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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. That was decent.

    I liked that it was a song instead of mindless noise this time, also their look was totally immaculate. Really a job well done there. The song also really features Sui's voice as strong in parts, but I think that he tries to do a soft voice that doesn't work. His heavy voice doesn't work for me either. But when he's just singing without trying anything weird he's totally awesome.

    I also think that Misery is overcompensating for Kisaki's brilliant shade last month.

  2. This one was easier than the Versailles vs. D question. Deathgaze. No doubt.

    While I enjoy Lynch and can agree that there is a certain level of similarity between the two bands, I just adore Ai's voice. His screams and his singing are so freaking PERFECT and POWERFUL that I just can't get enough. While Lynch... Doesn't give me the same rush.

  3. Is it weird that this is like choosing which of my arms I would enjoy ripping off?

    I chose Versailles, though, obviously.

    I can't explain it, but it seems to be an innate attraction to this band on several distinct levels.

    Hizaki has been my favorite guitarist for... Ever. His skill is unmatched, even by Ruiza and Hide-Zou whom I adore. He, in my honest opinion, had the best compositions of the band because they were big, emotional, and just excellent.

    In terms of bassists... I don't like Tsunehito. This sounds ridiculous because I never met him and have no basis on which to form an opinion on his personality, but I just... don't like him. Jasmine on the other hand I loved and I also enjoyed Masashi. I thought they were both funny and warm-hearted people. Not to mention, they're good bassists.

    As far as Teru verses Hide-Zou, I find them to be about the same in levels of talent and skill. Teru probably a bit more than Hide-Zou. Teru's compositions largely bored me after a while, but he's still slightly more remarkable than Hide-Zou.

    Then there's the singers... God, I just love them both, but Kamijo won in the end.

    The facts are that my favorite things in life are exactly what Versailles's and D's music encompass, but what it comes down to is that Versailles consistently impressed me while there are gaping holes in D's discography where I am just unimpressed...

    I think that's an adequate enough explanation.

  4. I've heard several people on Tumblr all speculating that it's pushed back and YG is too afraid of the fans to make it public. But like Jigsaw said, they shot the music video in Los Angeles. Bom and Minzy both changed their hairstyles. So a lot MORE people are speculating we'll get the album in the next few weeks.

    I have to agree mostly with greeeen though. When I Love You came out I was like okay, the cycle is beginning in the next few weeks and when they said it was pushed from June I was less angry, but We're now coming up to five months from the debut of I Love You and there's always an excuse to why they can't put it out. Like if you have the album done, just release it. Be honest with us and say "We don't have the album done yet because we're fucking around with it instead of just DOING it."

    But also keep in mind that when BoA's album came out back in July they announced it about 5 days before the actual release. Sooooo It could essentially come out as late as November 30th to still be considered a November release and we can find out probably as late as the 28th that it's coming out technically this month.

  5. I'll get the ball rolling real quick on this one.

    Unfortunately I haven't gotten the chance to really dive into this EP in the way I would normally with a D release. When I downloaded it I had one foot out the door so I quickly synced it to my iPad and played it through my boyfriend's car's speakers so I didn't get the full effect as if I were to listen to it alone.

    What I gathered from the first few tracks which is all I really LISTENED to is that Namonaki Mori no Yumegatari and Canis Lupus are two of the greatest songs in their catalog. Totally spectacular tracks... And the intro I wish was longer. It was a great mood setter, but has huge potential to be a great full length.

    Shirarezaru Kodomotcahi, Zou to Hito to Ari to..., and Like a Black Cat -Mujitsu no Tsumi- are all tracks I really need to listen to better. I remember feeling favorably towards them, but still need to get better acquainted.

    Then we have Sankaku wo Yane... and Haru no Utage which hit me really hard from just a brief listen in two totally opposite ways. I could not freaking STAND Sankaku, but totally ADORED Haru no Utage. Even my boyfriend liked Haru no Utage, said it reminded him of The Legend of Zelda, one of his favorite video games.

    So there you have it. Out of 5, definitely a 4.5 or higher. Really a magnificent piece.

  6. My problem with Rin albums/EPs/Releases in general is that I can never seem to pick out specific details that I like or don't like, but I remember if I like a song overall. What I'm happy to say about The Psalms and Lamentations is that there was not one single song that I truly did NOT like.

    My favorites though, without a fraction of a doubt, are Lunar Eclipse, Misery is Nothing, and Lovers. Lovers being my favorite. That one stuck out because it's just so pretty and sweet.

    I'd have to say overall this would be my favorite Rin release, but I need to listen to it more and get better acquainted with the songs on the EP.

  7. Gonna write a few brief reviews before bed if there are topics for the others I want to write about...

    As for Miyavi... I really loved the intro, I thought it was super cool and wish it were longer. I found the single with Kreva, Strong I believe, to be rather weak. (See what I did there?) But in all seriousness, I didn't like that one. However, Day 1 was absolutely amazing. First song that I've really truly LOVED from Miyavi since This Iz the Japanese Kabuki Rock era.

    The other songs I enjoyed on at least a basic level were Silent Anger and Ha Na Bi which is interesting because I couldn't make it through the whole Silent Anger video (it was just too much for me for some reason), but the song on it's own I really liked.

    I didn't care for Pleasure! at all, I thought it was a total mess. But the closer, Inori o with Miu Sakamoto... Total brilliance. I thought it was absolute magic from beginning to end and that they sound totally flawless together and hope they'll collaborate together again soon.

    From MYV's tweets, it sounds like he's already recording again. Perhaps the Samurai Sessions Vol. 2 will be out around May?

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