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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. Thanks, inartistic, that was quite informative. I thought at one point it was a full band but I guess now it really would be his solo project. I would be sad to see it stop after UCP does, but as long as Rin will still be active... It's okay. I just love Riku's voice and don't want him to go the way of Juka.

  2. I really liked Answer personally but maybe they didn't get such good reviews. But you know what good for them, realizing that breaks are a good thing and they don't need to go all the time. I'm lookin forward to what they can come up with for a comeback.

  3. I feel like Stand Up! is going to be a pop/rock anthem track which could be cool if done right and not too generically. Hallelujah has the potential to be a ballad, whereas I think Naraku is going to be heavier. I'm excited and cautiously optimistic. Looking forward to Naraku the most.

  4. I'm EXTREMELY curious about this.

    First of all, if UCP isn't closing until March and this release is in December... Then is this single going to be released through UCP? If it is, then I'm guessing the new songs will be a lot like Chariots's previous releases (of which I liked almost 100%).

    However, if it IS on UCP then what is the fate of Chariots after UCP ceases activities? Will Riku abandon that too? And if he does and Kisaki is no longer producing for Chariots anymore then will Riku have more free range to try and experiment with new styles?

    Personally... The Hikari Hai Yami single releases and the Ashu single did nothing for me. So I'm kind of hoping it's more like the Yuigadokuson-themed releases.

    Before I ramble too much though, I'm glad to see the project back whatever the circumstances. I could probably listen to Riku sing the phonebook.

  5. 12012 has switched from "FREE WILL/BACK COAT" to new label "HEAVEN SWITCH" at 2012/08/31


    I WANT ANOTHER mar maroon PLEASE!!!

    Another mar maroon!? Please god no! As bad as their self-titled. Another SEVEN or diamond please.

    I don't think Mar Maroon was bad at all. In my opinion, it was an album that was totally out of left field for them, like their self-titled one was, but Mar Maroon was much better because pop/rock is better for me than pseudo-death metal.

    BUT, I digress. As much as I like Mar Maroon, I would also prefer another Seven. That album was super cool.

  6. Honestly, I didn't read the whole topic. I'm just going to say my piece and see what people have to say about it:

    I am personally in to both, but I think K-Pop is a natural progression when you're into the Asian culture AND into dance/pop music. I know that in my life, having fun and going dancing is one of my favorite things to do so I like having nice beats and rhythms to dance to. I much prefer Japan to Korea on any day of the week, but J-Pop never captured me the way K-Pop did because I think there's better producers in Korea or something. Or Korean women are better singers than Japanese women. I don't know for certain, it has a je ne sais quoi that J-Pop just does not have.

    But I will say this: the boy bands in K-Pop are NOT my thing. They're gorgeous, yes, but overall their talent is extremely questional. SHINee has to be my favorite (oh and CNBlue is pretty awesome), but other than that... Every guy group fails me and I think it's because they make women's ovaries explode and it isn't about the actual dancing, fun-having, or music anymore. Whereas with the women groups (and BoA), they have lightyears more talent in terms of singing where there is, on average, less abhorrent use of autotune.

    And I mean come on. 2NE1 is just fucking cool.

    My love for VK is completely unrelated to my (extremely mild) K-Pop fascination.

  7. Dir en grey all the way. They have more albums with better material. the GazettE always has that potential for greatness (works cited: Ruthless Deed, 13 Stairs - 1, Chizuru, Cassis, Filth in the Beauty, Distress and Coma, Headache Man), but consistently lets me down on a more grand scale than they impress me.

    Every single Dir album has at least 5 tracks that are fucking fantastic.

  8. ^ From what I can tell, most bands use these symbols/themes because it's "exotic" or "cool" for them. Of course there are exceptions too (who are genuinely interested in christianity).

    Ever since I read about Kyo's complaints about God (to give it a soft name so to speak) I stopped lstening to Dir en grey. I mean one can agree or disagree, believe or not believe in God, but that doesn't give us the right to cross the line whether it be about christianity, buddhism and/or any other beliefs.

    So is it safe for someone so concerned about this topic to get this material by Lin?

    You have the right to express your honest opinion, you can't blame the artist for criticizing a god, making fun about one or whatever the case is.

    It is your fault if you happened to be offended, nobody forced you to listen to the song. Since he/she isn't going directly towards YOU, but just religion in general, there's nothing to be offended about.

    Fine if religion is to be respected, no problem, but so should the right to speak of your mind. And if your mind isn't on line with the whole god thing, then so be it.


  9. I pick Versailles because they're 100% more powerful than Lareine. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Lareine fan, but they don't get me excited nearly as much as Versailles does. Their music is if I want to chill out. Versailles is to get me pumped and excited and... let's face it, out of bed in the morning.

  10. Fucking awesome. I lol'd for real.

    I didn't check out the "band" with the "demo", but I sincerely do not doubt that people listened to it and thought it was good simply because it's VK.

    What people need to do is broaden their horizons and try and change their perspectives on artists as they grow. Art and music are never static. That's why when people started giving D'espairsRay shit I never understood why because it's not like Hizumi's voice is less good, it's not like Karyu forgot how to play the guitar it's just their sound changed a little... Try and grow with the artists you claim to be a fan of and if you're trying out new artists never strictly listen because you only listen to VK music. The genres one of my favorite because of the visuals, but let's face it. When listening to the music you don't necessarily see them. So the talent has to be there.

    Just some food for thought, but I totally applaud this trollfest!

  11. I have a couple of minutes before I head down to Philly so I figured I'd write a brief review to get the ball rolling.

    Personally I thought it was a good album, I mean not their best work, but definitely far from their worst. I did enjoy the concept of splitting up the more industrial rock (if that's what you'll call it. I'd even maybe say electro rock) from the ... somewhat ballad-esque songs.

    The SEs were pretty well done, for what they were, but I would say my favorite tracks are Kage Fumi, Yoin, Required Malfunction and Dripping Insanity with special mentions to Derangement and Kago no Sanagi which were both really good in their own way. Ibitsu, Attitude, and Gabriel on the Gallows were all also good in their own ways but need to grow on me through more listens.

    The autotune was much better placed on this album, but I think it might be trying to hide that Ruki's voice MAYBE is not as good as it used to be (just my humble musings).

    The aspect I enjoyed most of this album were there were no songs on the album that I said "Oh god no, this is terrible" to, but the part I liked the least is there were no songs that totally and completely blew me away in the way that Ruthless Deed, 13 Stairs -1, and Chizuru did from the last three albums.

  12. ^That would be fantastic if we had some variation. Don't get me wrong, I've loved just about every song this particular band has put out... Mostly because they've all had a degree of similarity to them. But as a musician, Kisaki is great and I know that if it is different style of music it won't be so different that it's bad and unlike him.

  13. I mean yeah, I totally get that, it makes the most sense; but I can't even believe he has the TIME for that ya know? Yoshiki is always tweeting about X recording for the new album and I honestly don't know what the hell Luna Sea is doing. (Touring then not, announcements that ALWAYS seem to be a tour and never any new material)

    I actually don't even listen to his solo project. I've tried a couple of times, but didn't like any of it.

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