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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. chinamini dauto kara hotto na saishin no oshirase desu ! 11 tsuki 14 nichi ( sui ) NEW SINGLE ' chuukyori renai ' hatsubai kettei ! kono kyoku dauto bushi sakuretsu de meccha ii node kou go kitai , sono mae ni 8 / 15 no high collar o aishi te ne ?

    English as said by Google Translate.

    Latest News from Doubt is way hot! November 14 will be released "middle-distance romance" NEW SINGLE (Wed)! Stay tuned, I love the high collar of 8/15 before exploding in so Truly I doubt this song section?

  2. Given their history (e.g. Hageshisa to) my mind would immediately go to it releasing in early to mid December, so I had assumed from the beginning it would be this year, just wanted the confirmation. ^_^ but either way I'm excited. Dir en grey has always made me happy with their releases so I'm sure this won't disappoint me either.

  3. ^I don't think there's any big reveal. Just the artsy shit kyo enjoys doing

    I could definitely see that. And chances are you're probably right, but I just wonder...

    Like doesn't Rinkaku mean outlines? I don't see what the TV has to do with anything haha, but whatever Kyo. Do you.

    And @Relentless if the single is due out in winter, which is only a few months away, should production be more or less underway if not completed? Does anyone know if it's definitely winter in 2012? (This could be November/December) or winter in general which could mean anywhere between November this year and pretty much March of next year...

  4. The new look is really cool. Just started downloading their albums today, hopefully I'll be caught up by the time the album comes out, but I'm loving what I'm hearing so far. Can't believe I've gone so long without listening to them.



    You did get me to download Mona Lisa Overdrive and Tenshi no Revolver out of order sooooo Yeah I'd say you did a good job. :P

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