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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I'm only on track 5 right now, but I'm not totally impressed as of yet. I think the first few songs all had separately really good elements, but they couldn't decide on ONE they wanted the song to be and threw all these good parts together to kind of make a mess of a song. I would have to say Riddle is my favorite before listening to Ame to Yoru ni Ochite, which I'm loving so far. I think that for the first 4 songs they could have chosen like... To eliminate the jazzy riffs in Riddle... Maybe take the breakdown from ASSaulter and make the whole song to fit that breakdown which was awesome and it would've been a really good track. 


    Going to post the rest as I go:


    Dissemble seriously rocks. I think in terms of a non-ballad song, this takes the cake for me so far. Super fun, probably amazing to see live. 
    Errors is pretty cool, but coming off of the coolness that Dissemble was I am underwhelmed. It's definitely NOT a bad song though. 
    Great intro on Owaru Sekai... If they keep up this pace through the whole song it'll be decent. 
    What a... unique intro to Droid. It's REALLY funky. I mean funky is the only appropriate word to describe it. But fuck is it cool. I love this song. 

    404 is appropriately titled since my interest in this song is not found.

    I think the best way to describe I'm Not is a power ballad. It's a big song, definitely well done. I like this one a ton too. Probably more than Ame to...
    Deus ex Machina: the better of two singles.

    Blackout is kind of simple, and your usual Nightmare song, which I like so I'm gonna say this song is a win.

    Behind the Mask... Sort of brought the album out the way it came in with a messy disjointed song. 


    So, all in all I think it's a good album save for the couple of weak spots. I don't think it's their best work EVER, but it's better than most. I'd put it in the middle. Average.

  2. I would hope that YG would extend their contract. They would be insane not to, but you never know with him. He could have and should have got them in the studio to release their album last year... He would've made as much money from them as he did BIGBANG... But maybe he kept their album until first half of 2013 because he KNEW he'd make money from it and needed a stimulus in the first half. Who knows. All I know is when it does release, and they slay, he'll want to extend their contract.

  3. Some rumors that need to be addressed:

    First of all, I have heard that YG-Life is going to post some new teasers... Images? A video? Sound clips? I don't know, but some form of 2NE1 teasers on January 17th. It is now January 17th Korean time, but I just got home so I haven't been able to check it out yet. Figured I'd come here first and address the rumor.

    In any case, further rumors that I'd like to discuss and see if anyone here has any thoughts or knowledge about them:

    2NE1's USA debut has been scrapped, or rather, was never confirmed in the first place. It was mostly just will.i.am fucking around and making songs for them with no actual intent on releasing them in the states.

    2NE1's contract with YG will expire at the end of 2014, so they are looking to get their comeback album out before then (most probably being spring/summer of 2013) with a tour in the summer of 2013 before the band ultimately calls it quits at the end of 2014.

    Of course, there's no confirmation, but things that lead me to believe it's true:

    Dara and Bom are going to be about 30 in the coming years and K-Pop is weird about age.

    CL has been looking to make a solo debut, but YG doesn't think she's likable enough yet. This is why she's been seen at parties and events. To get her name out there solo, apart from 2NE1.

    YG is making so much money off of PSY and BIGBANG that he's let other artists slide, including 2NE1. He doesn't seem to care about artists that aren't PSY or BIGBANG so he may not renew contracts of any bands that didn't make him enough money. (Which, we all know 2NE1 would have if YG fucking RELEASED THEIR ALBUM IN 2012... I'm only a little bitter)

    So, any thoughts on these? Can anyone confirm or deny?

  4. Hmm, I see. Yeah here in America a lot of artists do Digital Releases, but that usually serves as a replacement for the physical single release. If there is a physical single release it usually comes out the same day. That's why this is weird to me, but I'm not complaining. I'll take new MYV whenever I can get it.

  5. I thought that, overall, it was a very good single. I haven't listened to it a lot, per se, but I have listened to Avalon itself a few times because it is quite the terrific song. I am rather fond of Kokyu, but DEIncubus kind of grates on me from the beginning... After the intro the song is very good.

    Looking forward to Die Kusse, hope it's as good as this one.... I'll give it... a .....


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