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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. RarezHut has our first exclusive distro CD! Find out more and get a free copy here http://rarezhut.net/ren

  2. RarezHut is back! Head over to www.rarezhut.net to check out the new site, new stock and new rewards ❤️

  3. RarezHut is finally on the way to Tokyo In Tulsa. Come check out our booth if you're there!

  4. RarezHut is giving away a signed copy of Creature Creature's "Death Is A Flower"! Enter here: http://www.rarezhut.net/rarezhuts-signed-creature-creature-giveaway

  5. RarezHut just cut it's first deal with a Japanese band! Can't wait to see where this leads in the future :3 We'll have more info to talk about soon~

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. Komorebi


      Looking forward to this!!

    3. leafwork


      rarezhut exclusive ver-meer releases

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  6. RarezHut stream is live at http://rarezhut.net/stream pre-gaming with some psycho le cemu!

  7. RarezHut's auction starts tomorrow! We've got tons of rare demotapes and other goodies this time around~!!

  8. RH stream has started over at http://rarezhut.net/stream . Pregaming today with some awesome late 90s/early 00s VK vids!

  9. RIP In Peace, MH

  10. Snagged myself a set of the like-an-edison VA albums. 2017 startin off great

  11. So glad DANGER☆GANG isn't playing first on tonight's Holiday Shinjuku streaming live. They're fucking up so incredibly hard right now I can't even...

  12. So I just bought a used VK shop. What am I doing with my life help

    1. Biopanda


      Ahh, that's what messed me up then. I randomly see posts from them on facebook and assumed that the physical store was still around.

    2. togz


      Nah. tbh... xenon was just a revamped version of the Cure shop that closed two previous times. It was a little silly. Having been around that community in Little Tokyo for so long... it was laughable to see them close, put items on sale, re-open and then spike the prices of items they sold for dirt cheap before. When they closed this time... they didn't say they were closing but rather "re-locating" but there was no announcement of location plans etc etc. I knew they were going down hill when they stopped doing as many livestreams (and eventually none at all) and when they did have events, less and less people showed up. That's one thing that upsets me about the crowd over there. They're in it for the wrong reasons. If I wasn't a huge fan of a band, I went anyway. The more people who go and support, the more likely they are to bring other bands etc etc. But people were like heeeeeey i don't really like rhedoric that much so nah. Okay well kiss Xenon goodbye then. I mean they flew thousands of miles to basically play in a garage to like 25-30 people MAXIMUM. Basically everytime Cure/Xenon closes.. Anime Jungle buys them out and opens another location. I kid you not... Anime Jungle has like four individual spots in that mall area. It's not Little Tokyo Mall anymore... it's Anime Jungle Mall built with the tears of 5 die hard vk fans. LOL

    3. togz


      Oh there's also a "Harajuku Fashion" store in there with like 5 accesories and things that are either too small or too hot to wear in california ever. :'D 

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  13. So there's a Japanese band over at my apartment right now....

    1. Valicious


      KazHa is over

    2. robkun


      All of Morning Musume are over at my house. Wow, international Japanese hangout day. The best day.

    3. Valicious


      The singer is tiny.  Our corgi Keiju made friends with their drummer

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  14. Someone tweeted a photo of the old Dir&Gray, thought you might be interested! https://twitter.com/kamiwa_shinda/status/854342633942007814/photo/1

    1. Himeaimichu


      Also, I wonder what the ex members of Dir&Gray are doing now. I'd like to see where they got the name from

    2. Keiyuu


      All I know is that their vocalist became the second vocalist of Kneuklid Romance (known as 雪乃 in that band). They're mentioned as ディルアングレイ here https://www.vkdb.jp/KneuKlid+Romance.html

      But it's safe to assume that guy already retired long ago. And I got absolutely no idea who the other members are :/

    3. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, Biopanda and I had a whole discussion on it because we were curious to who this band in these early 90's livelists were lol. We even found an alternate name for the band, as well as a demo on Niconico.

      Since the lead guitarist was a Zi:Kill roadie, perhaps if there is ever a chance to ask Tusk, he's probably know.

      I'm being serious because I'm authentically curious where the name came from lol.

      I guess Dir&Gray could've been one of those cases of a band that used to be a little popular but was sort of forgotten (kinda like Mi'ze:lia, the first band of Mitsuki and Takemasa from Kiryu), or perhaps were popular among the musicians, but not the fans. 

      Because you'd think if they contributed to the name of Lareine's "Dir en Gray", and the band "Dir en Grey", you'd think they'd be more well known.

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  15. Spending the night ripping Gackt VHS tapes. Nostalgia explosion all over my face.

    1. robkun


      Gackt is god, Gackt is... Gackt.



      And naked Gackt is Gackt's holy spirit

  16. Thank y'all for letting me activate ≪POWER OF THE BEAST≫ and win some demos :v

    1. Biopanda


      Perhaps it was a little too powerful, @Gaz :( Well, I left y'all with most of the rarez anyways XD I just wanted my 90s white-kei tapes :v

    2. Gaz


      i wonder if i put my fav number (69) in the bid will i also get lucky hmmmmm

    3. Biopanda


      69 is a pretty good power number as well, so it's worth a try

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  17. Thanks again everyone for showing up to this week's auction~ Much love <3 See y'all next weekend!

  18. Thanks again everyone for showing up to today's auction! Make sure to show up again tomorrow for more cheap goodies and free prizes <3

    1. Kaleidoscope


      Loved the stream, everything went super smooth and I loved that you played a song out of each release!

  19. Thanks again to everyone who showed up at today's stream! We hope to see you all tomorrow <3

    1. itsukoii


      can't believe i dropped in a split second before it ended lmao

  20. Thanks everyone for showing up to this weekends RH auction! Y'all my lil babbies n i luv u all. <3 papa

  21. The 90s VK band BEAST just tweeted about RarezHut. I feel so honored <3

  22. The RarezHut stream will start in about an hour. We're pregaming now with some rare La'Mule footage! http://rarezhut.net/stream

  23. These old SHOXX are just making me more confused. According to an ad, it seems like Syu~furuma~jyu's demo may have been released by my darling label, 01 COMPLETION. This news makes them even better than before <3

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is that that satanic clown band

    2. Biopanda


      The one and only.

  24. Today is the last day of the 15% RH sale! We added some goodies like Kiryu and MEJIBRAY, so go and get it~ http://rarezhut.net/newly-added

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