice and neat~
  2. Hiroki covered it perfectly I should add something about shipping to the FAQ page, since I've seen that question pop up twice already. Now that a few people have had some time to check out the site, what do you guys think about it? Is there anything you'd like to see changed or added?
  3. After well over a year's worth of work, I'd like to present to you all: RarezHut! This is one of the first international store for used visual kei music. Myself, along with my two associates, have been working hard to deliver a store to meet the needs of the international visual kei community, offering a wide selection of products at a reasonable cost. At the moment, RarezHut has over 600 items for sale, each of which includes a listenable/watchable sample! We've got a total inventory of well over 2000 items and will be working hard over the coming months to deliver updates(at least once a month) with as many items as we can stuff in there. Currently available are a multitude of CDs, DVDs, cassette tapes and VHS spanning over 200 bands. Features of the store include: "Fuzzy search" system: when you search for a band, it'll pull up any other items available by bands with members from the band you searched for in addition. Listenable/watchable samples for every item to give you a little idea of what to look forward to. Newsletter: If you create an account, you can opt-in for our newsletter which details all of the recent additions and will be sent out the moment they're added to the site, allowing you to get first dibs on any new goodies! Remember: once they're gone, they're gone for good~ Digital copies: along with any cassette/VHS purchases, we offer high-quality digital copies free-of-charge. We realize that not everyone has the means to play these aging formats, but we aim not to let that get in the way of you being able to enjoy them! In an effort to make sure that buying goes smoothly, all items added will have the digital copies ready before addition so that packages can be shipped out on the next business day. Thanks for taking the time to look at this and we sincerely hope you enjoy the store(and whatever goodies you buy from it )! Given the small nature of the visual kei community, we rely on word-of-mouth for most of our advertising, so any friends you can tell about the store will help us immensely <3 If you've got any questions/comments/feedback, feel free to post them here or send me a PM and I'll try to reply ASAP~ Update 3/13/2015 So we've finally joined the 21st century and started a facebook and tumblr! You can follow us on either(or both if you really love us <3) for product spotlights, updates, corgi pictures and more! To celebrate this, we're running a special 10% off sale from now(3/13) until next week Friday(3/20). To get in on this sale, just enter the code SOCIALSALE10 at checkout and you'll be on your way to (even) cheaper rarez in no time! In addition, I'd like to welcome Rob(robkun) to the RarezHut team! He's been a huge supporter of our store since the very beginning and we're honored to have him as part of the staff! He'll be writing the product spotlights on both our facebook and tumblr pages, so definitely go check them out because they're really awesome
  4. Biopanda

  5. Biopanda

    I actually saw Psycho 2 and it was kinda... not that great XD It seemed like the sort of situation where the material should have just been left alone and probably would have had Hitchcock rolling in his grave
  6. Biopanda

    Probably just sit around eating candy and watching horror movies :v I only really started watching them last year, so I haven't even seen any of the "essentials". Any recommendations?
  7. Biopanda

    So when are you mailing me a case of that stuff, Ito? ;/
  8. Biopanda

    *tosses you a corset* Live the dream.
  9. Announced today at his live at Biopanda's Bedroom, the band will be going on an indefinite hiatus. The official reason stated was to rethink and reprioritize band activities. Vocalist and band leader, Matt, left this comment on his blog, "It's been great, guys! We hope to be back eventually (T_T)/~~~". A last live DVD has been mentioned, with details to be announced at a later point.
  10. Biopanda

    Show Yourself (derping)
  11. Biopanda

    <333 This band really needs more love.
  12. Biopanda

    Because if everyone was smart then... we'd all be the stupid ones? *mind explodes* who favorite cat?
  13. Biopanda

    That THE BEETHOVEN song is going to be literally the most perfect thing ever. Magic Knights Rayearth was one of my favorite animes and that song has a special place in my heart. It certain sounds like they're doing it just as well, which is great <3
  14. Biopanda

    Me. *puffs cheeks up and blows* Dark, milk or white chocolate?
  15. Live-limited? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww man :< Let me throw my money at you!
  16. Biopanda

    The only one I know is Derpy and I think that's the only important pony. What is the best VK song to twerk to?
  17. Biopanda

    Old-school-tereko-kei? XD
  18. Biopanda

    How disappointing The song-within-the-song was much better lol Also if VK dying is from light poppy VK, then it's been dead since the mid-90s, so I'm not sure what sort of statement they're trying to make :'D
  19. Biopanda

    Not a bad setlist... I'm surprised they've got so many songs right out of the gate!
  20. Biopanda

    They must have thought he was good enough, I guess?
  21. Biopanda

    A plane ticket? That's a pretty boring answer, but I think that'd be the most I spent at one time on a single thing. If there was one member from this forum you could go drinking with(or I guess hang out if you're a non-alcoholic square), who would it be?
  22. Biopanda

    Depends on the situation as both can be great, but I really enjoy walking alone with nothing but my headphones(especially if it's night, maybe a little cool out and there's nobody else around). If you could wear any sort of animal as a hat, what would it be?
  23. Great to see the ranmal members back! I certainly hope that's not going to be a live-limited single or anything :x
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