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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. Well, it seems to be saying that the overall single will be 40 minutes long. That doesn't necessarily equal an A side of forty minutes. Could be 4 ten minute long songs. Or something.

    But the single contains only one song.

    Oh... Oh boy....

    Are they ready for a 40 minute song? That's literally longer than X-JAPAN's Art of Life.

  2. I'm not a member of LM.com... I was thinking about joining it, but if it costs money I'm out. Like I'm so poor right now I had to ask my boyfriend to pre-order Versailles's album for me. I've gotten way more people to say they wanna see P!nk's tour anyway actually. Even though I'd still love to see the BTW Ball in person... Maybe there's more USA dates she'll announce?! Haha I wish.

    And as far as the album watch her pull the same shit she did with BTW: Single in February with the album in May and she'll announce it at midnight on 12.31 haha

  3. Yeah I checked prices for my venue minutes after I posted that and I simply can't afford it. I hear the show is wonderful, but I'm going to have to wait until the alleged DVD comes out for me to experience the show because my venue's GA tickets are 175$ before taxes and fees. The cheap seats that I would get just to say I was there were 50$ and I'm really not here for that. Considering I paid 62$ for Green Day tickets and I'm right next to the stage.

    Furthermore, Rihanna and P!nk also announced tours at the same time and they are considerably cheaper. So, if I end up going to any it will be P!nk.

    As far as the music, I've had a source tell me the single will come out in February with the album in March. I hope there's some truth to that... I feel like the February part is almost definitely true, but it looks like her tour ends on March 11, not giving her a ton of time to put the finishing touches on it for a March release. It will probably end up being April.

  4. I think that PSY is a good person, just by judging from his Ellen appearance and nothing else. But At the same time I detest that this is the song that made K-Pop famous in America and I'll tell you why.

    It's not even that the song is bad because I feel like, if I was allowed to listen to this song on my own terms, I'd like it a lot. It's got a great beat. It's the fact that no one out there, not one single American I've encountered about this, has given a fuck about the music or wanted to look any further into ANY K-Pop star's discography, let alone PSY's.

    Essentially the point that I'm trying to make here is: Yes, it broke records. Yes, the song is catchy. But, no. No one gives a fuck at all. They look at this video and say (and I've HEARD people say things like this) "Look at the silly chink dancing like a horse" which is NOT okay. They buy the single because they think they're being silly and ridiculous instead of broadening their horizons into different musical genres.

    I look at my friends who have listened to this song and suggest they look into other YG Entertainment artists like G-Dragon, BigBang, and my girls in 2NE1 and they just laugh. They aren't interested in the music or meaning behind any of the music, they just want to laugh at the silly horse man and I don't think that's okay because that isn't what the song is.

    It isn't some stupid viral video made by some douche with too much time on his hands, it's made by a legitimate performing musical artist as a part of his career.

    Also, I'm a dick about pronunciation. When people pronounce words wrong, it pisses me off. Especially if there's someone pronouncing it FOR YOU in a video behind your head, Ellen.

    He doesn't say "oppan gang-nuhm style", so just pronounce it correctly and look like you don't have your head up your ass.

  5. I think Sui looks ridiculous. In fact, their look for this overall is a little off. It's more Metis Gretel than Megaromania, which I'm usually okay with since I'm a bigger fan of MG anyway. However, the music isn't there for me. It's not as good as anything on Artistical Glint which I really loved. So. Eh. I guess I'll just hope that Heaven's Novel will be better.

  6. i hope it will be a full-length album not another mini. XD

    It will probably be a full-length 10+ track album. In this scene when they say they're going to release an album it usually really is a full-length LP. I've noticed that in Korea it's not exactly the same haha.

  7. My $0.02:

    I will not personally stop translating them. I refuse. Especially interviews because the point of the interviews is to spread news and promote albums and things of that nature. I don't just understand the language, I need the help of translation sites. So, the BEST I can say I'd do is that I won't translate the interviews and spread them on my Twitter or blog. That, I can probably do.

    Like Zess said, I can listen to the music and be fine without understanding the lyrics... That's only a small percentage of a reason why I like the song. But maybe sometimes I want to understand what's going on. ESPECIALLY with Versailles lyrics since they tell a story. So you know what? Again I say I'm not going to stop translating. Spreading my personal translations? Maybe.

    My wish would be the bands/label would be so kind as to provide us with translations of both the lyrics and the interviews which... Mostly... They do not.

  8. Figured there was going to be a BTWBall DVD and there will probably be an HBO special too... Maybe, I don't know about that part. Didn't think it was going to be filmed so early though.

    Gaga doesn't need Perez anyway. She can do well without him at this point.

    Also, the album is supposed to come out before the end of her tour, right? So I'm guessing it'll be out in February or March meaning the single should come out in November... Mathematically anyway. Can't release the single too far in advance. I'm sorry, but Born This Way single was released WAY too far in advance of the album in my opinion.

    I would think the BEST thing to do is make sure the lead single from ARTPOP comes out in and around the same time as Cher's lead single because it'll be like Gaga and Cher cross promoting each other. It's a win/win. But Cher's album is coming out in December which may be a bad choice, but I'm buying it regardless. It's too early for ARTPOP though.

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