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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. Yeah that sound quality is horrible, but I'm still very excited about this. It promises to be one of this year's strongest debuts.

    I would say GALEYD is the reigning champion right now

    Definitely, couldn't agree more. But I believe Undivide has a big chance to take the flag from Galeyd soon.

    All of this.

    I'd say as of this moment, Galeyd is the best to debut but Undivide could be coming for the crown. I like Div and Grenzen der Traum's debuts but they don't have Leda and Sujk.

  2. What I would most like this single to be is a song with heavier instrumentals, but instead of him screaming/growling/being totally unintelligible throughout the whole song, I would really like him to sing. In Japanese. Because he does have a good singing voice. But when it's in English it's just not... There... It just doesn't work for me. I really don't like Kamijo's English singing either. It sounds way too forced. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, some people just CAN'T speak in other languages.

    But if he is going to incorporate English lyrics, let's have it be in the screaming voice... But that's for the album as a whole. If they are planning a full blown album comeback, I would like there to be a mixture of ballads, heavy songs with a singing voice, and heavy songs with a screaming voice.

    I stand by my opinion that Ruten no Tou from Dum Spiro Spero is in my top 3 favorite Dir songs of all time.

  3. I love that Dir gets three pages of speculation when they do stuff like this.

    Anyway I almost entirely doubt it's new material since Kyo has been getting operated on right? But I would love a new single announcement.

  4. I had heard that all the songs on the album are either composed by Kreva or Yuksek, but that could be false information. I know Strong and Day 1 will be on there and there will definitely be (I think) at least one more composed by each person. Then, if it's only an EP the rest will probably be remixes, but if it's a full album, I would hope maybe there would be more DJ's making songs for him. Because this world series thing he's doing is fucking amazing.

  5. Yeah, i dont understand why he stoled pictures from various site, and im really confused. It's lying, and i can't accept. Surely he lost some fans because of it. He showed his life more interesting than the real to gather more fans, instead of shit on 凛 and back to Phantasmagoria composition and write great songs.

    But the most of people comes here to steal music, you think u are better ? :?

    We don't pretend that we created the music though :'D

    U say as u think, 「make and release a music」 and 「take a simple photo」 is same difficult and same cost thing :)

    I said i dont agree with KISAKI, but unnecessary to trolling what a shame, first, look into the mirror

    I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not shocked/upset because he copied a photo. Yes, that would be incredibly hypocritical of me. "Kisaki can't copy a photo, but I can copy all his music to my hard drive" no, it doesn't work that way.

    What's shocking and pathetic is that he LIED to all the fans he has (presumably a lot) in order to gain attention. He copied these photos and claimed they were his own. I'm not sitting here playing his bass lines for my friends saying "I wrote this, played it, recorded it, and mixed it; look how great and powerful I am."

    Someone like Kisaki shouldn't have to do this for attention. Everyone knows who he is and had a lot of respect amongst VK fans so why is he acting like a child in this situation? THAT is why I'm pissed, and probably a majority of everyone else.

  6. Maybe it's just me, but I thought this single and Dying Message overall proved to me that D still had it as a band. Before Dying Message released, the last thing I totally loved beginning to end was Genetic World. I thought 7th Rose was just bad (unpopular opinion, I know) and that Vampire Saga had awesome moments, but the whole album overall was mediocre. Then with Hunag Di... It was just totally unremarkable. I don't remember what a single song off there sounded like.

    Whereas Dying Message (I know this isn't a review thread for that single, but hear me out) was a good song. Hai no Yuki was a decent song. Eve no Kaifu was a great song and God Bless You was a good song.

    Here we have Danzai no Gunner which I will put on an even playing field with Dying Message. I thought they were both on the same level of talent and mass appeal. Versus Luminous Flame which I thought was a dumpster fire. It was very messy and I couldn't even finish the song, but even though Danzai no Gunner's low, to me, was lower than Dying Message's low (Hai no Yuki) the following song made up for it.

    I found Solitude to be a fucking epic masterpiece. I mean really that song really stands out to me... Kind of in a similar way that ClearVeil's Secret Letter stands out to me because the subject matter is kind of the same and the epic-length feel to it is also the same, but of course D does it better because Asagi's voice is sexual. So, in short the highest high on this single is higher than the highest high on Dying Message... If you understand what I'm saying.

    If I wasn't so sure that the next release was a best of album and then they'd be taking a break for a little bit, I would have to say that Dying Message and Danzai no Gunner are the signalling of a fuckign fantastic album of original content to come.... Too bad I know that isn't happening right now.

  7. The full version isn't really that great... I somehow liked the preview, but found the whole thing to be not that great. I know their newer style after Bou left got a lot of shit, but I actually liked it... Probably more than when Bou was in the band, but this particular song isn't as good as anything on Gokutama Rock Cafe and Miku's vocals sound very very strained to me. Like it's not coming naturally to him anymore. I'm still excited for the EP overall though, maybe there will be some salvageable songs on it.

  8. versailles voice is better i think, lareine voice was funny for me

    also his change of voice is funny to me for some reason xD

    actually my fav of all i think it was hizaki gr pr (also sulfuric acid was cool : 3)

    maybe because i think i like juka's voice more than kamijo

    but i like kamijo as a personallity generally way more than juka :/

    i am saying this because i would like to see them doing something completly new

    that would be more interesting for me

    not an old band

    although it's more dangerous to fail so bad with something new at comparison (look at satsuki bleh)

    but i don't like returning to past

    but don't listen to me since they are not my fav bands at all

    they should do what people that have them as fav band want xD

    It's funny to me... I put Juka, Kaya, and Kamijo all on the same playing field. They're all my favorite VK singers and I think it's because they all have deeper voices. But to me it's Kaya > Juka > Kamijo... It's funny that my favorite band of them is Versailles.

  9. The website crashed or got corrupted earlier today. Let me basically paraphrase what happened in those pages to make the conversation continue to flow:

    Versailles is disbanding momentarily with a possibility of getting back together in the future. The disbandment is to focus on their own musical ability so that if the band were to get back together a few years from now the sound would be new and special instead of the same old thing. Then we discussed what the band should do in the mean time. A reunion of Lareine was a possibility or even a solo project for Kamijo. As for Hizaki and Teru, they should do a Hizaki Grace Project reunion with Masashi and either Mikage or Yuki, more people leaning towards Yuki. We had discussed how it would be nice to have Juka sing for them again, except Juka has basically retired so the more likely choice is Kaya considering Hizaki and him are good friends.

    That should about sum it up.

    Let us continue.

  10. Malice Mizer have been on hiatus for more than 10 years now

    so even if it's hiatus, we still don't know what will happen...

    But Klaha is retired, Yu~ki is basically retired and I really don't think Mana and Kozi get along at all. Plus, they'll never get Gackt back.

    I'm thinking even if this is a hiatus and not a disbandment, they could come back in a couple years because they're all still friends. As far as I know.

    I have faith in Mana. After completing the project Moi dix Mois again with MALICE MIZER.

    Look at Raphael, are back. And some of the components stars is dead... Even a short time...

    Yu~ki, Közi & Mana get along at all, But would not do as many events together.

    And vocalist in the style of Klaha there are many, Mana is not difficult to find one.

    Don't get me wrong, Yukami, I'd love for there to be a Malice Mizer reunion! But at the same time I feel like the actual likelihood of a full-blown comeback for them... Is not legitimate. I wouldn't want people putting all their eggs in one basket for them, but I too hope they'll at least make new music together once more.

    But, this isn't about MM this is about Versailles.

    @TidTid That's actually an incredibly valid point... Do we know when the major label contract is over? Do we think this also could be a possibility?

  11. Malice Mizer have been on hiatus for more than 10 years now

    so even if it's hiatus, we still don't know what will happen...

    But Klaha is retired, Yu~ki is basically retired and I really don't think Mana and Kozi get along at all. Plus, they'll never get Gackt back.

    I'm thinking even if this is a hiatus and not a disbandment, they could come back in a couple years because they're all still friends. As far as I know.

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