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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I can just second everything above.

    Apocalypse is basically nothing to me, but Thinker is really fucking stellar. Then there's Emily which is just a start to finish, epic, beautiful, masterpiece. Gorgeous ballad.

  2. For me personally, the album was a really emotional experience and it is really impossible for me to look at it from an objective enough standpoint that I could write a legitimate review. But nonetheless I can always write some positive thoughts I had:

    I found Created Beauty to not be as epic as other songs throughout, but towards the end was just huge and absolutely wonderful. The instrumental that follows is essentially gravy.

    Edge of the World didn't strike me at first due to the "weirdness" of the intro. How it was sort of a heavy growling guitar-fest and not their usual mood. But once the intro transitioned into the chorus, it was truly outstanding. I love both single A-Sides equally. Structurally, they're kind of the same song, but whatever they're still awesome. Illusion and Ayakashi are both really good, but I rarely listen to them for whatever reason.

    The reworked Prelude sets an amazing mood and intro for the album and Sympathia (having always been my favorite Versailles song) was reworked to PERFECTION. Where it was good before it's great now.

    Brave and Truth are just really cool tracks. I like Brave a little more due to that one section of the song where it just switches gears and has a different melody for a couple seconds. I love that it feels so pirate-y. Truth has a certain finality to it, as does Sympathia.

    A lot of Je Ne Sais Quois about the album that makes it so perfect, but it's a perfect ten to me.

  3. Very very VERY excited now. I love the title of the single overall, but the reworked Kugutsu has me extremely excited as well as the two new songs. This seems like sort of a new Gothic direction that isn't as tired and worn out as vampires and roses. Looking forward to it.

    But the new version of Glitter can blow me, So not here for more remakes.

  4. Emily sounds real nice. It's really long though! Thinker also sounds pretty good, but that one is so short... So is Apocalypse which just sounds like a scream-fest/churning guitar song which can be cool, I guess. Looking forward to this single!

  5. I was reading up on it and apparently Nicole Scherzinger from the Pussycat Dolls recorded a song with them/him which is CRAZY random. I can think of 5 more fitting artists off the top of my head for a project like this but anything to make this project more likely to perform in NYC/Philly il take.

  6. I really do not know what to make of this, if I'm being honest.

    I remember when the project was first announced and I had no idea what to think of it and even now that it's allegedly to be unveiled and something is going to be done about it I still really don't know what it's supposed to do.

    Is it Sugizo on guitar, Yoshiki on drums/piano... Then who on bass? Will there be one vocalist or many? Male or female? American or Japanese?

    Then I recall how MUCH Yoshiki tweets about being in the studio. SOMETHING is going to release next year, so I guess it's going to be this... But he's ALSO been talking a LOT about SKIN... So that could definitely be happening next year also... What I wonder mostly, though, is what is happening with X itself? Is that band really just done? It sounded like they have a good album judging by their recent three singles if they'll all be on this alleged album.

    I think Yoshiki is an amazing artist, but he just doesn't seem to know what direction to go in.

  7. Actually, that cleared up a lot for me, Darkindastad. The file you sent me would contain all the songs I still need since I have Ayakashi and a (albeit shitty quality) file of Truth. I'm hoping to get a legitimate m4a of it because what I think I have is a YouTube rip that is kind if splotchy.

  8. I already have a copy coming, but I want this so bad I want to fucking buy a second copy but I'm poor. Ugh.

    I will try and upload it later; of course in the process of downloading it, an error occurs with the song Truth. Hoping it will be fixed in a bit. Not sure what to do as I have never come across this on itunes.

    That's crazy, hopefully it'll work itself out. Don't know if you saw my edit, but I did manage to purchase two individual tracks: Edge of the World and Brave. Created Beauty is fucking album only which I think is a load of horse shit. But I digress.

    I feel bad asking, but at the same time I did buy the whole physical album and the digital singles and two of the album tracks digitally... So fuck it I don't feel bad haha.

  9. "Only 40 minutes? Weak."

    said the elitist metal douche.

    I wonder if they can pull this off... They're already quite a novelty in VK, so this will only strengthen that, haha.

    Love the first part of this.

    Anyway, I think if they separate it into different movements, it can be spectacular.

    Loved when X released Art of Life because it had a lot of very different very beautiful parts, but it had such old school production. Then Luna Sea did their super long song that was really good, but didn't have a TON of variation, but A has a way more unique sound than either of those bands. If they can incorporate an Abyss-like acoustic piano ballad section I already like it.

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