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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. This PV... I think is either going to be Rose, Edge of the World, or Sympathia for some reason.

    It would make the most sense to be either ROSE or Sympathia. ROSE because it's the last single. Sympathia because it's the "end" to the story and they could probably do an all-out visual orgasm with it. I'd actually much prefer Sympathia.

    100% agreeance.

    I only threw Edge of the World in there because I'm obsessed with that track title for whatever reason.

  2. maybe kamijo is working on a solo career already or something

    That's a definite possibility, it would be monstrously successful, but at the same time... Who would work on his solo project with him? Even Kaya's solo project has to have people that actually DO the music and if I remember correctly, Kamijo doesn't play a lot of instruments well enough to do it all himself.

    I think the most logical thing to think about Kamijo right now is that he's going to take the time to be producer and CEO of Artist Society and take Megaromania on that label since UCP is closing. And probably scout for new bands.

    This PV... I think is either going to be Rose, Edge of the World, or Sympathia for some reason.

  3. I thought their live performance was great. Tsuzuku definitely struggled in some parts, but they still put on a fantastic show and would be fun to see live. Koichi legitimately needs to eat a sandwich though. He looks like he hasn't eaten anything in a year.

  4. Kind of indifferent. Every album has good points and bad points, they've never released a whole album that really made me fall in love. But I look forward to hearing the good they come up with for the album.

  5. A) I think if executed well ARTPOP could be one of the greatest things put out or if executed poorly, a miserable failure. Since its Gaga it will PROBABLY be the former. So I'm excited. I'll probably end up buying the app and the physical cd because I'm like that.

    B) I'm hoping her new single drops in October because I hate waiting.

    C) I see, kind of shocked about Perez and Gaga falling out. They were best friends!

  6. I haven't listened to this one too much since I've been so hung up on Div's new single, but I definitely thought Sadisgate itself was superb. I thought it was like dark and creepy and had the perfect atmosphere, exactly what I expected and wanted.

    However, Black Baccarat didn't really hit me yet. I listened to it and thought it was good, but I haven't come to appreciate it yet.

    And then Hakuraku was just batshit crazy. Which is totally a compliment.

  7. That's a lot of money to pay for something almost no one had any hopes for, ya know? Like if VK CDs were to only cost me 10-15$ like any other CD I would buy, you bet your ass I'd have bought myself a copy of Division just to support one of my favorite bands even if the CD wasn't 100% up to par with previous releases (I bought Holy Grail, didn't I?). But the thing for me is: If I'm paying 33$ for an album and 12$ to have it shipped the album better be special or have some kind of personal meaning because that's a LOT of money to me right now.

  8. This band is really really good. For lack of a better phrase. I mean really, their debut blew me away in it's own way, but this new single is even SO much better to me than Mudai no Document. I've already listened to the whole single 5 times... Well since I downloaded it I just had it on repeat so I haven't stopped listening to it.

    Natsu no Yukue is a fun pop/rock song, but my problem is that it's chorus and Hotarubi's chorus are almost identical to me. They have the same rhythm and very similar melodies. I'd have to say that I like Hotarubi a little bit more because of it's more ambient feel. It's strangely more cosmic than Natsu no Yukue which is a very earthy, grounded, yet fun song.

    Then there's Milky Latte which is totally out of left field and highly electronic, but very well done. *points to the GazettE* but this isn't about them, it's about Div. Div took a very popular concept in rock right now, electronic/rock crossover and made it work effortlessly.

    Love the single, 9/10

  9. I have to admit something.

    I had heard that Lady Gaga mocked Madonna at her concert in Helsinki and I lost a lot of respect for her. Sure, Madonna "started it" but what are we 7? Lady Gaga has always been the kind of person to take the high road and yet there she is mocking Madonna? I'm sure Chianti, you can shed some light on that.

    EITHER WAY I'm trying to see about getting to either Madison Square Garden or Wells Fargo Center to see this show. I really didn't want to miss it.

  10. In the vein of side projects: I bet Hizaki and Teru will go on together. They've already done so much together and work well together making the kind of music they do. Masashi and Yuki will probably have side projects that don't garner as much fame as they should. But Kamijo... He's an interesting one. I'm actually super super curious to see what he'll do in the meantime.

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